Is there hope for Firefox after all?

Stable and developer are still laggy as shit, but Nightly seems just as fast as Chrome. Literally no UI lag at all in Nightly. They must be doing something right.

Other urls found in this thread:

is cyberfox a meme browser?

If you've heard on it on Sup Forums and nowhere else, yes

>tfw part of the master race

How do I get Youtube to still using flash?


Uninstall it. Literally why would you even have it installed in 2016?

>install nightly x64
>just as fast as regular x64 Firefox
>Has a search engine bar thing when you type in address bar
>has some business shit in the context menu that I'm definitely not going to use
>uninstall and reinstall firefox

Clean profile and no extensions?

On my i3-6100 machine Nightly is just as fast as Firefox.
On my A8-5500B machine Nightly is unusable, Firefox is ok.

Aside from drivers, they are identical at the operating system level.

Same profile I used for stable

The webms don't work properly. Youtube gives the mobile site.

you pic is the reason why black people should go extinct.


How often should I clear my firefox profile and make a new one?

Whenever you notice it slowing down.

Alright thanks.

I was going to complain, but you might be right user. I managed to open a WIkia page without Firefox choking out my memelake 6700k.

Whatever they did is damn impressive. Did any of the Quantum stuff land yet? (Like WebRender perhaps?)

I just switched to it today and it seems you are right. It's miles ahead of the main Firefox release right now in responsiveness.

Mozilla has a new blog that updates every week-ish that posts notable changes.

I went with the dev edition because I wanted fresh install and thought nightly would take all the junk from my stable profile. is it really faster then dev edition? If I uninstall FF stable and install nightly will it take my profile from dev edition?

>Did any of the Quantum stuff land yet?
Quantum Compositor landed like a week or two ago. Basically splitting off the graphical backend from the main process so drivers and stuff wont crash firefox.

get brave browser instead its the new fire fox

>tfw 4chanX fucks with Multi process cause every time i click on threads on the catalogue it won't start a new process for the new tab but it works perfectly if i visit any other website on a new tab

I think so. Firefox doesn't use as much RAM as chrome so a lot of people still using computers with 1-2 GB of RAM still use it.

However this means performance is fucking dogshit.

So I guess firefox will still be relevant as long as people with only 1-2GB of RAM on their computer still exist (2-4 years). After that mozilla corporation will have to file for bankruptcy.

Considering that version 52 completely fucks up font rendering for no reason, no.

I tried Palemoon, Waterfox, Icecat, Nightly, Brave and Opera. Still went back to the botnet (Chrome) because honestly they can't compare.

>mozilla corporation


Mozilla is nonprofit, you flaming fucktard.


Maybe since Trump got in they've realised shoving fad social justice politics down everyone's throats isn't productive

99% of porn are already using HTML5 V/A

Trump is a fad.

Is nightly worth using? Also, do I have to manually download it every day or will it update itself?


On windows it has an updater. On linux I'm not sure.

Is it possible for me to send statistics about my Nightly Firefox install to Mozilla without actually sending my personal information? I want to help them even if only a little bit but I don't want some fucker to know what I jack off to. >Mozilla Foundation is a non-profit organization that exists to support and collectively lead the open source Mozilla project.

>literally just as laggy as firefox
>updates literally every time you close/reopen
I'm come to the conclusion Mozilla doesn't know how to integrate extensions without sacrificing a heap of functionality/speed. Pale Moon is the best of the bunch, for sure.

You do realize mozilla corporation has been making profit from the sjw browser for a while now right?

Mozilla Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mozilla Foundation. Whatever Mozilla Corp makes Mozilla Foundation invests into the overall organization.

Pale moon or nightly? Go!

>Mozilla Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mozilla Foundation. Whatever Mozilla Corp makes Mozilla Foundation invests into the overall organization.
But now the browser itself has become for-profit you retard.

The sjw browser is a huge scam now because despite it making profit for mozilla corporation, it's still a laggy, constantly freezing/crashing turd 100X slower than Chrome.

>I'm come to the conclusion
>I am come to the conclusion

I wouldn't trust a retard that can't write English.

A lot of great extensions are still not multiprocess compatible.

To make FF great again extension devs have to step their games up too.

Ha, you got me, pal! Haha. Good show.

