Are you ready for The Great Uncucking?
Are you ready for The Great Uncucking?
You mean like the last 20 "uncuckings"?
>not exceeding performance
No-one expects AMD to come up with a CPU that has better IPC than a company with like 100x the R&D budget these days. However, to nearly match IPC and offer twice as many cores for the same price would be epic and that would indeed be "exceeding performance" (at least in heavily threaded applications).
However, I'll believe it when I see it.
>simultaneous multithreading on all cpus
>4 cores at entry level
>probably less than half the price of all equivalent intel cpus
Let's go guys let's all overhype amd it's not like it's has ever been bad right?
Wait and see. Just wait and see.
Holding off till it gets released
From the looks of it there will be 8 slow cores again. They will just be faster slower cores.
For most games and applications the 6700k will trump with its 4k fast cores
Everything AMD has stated about Zen is a solid improvement, unless AMD is straight up lying about what they've added/improved on the thing can't be slower than Carrizo and Carrizo is definitely fast perf/watt it's just clocked low. If Zen is faster than Carrizo and it scales up then Zen should be a rather large improvement overall.
they did that last time, 8350 did have about as much power as 1st generation i5 but devided across 8 cores, to this day there are hardly any uses for that kind of power in every day casual computing
That just means this is bull-fucking-shit
but fuck it! lets keep building up that hype!
If you're not playing games, the AMD octacores are going to sweep the market if they are indeed priced at $300 with the Intel hexacores priced at ~$400 and requiring the expensive 2011 platform.
Not entirely sure about that
intel had better multithreading with LESSER cores because they were faster cores
>Hassan Mujtaba
Prepare for a massive disappointment.
It's AMD we're talking about here.
$500 for a binned chip is going to break poorfags heart. I don't see the big deal. They are comparing a 8 core to a 6 core intel. Why just not buy a 5820k?
I'm pretty sure that AMD's 'gamer' tier CPUs are the best marketing strategy that Noctua has come up with this far.
if AMD shills say it matches haswell then expect it to be 10-20% slower than the hyped performance. sandy bridge equivalent 8 cores for ~$300 even though you can buy sandy bridge 6 cores (3960x) for like $150 these days.
you better not fail us jim
It will almost certainly match Haswell in terms of IPC. The question is if it will clock high enough.
>though you can buy sandy bridge 6 cores (3960x) for like $150 these days.
Not everyone is comfortable buying used tech on eBay user.
>It will almost certainly match Haswell in terms of IPC.
it almost certainly won't, lol. AMD has a long history of overstating performance in marketing material (pic related, poolaris was only a ~1.5x perf/watt improvement, not 2.8x).
If it takes 8 Zen cores to beat 6 Broadlel cores, it's not actually looking that great. That's really disappointing to me if true, I was hoping Zen could legitimately compete purely on a performance basis, but this would put them quite a bit behind either in IPC or in achievable clock and right in the same "only good for the value" category they're in now, although still much closer to Intel.
I've got a 4.7GHz 4790K, I'd love to be able to switch to a platform which can run PCI-E x16/x16 without losing single-threaded performance.
One thing's for sure though, if you're looking to buy a CPU now you should at least wait and see what Zen can bring to the table.
I am skeptical. The FX-6300 is a slow CPU that is popular because it's cheap, and often compared to modern day i3's even though that's just not true.
>Not everyone is comfortable buying used tech on eBay user.
nothing wrong with buying a used CPU, they take decades to fail even if they're OCed 24/7.
You're forgetting that that 6-core broadwell cpu costs more than 2x what this will cost.
With CPUs I think the main concern would be buying an engineering sample or a cheap ass intel celery instead of what you want.
>You're forgetting that that 6-core broadwell cpu costs more than 2x what this will cost.
if by '2x' you mean '$50 more', then yes.
No infact I don't even think there is a reason to buy Zen.
Anything made by AMD is pure garbage nowadays. I miss Phenom II era, where the CPU and motherboard were fairly priced and delivered performance.
you can just file an item not as described claim and get all your money back then. ebay is cucked and sides with the buyer 100% of the time with stuff like that.
I am not, which is why I said
>this would put them [...] right in the same "only good for the value" category
A 6850K isn't $350 user, more like $600 MSRP
If 8x3GHz Zen matches a 6x3.6GHz Broadwell-E, the IPC deficit is trivially covered by pricing adjustments.
AMD's prior problem is that Bulldozer through Excavator were *much* more than 10% behind.
a 6800k is 6*3.4GHz for ~$430.
a 6850k (which clickbait article said is the closest match) is 6*3.6GHz for ~$620.
>A 6850K isn't $350 user, more like $600 MSRP
are you retarded? 5820k and 6800k are both 6 core CPUs that are $350.
