>start new job as dev
>2 small mobile projects
>1 goes to me, other goes to a chick of my team
>literally 3 screens
>literally 3 POST calls
>chicks get smaller project
>literally 2 screens
>literally 1 POST call
>be done with my project in 2 days including design, UX/UI, with a working final app on both Android and iOS devices
>didn't use any framework because no need
>chick is now 2 months into the project
>not done yet
>check her code
>all of the JS frameworks in existence
>bootstrap, angular, jquery, ionic, webpack and so other shit
>tfw I see her googling for a framework to submit a form
>tfw everytime she doesn't know how to code something, see googles a framework
>tfw her app size is 4 times mine
>tfw my manager has been toying me for almost 2 months to make me lose time
>tfw my manager has been trying to have me break down shit and rebuild them just so she doesn't look too bad
I'm about to quit. You can't do good work anymore. It's just like life! It's all about some chick.
I'm done with this faggotry.
Start new job as dev
Are you literally this beta that you can't reasonably explain the situation?
>explain the situation?
what? to who? my manager??
you are supposed to change wokplaces until you find somewhere you like to be
Yeah, or the manager's boss. You have all the proof you need to convince them, what are you waiting for?
My manager is the CTO dude. Convince him to what? He's the one covering her ass!
Hiss boss. Go to the CEO or sth.
Well better start looking for a new job buddy.
Either that or you explain the situation to the CTO, and explicitly tell him he's making you lose time.
Hahahaha you think I can chime in the president's office and take a dump on the girl and my manager and get a reward out of it?
>I've never worked in a real company - the post
I love when people call themselves CTO and CEO in their 10 man company.
Yep been sending out resumes this am...
this is a 120 people company
Be a pussy and keep complaining then.
I'm sure the "president" doesn't enjoy having a girl on payroll doing nothing for 2 months.
You are one dumb kid, kid
>new guy VS established CTO
just STFU
I don't see anything wrong. Just shitpost on 4chin all day and pretend you're working.
wait what are you currently doing now that your project is complete?
it's funny cause someone told me something similar the other day and I wanted to beat his ass. He said:
>why do you care, you're paid
This is why nothing is ever great anymore
The actual solution here is when you are about to leave and quit - let someone higher than CTO know what the fuck is going on just so the girl (or her fuckm8 cto) will eventually get into shit.
In the end, you win anyways.
is she hot
as I said, the manager is trying to "find" me stuff to do by basically "changing" the app then "revert" to what it was before.
Have you considered helping her out and explaining your code to her so she understands how to write this shit?
It's like you've never worked with incompetent coworkers before. Don't you think your manager would have fired her already if it were that easy? Think of his position. He has two employees: someone who can do the work, and someone who can't. He has shit he needs to delegate to get done. Whatever else happens, he needs to make sure that shit gets done.
So either he gets the competent employee to do ALL the work, or he gets the competent employee to show the incompetent employee how to actually do the job. He's apparently too autistic to explain this to you, or you're too autistic to pick up on the obvious hints about the politics of the situation.
Either way, your job is at risk. If your manager can't get his delegated shit done, his whole team could be axed as unproductive. Chances are, your manager's manager has no idea who you are, or who your incompetent coworker is.
In most corporate cultures, shitty employees aren't easy to shitcan; they just tend to gravitate to managers that don't know how to get rid of them, and then once one team has enough incompetents on it, it can't justify its own existence, and the whole team/department/etc. gets the axe. In a (comparatively) good corporate culture, the one or two competent people that were keeping that team afloat by doing most of the work will be transferred to another team before the axe falls; in a shitty corporate culture, they won't.
Not really but they are both born Chinese
ask him for a raise, no joke
>Have you considered helping her out and explaining your code to her so she understands how to write this shit?
Yes but she had no interest on learning, she wanted "an easy framework with a lot of example so she can copy paste"
>It's like you've never worked with incompetent coworkers before.
Not to this level, indeed.
>Don't you think your manager would have fired her already if it were that easy? Think of his position. He has two employees: someone who can do the work, and someone who can't. He has shit he needs to delegate to get done. Whatever else happens, he needs to make sure that shit gets done.
see >Chances are, your manager's manager has no idea who you are, or who your incompetent coworker is.
Well yea we are supposed to re-elavuate after 3 months, which is coming up quick. I'm going to assassinate them with a crazy number
I guess I can say goodbye to that reference and since I don't have a lot, this is a problem......
>i do not feel my skills are being used effectively, can you put me on another project to prove myself?
>Buy ski mask
>Buy knife
>Follow the girl one night
>Rape her
>While you're raping her call her a stupid fucking whore
>Girl quits work
Problem solved. Women are weak-minded and will quit work at the slightest provocation
>i do not feel my skills are being used effectively, can you put me on another project to prove myself?
