Well Sup Forums?
Which one is better.
GTK+ vs QT
QT is objectively better.
GTK looks better.
Themes have nothing to do with it.
Both of them are bloated and a little over engineered, but GTK removes a feature every month and still manages to retain its bloat while Qt is more or less under the same development cycle as any other library. Also, Qt cross platform just werks, while GTK requires you to run another installer in Windows.
Between the two, Qt any day.
GTK blew a year's money on tumblr outreach programs.
That just not true, the reality is that applications that use Qt stick out like a sore thumb no matter what you do, even with exactly the same theme things look slightly different and then you have all the icons and little things that ignore themes and make Qt stuff look like a fucking Java application from the last decade. If you use a mostly GTK environment Qt apps look out of place and I'm sure if you use a mostly Qt environment GTK apps look like out of place.
Qt. A shame we're stuck in a gtk world.
GTK3 a shit
So Qt now.
But I still use based GTK2
Qt... It's often faster than native methods and looks native everywhere
>QT is objectively better.
god this thread is fucking triggering me. had to use one in a project and it ended up horribly. morals of the story: Qml is autistic, GTK is garbage compared to Qt, Rust is not production ready, Frege is not production ready
slightly better than electron but it's still awful performance wise
couldn't even fucking get it to link with my code Java build tools are autism
anyways, after all of that bullshit... WPF seems to be the best thing I've seen yet (and it doesn't earn much better than "decent")
I heard that Qt can work from the framebuffer. Is this true?
I've only found that qt to be buggy as fuck. On the other hand I've found it to be faster than GTK
>GTK blew a year's money on tumblr outreach programs.
Qt is based on C++ and can therefore use it typesafety and operator overloading features, Gtk+ is based on C with it few abstraction features.
Oh shit I had forgotted about it. Fuck gtk
qt is qt xDDDDDDDDDd
Seriously, I dare GTK fuccbois to develop a non-trivial application with complex layout, custom widgets and an amalgamation of the new and old containers in GTK. Pretty sure, it is what drags GIMP down.
>Frege (a JVM Hasklel) is not production ready
>a Hasklel anything
>not production ready
gee, I could have told you so
I agree with this but I can live with default Qt if it is to have better programs.
Tk masterrace, don't forget gtk and qt is harmful software
I think you meant ncurses.
wtf i hate gtk now
Qt is superior. The only reason gtk got so big was because of how qt was originally licensed. These days qt is easier to work with and the qt devs are less walled off from the rest of the open source world than gtk devs
Doesn't the Qt license prevent the selling of programs made with it, and forces you to buy the license?
I think you meant putchar()
I'm not the guy to ask about that. Everything I read these days is that qt is usually the better choice these days and that it had to overcome a negative stigma because of how it used to be licensed.
I don't write software for other people, just small stuff for myself, so I don't know licensing specifics
Cocoa :^))
>not being a master race
plebs, plebs everywhere
I would be more convinced if it didn't rely on GTK.
>that photo
thanks bro, I was looking for it.
>the design tools are shit
>it has compatibility problems because it uses native widgets
i actually worked with wxwidgets
There's no reason to use GTK.
Use Qt if you like C++, QML or Python and wxWidgets if you don't.
Makes sense though, creating custom widgets and layouting must be a pain in the ass.
gtk is libgnome. Things disappear from the toolkit or never appear in it because they don't fit the design goals of a garbage DE.
qt is enterprise quality and triggers package-counting autists
But gtk has GNU somewhere in its acronym (gnu's not unix image manipulation program toolkit) so of course it and the GNU's Not Unix Object Model Environment have to be default, because this is linux, i mean, GNU/Linux, we suck stallman's cock here.
>Using the word 'objectively' in your subjective opinion/argument ever
Sadly, QT is better.
>file picker thumbnails