daily reminder that Tim Cook is the worst thing that could have happened to Jobs's Apple
Daily reminder that Tim Cook is the worst thing that could have happened to Jobs's Apple
Other urls found in this thread:
>Apple under Jobs
>Let's do everything and try and do it well that way when people are looking to buy any product, they can safely buy Apple electronics
>Apple under Cook
>I love dongles therefore the entire world must love dongles
>implying apple was ever good
This is depressing. There has never been a company more like "lets fuck everything we've done for decades up in one year".
Good. They always fucking sucked and worse yet they require a utility to configure and not a straightforward web UI.
This sucks, the Airport Extreme is an insanely good AC router.
Nearly all web UI based routers sucked though.
I work on a web dev company, and recently they ordered new machines for the designers time. All changing OS X for Windows.
Apple completely forgot about the creative professionals, they had DECADES of monopoly on designers, architects and musicians and they let that go.
One day the iphone hipster will leave and Apple will see itself in big trouble.
Things are going from the worst to worse. It's astounding.
100% no. Even the ones that do suck at the very least do not require software to configure them. I can configure and make changes to my fucking router through my god damn phone, laptop and desktop. I don't have to install some configuration utility to do it.
Apple used to actually make good stuff. Expensive, sure, even overpriced, but good. Now look at them:
>no connector ports
>$300 book, $200 for the smaller one
>typical dongle setup looks like integrated circuit design
This is what severe mental illness does to a company.
What's worse is instead of sending a message to Execs to change up their ways and prevent shit from dying, Apple fans are acting as if they're blind & deaf and continuing to support them completely.
They're whining about the new macbooks while spending $3000 on it.
I'm starting to buy into the "Jobs picked cook because he knew he'd destroy apple" theory
More like he was just the least worst option. There are plenty of fucking buffoons over @ Apple.
>>$300 book, $200 for the smaller one
>Apple fans are acting as if they're blind & deaf and continuing to support them completely.
Not really. At least not the ones who aren't just consumers. At this point I'm never buying another Apple product again.
>hey guys let's make a laprop with a dual-core processor, no F-keys, no GPU, no ports and only 8 GB of RAM direclty soldered to the board (16 if you put up extra cash), I'm pretty sure that power users and professional creators are gon a love it!
That's not true, have you seen Apple forums lately? Everyone's bitching and complaining. Only the most hardcore fans are pretending everything's fine.
>They're whining about the new macbooks while spending $3000 on it.
Not only that. The macbook pro with the least features and comparatively worst technology is also their best selling ever. People doubled down and cashed out even more money on it than ever before. Even though they complain about it and say it's unsuitable for professional work. They still buy it in droves much more than more functional previous versions.
Apple users like to be treated like idiots and they like to have features taken away from them. Next time there will be just ONE port and you need to buy a separate dongle to even charge the computer. No devices fit the slot except dongles.
>decades of monopoly on ... musicians
Fl studio tho
Windows only
Everyone is complaining, but they are still buying the stuff in droves like never before.
it wasn't good, but it was less bad
Good fucking riddance.
Hey now I'm sure those employees have been moved over to an equally important division, something involving sensors in plastic watch bands or some shit.
and yet my fourth gen airport extreme still works great after years of use and even gets firmware updates, for now...
For sure, but as that another user stated they're still buying the products.
People are like "yeah I just bought the 128gb iphone 7 jet black and man I hate this this and this but I love apple!"
It's like jesus christ, you guys can still enjoy a general company while not buying shit products they release.
Were you dropped on your head as a baby or something?
>What's worse is instead of sending a message to Execs to change up their ways and prevent shit from dying, Apple fans are acting as if they're blind & deaf and continuing to support them completely.
>They're whining about the new macbooks while spending $3000 on it.
Doesn't affect me. Apple exist to make money, not please autists who want a specific version of Apple. I don't buy, and have never bought, any Apple products.