Pale moon is decent, but without e10s it's horridly slow.
Nightly, on the other hand, I've found to be on par with chromium or even faster in some cases.

Being a non-profit just means the excess money you make has to be invested back into the company or spent to further your goals.

Just wait until Mozilla starts incorporating parts of Servo into Firefox. Stylo (CSS rendering) should bring some rather hefty improvements in performance when it lands, Mozilla is expecting it to land sometime in 2017 I think.

>4chanX keeps fucking with multi process if i enable the "Open Threads in New Tab" option
reeeee fix this shit already, i'm tired of right clicking to open in new tab

Middle click a link to open it in a new tab.

Nightly updates every night hence the name. If you want something newer but not that new you should use Dev Edition/Aurora

Is Firefox Aurora on Android any good?

every month or two someone makes a thread saying "wow, nightly is now as fast as chrome" and it's always been false.

is it true now?

No, and it currently had fucked up swf rendering.

just don't use sites that have flash. don't support idiotic products. maybe even email them to make them aware.

Just tried it out and it's much slower than yubrowser.

I used firefox since 2005-6

I recently switched to Vivaldi with no regrets, everything is smoother, videos and scrolling for example.

The only thing firefox has over it is total customization control, but I made it look good enough anyhow.

Also Mozilla are the biggest SJW cucks on the planet.

>switched to Vivaldi

>Is there hope for Firefox after


just tried nightly reset it etc it seems slow and jittery compared

Nothing about it is worse than sjwfox so far.

It's updates itself on every platform.

And the profit will land in foundation so they can't piling up money.

In my experience e10s do absolutely nothing.
Pale Moon is just as fast as Chrome for me.

Pretty much. The foundation takes all the money the corporation makes and reinvests it back into the overall thing. I think the corporation is not allowed to use the money anywhere else.

The Foundation used to do ALL of that stuff but the IRS didn't like it so Mozilla broke off that part into its own entity that they still own.

The only problems I have with palemoon is that some of my extensions aren't compatible and pale moon looks pretty fucking ugly.

>64 bit.
>Windows 10.

>HTTPS everywhere

>webms and Youtube videos wont play


It is a nightly...
try HTML 5 Video Everywhere.

So I'm giving nightly a try on gahnoo leenuksz, it's okay. I can't really tell the difference between that and regular Firefox, in performance terms. Which was my main reason for trying it. No crashes or other hijinks so far... yet?



I prefer the dev edition.
Every time I update Nightly, something stops working and I have to wait for updates like a retard.

Mate, if you let politics ruin software for you then you'll find little enjoyment in it. They don't care that you're boycotting it because you disagree with their (admittedly retarded) political ideals.

I initially wrote Rust off as garbage based solely on its related SJW bullshit, but then I changed my mind and ignored all that. I'm glad I did.

Rust is still a useless clusterfuck memeguage, but it was a learning experience nonetheless.

Nico Nico, what a prick.

There are many alternatives to cuckfox, seeing as it performs much worse than other browsers at this point

there's no reason to have it anymore

Oh yeah I'm not debating that, I just wanted to help that user find enjoyment in technology / life. He (she, it, etc.) seemed sad.

>There are many alternatives to cuckfox,
name 2

Internet Explorer 1998

name three more

>chinese botnet
>classic botnet
>placebo botnet
>made for cucks
>le i'm so angry

I would install 1000 botnets and buy another computer just to put botnets on it over using cuck sjw fox

>behaves like a literal cuck
>uses it as an insult for people who actually care about not getting fucked in the ass

>doesn't take extra network resources
>doesn't take extra ram
>doesn't take extra cpu usage
>doesn't take extra gpu usage

nice botnet

The dev console in Nightly is unusably slow and unfinished.

But that's completely wrong

t. posted from my Android/iPhone.

t. cuck

New engine is one the way

I use 50, how do i update it?

dat face

You keep telling yourself that.


Chrome is still better for old laptops with 1-2gb of RAM. Just don't have a fuckload of tabs open at once.

It's pretty easy to make it look nice.
I got an older version of FT deep dark, hide caption title bar plus and tree style tabs and now it looks pretty nice.
No complaints here.

Can you post a screenshot of how it looks please?

Oh, Palemoon 27 is up.

does it have e10s?

>Is there hope for Firefox after all?