i3wm thread
I3wm thread
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What happened to your pixels, user?
my laptop is running my updated i3 config, because I haven't been using linux much on my main pc due to windows only games :(
Wallpaper please
i tried this and got the wallpaper in like 2 clicks. what's your excuse?
>mac OSX
yeah, and still smart enough to reverse image search it.
I'm not him tho
Your bar config rocks would you mind sharing it? (that's i3bar right?)
Actually, it's conky.
Config: ptpb.pw
I just googled "low poly wallpaper"
What's the point of using floating windows on i3?
If you've only got one thing open and don't want it to fill the whole screen?
It was floating so you can see the wallpaper while i took the screenshot, i actually had to look up the keybind because i forgot it
Well I'm using it when I'm programming and need to have a pdf opened in a corner
pic related is a bad example but still shows you what I mean
what did you use for the music on the bar? I've just been using a shitty shell script I hacked together
A script I made, does the job
print_bar() {
# percent | 100
# x | max_width
percent=$(mpc | awk '/(playing|paused)/ { print $4 }' | sed 's/(//;s/)//;s/%//')
width=$(($(($max_width * $percent)) / $y))
echo -n "┣"
for (( i=1; i
Install Gentoo
posying my i3
It looks incredible, thanks senpai
Fug I just noticed that the bullet that's marking the position in the track isn't in the script fucking Sup Forums
it's the echo between the two echo -n "━"
that looks clean as fuck!
thanks senpai