It's easy to use other operating systems for what are are good for. It's trivial to switch between OS or use damn near any piece of hardware made since Y2K. Everything about computers is easy. If it's not easy for you, learn more and suck less. You live in a fucking waterfall of fast, powerful PC options. If Apple bothers you, ignore it because you should not give a shit unless you are weak enough to get your identity from consumer electronics. If you bought one of their devices and it bothers you, sell it then buy something different.
There are no problems and many solutions. This is supposedly a technology board. Tech you don't own or use or get paid to work on does not fucking concern you. Go throw a fuck into your gf or something instead.
those books are always insanely expensive.
>those books are always insanely expensive.
How does that justify anything?
You seem highly upset over something that supposedly doesn't affect you 2bh
>routers killed
Is Bonjour dead too?
weren't they just access points?
either way why would anyone buy an apple AP/router when there are actual networking products made by actual networking companies
hope so
How will I assign names to dynamic IP devices on my network then?
highly doubt it, iTunes on Windows relies on it for a couple of things
Steve Jobs hand-picked Tim Cook as his successor. Don't forget that. Apple is operating exactly as Jobs wanted. None of you know anything about the inner workings of this company. You've all pretended to for many years and each year it doesn't get any less cringey.
I'm not. I'm expressing why IMO no one should be upset. Over a cumputer? Niggas pleeze.
you don't, use static addresses
I have like 30 devices on my network, literally everything has a static IP address, even my phone. I don't see the point of not doing it
takes like 30 sec per device
with apple going to shit there's no well designed platform left
apple a shit
windows a shit
linux a shit
it's mind-boggling to me how something so central to our lives has such crap design
I can change settings through my phone, laptop and desktop for AirPorts too. MacOS even can open/close ports on AirPort networks automatically, when you open software, without restarting your router.
It's got a Swift implementation (unlike say, some iTunes related stuff)
But people aren't just vaguely upset about computers though. So I don't even know why you went on a useless rant.
That doesn't make any sense, you know that right?
Jobs picked who he did, for what he thought that candidate was capable of. He can't predict the future, he has no idea where the company would go without him.
For all we know, yes Apple is running exactly the way he wanted - or it could be running in the exact opposite direction because Cook also changed (as is pretty common). We just don't know. :)
Steve Jobs and Tim Cook knew each other for 19 years in a very close-knit working environment and as personal close friends. I assure you, Jobs knew Cook very well you dumbfuck armchair expert.
I don't know what architects generally use for software but if it's the same CAD suites as engineers there was never much OS X support. The only one I know of that exists in NX and it's gimped on both Linux and OS X.
>remove all the ports
>discontinue wireless department
>Steve Jobs hand-picked Tim Cook as his successor.
Only the press release claims this
Bonjour is just mDNS
You have no experience with people, do you?
this really disbands my engineer
Apple realized they can't have a "proprietary frequency" on which only Apple devices can connect, and scrapped the idea of Apple Access Points, which would be followed by their devices being able to ONLY connect on their frequency, making them incompatible with standard 2.4GHz Wi-Fi.
>Steve Jobs knowing for many months he's dying just let the board of directors pick a CEO after he dies
Ok retard.
>Introducing: The Macintosh
Last time Apple was good
it's not a popular opinion on Sup Forums but macbooks were miles ahead of ibm thinkpads once upon a time
that's not even an opinion really, it's a fact
>it's not a popular opinion on Sup Forums but macbooks were miles ahead of ibm thinkpads once upon a time
They still are, modern ThinkPads are shit
>t. mactoddler
How's superfish treating you?
I wouldn't know. I don't buy consumer line trash.
Apple was never good.
>I love dongles therefore the entire world must love dongles
he sure does love dongles
Steve Jobs' Apple
>Sleek without compromising performance
>Visionary features
>Perfected styling
>One device can do everything (MBP can be as much of a home computer than a professional workstation, iPad can be as much of a tablet as home computer (let's face it, it's better than a netbook), iPhone can be as much of a phone as a pocket size computer, camera, music player, list goes on)
>Interface so refined competitors can't even come close
>Refines ideas originally invented by others to a level that cannot be matched
Tim Cook's apple
>Steve liked sleek design, LETS MAKE EVERYTHING SLEEK
>I know our products can do many things at once, but that's boring, LETS MAKE A SEPARATE DEVICE FOR EVERYTHING
>oh and make sure no matter what they use different ports
>No vision, no ideas, no ruthlessness to steal from others
Apple is fucking dead. While their white developers have done a good job with the OS, unlike the Indians who are busy ruining Windows, their hardware is getting progressively shittier.