Exactly what I said. He asked me to help another "full chinese team". I open their code, all of the framework in existence over some badly coded java. Started to fix their shit, some chinese guy locked me. I bet he feels I would expose them too much.... Why are Chinese coders so bad??
...or he fires the incompetent and hires somebody else? jesus
Dude, you're writing shitty mobile apps, not working on the cure for cancer. Get your head out of your ass.
>some chinese guy locked me
literally what
sorry typed too fast
>some chinese guy locked me out of the project (removed perms)
You're definitely underageb&
ad hominem for no reason, KYS kiddo
>hey why did you change my permissions?
So? Are the paychecks still clearing?
If there's no money issue sit back and shitpost.
>oh we fixing something we put back soon we put back soon
or some other chinese trickery
Don't fall for what the faggots made into the 'rock star' meme. You wind up overworked and embittered. I worked at a 30 person startup with both a tangible product (analytical chemistry tool) and some Web 3.0 nonsense to go along with it as an uncomfortable consequence of my prototyping a means of displaying analysis data on a tablet the CEO wanted to mount on the unit. You grow resentful of people who don't move at your pace (which needn't even be good, just faster than average), and grow ever more disdainful of management for being idiotic. One buddy of mine there tried to help from the managerial end and couldn't do shit because the visionaries above him got in the way of tangible requests. If you're doing well there will also be, depending on company size, conflicts between mid-level management for your time and you will wind up in an even worse limbo where doing anything gets you reprimanded anyway.
>looks guis, it's Latin that means I`m smart
This is a special kind of autism
Yea I get that but I don't think the money is that good. Also I get that people want to get paid and shitpost but I actually want to work and do cool projects........................................
>Tfw two intelligent to work with woman
I feel you feel my feel. Thank for the post.
>but I actually want to work and do cool projects.
Then do your own thing, just don't use company resources and don't let anyone know what you're working on.
>just don't use company resources
Hey user, why do you bring that computer and work on it, what's wrong with the company assets?
I went to semiconductor R&D and a good chunk of these problems go away. Management will always be management but because the barrier to entry just to start is reasonably high, you get a lot of idiots out of the way. I probably work more hours now but at least I know that I'm not at the mercy of people at my same rung in the company or marginally higher. Also, coding becomes less annoying when the expectation for, say, interfacing equipment is that it is fast and trim, not some bullshit, UX-rich nonsense. I do miss submitting prototypes in godawful color schemes and comic sans fonts because I was much faster than the guy doing graphic design and could see the cringe from Mr. Macintosh (my boss) about it.
>Don't you think your manager would have fired her already if it were that easy?
If you don't want to deal with women go blue collar. There's nothing you can do to correct the white collar world at this point. Your boss is kissing her ass not only because she's a woman, but because she will probably sue if fired. She spends her free time reading about gender inequality, she bitches to her friends about how hard she's working while you dick around all day, she spreads rumors and gossips about you. And if you release your power level it's simply a racist sexist xenophobic fucking white male whining about his privilege.
Honestly, if this is what dev has come down to, I just might. I can't take it anymore that we all pretend women can output the same quality of work at the same speed as we men do.
>Do work
>Get paid
You really give a shit who does what?
If you're going to renegotiate pay in 3 months then fucking tell him to sack 3/4 of the fucking staff, give you a decent payrise and take over whatever it is those fucking retards are trying to slap together.
If you've EVER worked in a group before you'd know that there is a dynamic that turns that notion into a farce.
yup that's probably what is gonna go down, all the while I know it won't work out haha
Work on a personal project to use on your resume
You sound like you generally seek employment for entertainment.
>Have you considered helping her out and explaining your code to her so she understands how to write this shit?
That's probably part of the reason why she is the way she is – white knight wankers falling over themselves to help the poor little woman. She gets the credit, learns nothing, and the next time she's in trouble another sucker will be there to "help".
>start finding a second job that you can apply for if you get fired.
>once you have that, collect proof
>sitdown with your manager/guy who is covering new girl's ass or preferrably somebody ranked higher than that manager.
>be friendly, yet firm. Convince them that the girl's coding isn't up to snuff, and offer that you instead put some time aside to train her either during or after company hours.
>If they act all offended and create a HR nightmare, you can just quit and join new job
>If they accept your offer for training, ask for more compensation. If they refuse, quit and join new job.
>If they act like it's not a big deal and you don't get into shit for voicing your opinion, but get ignored, quit and join new job.
there. solved your problem.
You could just show her what she's doing wrong. Not to whiteknight or anything, but if she's actually trying and just doesn't know you could alwqys talk to her about it over lunch or some shit.
If she's stuck up about it though then yeah fuck her.
That's also why a fuckton of people stay poor.
Plenty of gibsmedats, easy ways to game the system and make side cash with illicit activities.
Not to say we shouldn't have welfare, but some countries give way too much.