They are ruining OS X, too. I'm still on 10.9.
>a technology company's vision was entirely dependent on a drugged up lunatic hippie with no formal technical education
Are Apple engineers fucking pathetic?
What do you want them to do?
To be fair, the consumer electronics market is at a bit of a stand-still. Manufacturers still haven't figured out what the next big device will be. It's either that, or they're still in the R&D phase.
Mark my fucking words: wristphones
Lenovo won.
Go away Tim
A lunatic hippie that knew how to sell a product and attract talent, let's be clear here
It was original back then when computers were unaccessible for casuals, but nowadays that Windows is the most popular desktop 100% fit for normies, Apple only exists to grab money with the iPhone.
Don't change what isn't broken?
Stop blowing billions in R&D pursuing microinnovations?
You think the engineers control product lines?
>but nowadays that Windows is the most popular desktop
Pajeet detected.
Not always, Sonys last design book was more pages and cost $50
Loonix delusion in its purest form
No career musician past bar band level uses FL Studio.
>Remove all the ports from your products
>Stop selling wireless options
Truly a dongle company now
He's literally Apple's Ballmer.
>literally built an ipad dildo to commemorate his gay life partner steve "blow" jobs
I guess this is what it felt like while witnessing Apple destroying itself when Jobs got fired, except this time it's 10x bigger.
Steve Jobs' Apple
>absolute disregard for advice from senior engineers
>a phone released which dropped calls if you held it in your left hand
>an obsession with skueomorphism
>Steve's obsession to lock everyone into the ecosystem has to be reeled back by all the executives (took a long time to convince him to NOT lock the iPod to MacOS only)
>Jobs generally lashing out and being stern
Tim Cook's Apple
>immediately increases paid leave for retail employees
>creates more general customer experience improvements in terms of aftermarket care
>carries on with Apple's vision without batshit insane Jobs insisting on retarded ideas
>people dislike him because he's helping push the wireless future and USB-C future faster
You're all fucking retards. I've never seen this much Jobs praise on this board. The reason being is that you're all contrarian edgelords, you'll always look for something to hate Apple with even if it contradicts your previous statements.
>quad core on a laptop
>This is euphoric.
Fixed. Fuck Apple. This is the best thing to happen to the tech industry in 2 decades.
>delusional hippie managed to make the most valuable brand in the world with the biggest cult following
>delusional hippie managed to create a $300bn company at the time of death which just 5 years later is almost double that
>delusional hippie made the most desirable and inspirational company the world has ever seen
He's so dumb because he didn't take Electrical Engineering for 3 years at university right guys xD
The 15" MBPs have always had quad-core. Holy shit, how can people who hate something so much know so little of the absolute bare basics about the fucking product they despise? How?
>t. mactoddler
I'm a Macfag and even I'm not a homosexual enough to use Apple routers. Who the fuck cares?
Probably because they're throttling overheating pieces of shit that can't even handle Youtube, so people naturally assume it's dual core since single core no longer exists.
>I'm a Macfag
>I'm not a homosexual
Hi pajeet, post that webm of the Air's hinge please.
>apple will die in your lifetime because even normies realize that they enjoy having a headphone jack
Face it, if iPhone dies apple dies
>Holy shit, how can people who hate something so much know so little of the absolute bare basics about the fucking product they despise? How?
Because Sup Forums is full of teenagers who have an extremely strong desire to fit in. The most apparent and easiest way to fit in is to blindly hate anything Apple. Same thing with people who hate anything other than Windows.
It supposed to read "I'm not homosexual enough".
>Apple will die in your lifetime