This was factually correct, you are just a moron who think "Durr Hurr 2.8x means across everything"
When even most retarded marketer would tell you that you only provide best case scenario in marketing.
This is why you faggots go all over new Intel CPU that tells you it's "25% faster than previous generation" when in reality it's not even 5%
>pricing adjustments
So AMD is the "value option" once again, as I've said in the post you're quoting. Better for the money, but not better performing.
Are you retarded? That article is clearly comparing the top Zen CPU to a 6850k, not a 6800. Did you even read the title in the OP?
Can't wait until it comes out, doesn't deliver on any of the hype and promises and then we re-re-re-re-re-rewatch AMD marketers telling everybody how "n-n-nobody e-e-e-expected anything b-b-better! I a-a-actually t-think it's v-very good f-for the price!" just like every single AMD product since bulldozer.
> that are $350
> Recommended Customer Price $434.00 - $441.00
> Recommended Customer Price $617.00 - $628.00
>It's on sale in Newegg that means 350 is it's price
>no graphene
It's shit.
Let me put it this way OP:
Unless your CPU announcement threads contain an announcement of a CPU implementing graphene and giant frequency leaps, instead of core count jerking and energy buzzficiency,
take it and stick it up your ass and don't stain Sup Forums with it.
Unless anyone between Intel and AMD releases a graphene CPU, take all the CPU articles and stuff them in the toilet, or your pooper, and fuck off.
the main concern is usually having to put that shit into an older motherboard without the features you want.
> Better for the money, but not better performing.
There's no such thing as just "better performing". Of course, top of the line server processors are Xeons, but if we have a limited budget ($100, $200, $300, doesn't matter), then we have to look at the best CPU for our money.
>This was factually correct,
[citation needed]
there is no use case where poolaris gpus are 2.8x higher perf/watt over amd's previous generation(s), even if you compare it to the disaster hawaii
>When even most retarded marketer would tell you that you only provide best case scenario in marketing.
which is exactly why should view AMD's claim that they can '''match''' haslel as dubious as fuck
I'm ready to buy a new cpu and mobo in february, however I'm waiting for solid reviews before buying anything.
And let's not kid ourselves, if AMD's main advantage is pricing and not performance, I'll go with a Kaby Lake i7.
Don't forget that they'll only make 4 of the things and so the prices spike to double because there aren't any available, making them horrible buys but they sold all 4 anyway.
>January 2017
>Donald Trump takes office
>Immediately makes H1B visas void
>millions of pajeets have to go back
>3/4 of AMD's employees gone in a week
>2 months later AMD's market cap falls by 80%
>AMD gets bought by Nvidia
>Nvidia uses AMD IP and their own IP to make super efficient cheap low-end cards
The honest truth about Zen is that it won't save AMD unless it sweeps up a lot of the OEM market, especially in laptops.
January 2017 will be meaningless for AMD's bottom line unless they capture very significant server buys that I just don't see happening because of conservativism.
As for the OEM market, Intel pays good money to keep them balls deep in Pentium/i3 boipussy, so any change there would have to constitute a major 3rd party revolt against Intel hegemony. If you can come up with a good reason why they'd do that, then perhaps there is serious hope in the immediate future. If not, then this is just the beginning of a very, very long fight where AMD will have to consistently improve on their design until they make some big wins.
See the little 2 on that statement? That means there are conditions to that statement. Find out what those are and I'll guarantee you that their figures are correct.
>There's no such thing as just "better performing"
What? If CPU A is faster then CPU B in every type of workload, then CPU A is better performing than CPU B. I'd say this also applies if CPU A is faster than CPU B in certain workloads, but has the same performance in others.
If Zen can match a 6850K in heavily threaded workloads but falls short in single/lightly-threaded tasks, then a 6850K is the better performing CPU.
>>Nvidia uses AMD IP and their own IP to make super efficient cheap low-end cards
That's not how monopolies work.
>tfw you will never see a CPU with 4096 cores
Why even live.
Laptopfag here. The zens seem interesting on paper but since AYYMD is incapable of making any mobile CPU worth while since the turions I think I'll pass...
Zen is more likely to do better in 2S rackmount servers where the on-chip 10(/40?)GbE and copious DDR4 and PCIe bandwidth will serve some applications better than having just the highest tier of x86 IPC.
These things will be the packmules hosting racks full of NVMe drives for content farms.
It will underperform just like Bulldozer and Polaris underperformed. CPU business needs a new competitor sooner than later to break this quasi-monopoly that Intel has.
All programs can use all available cores these days thanks to Windows 10, so even the 8350 is a damn good CPU
A CPU probably. That many cores would probably be made to handle a specific type of workload and at that point you might as well build specialized cores to deal with those workloads rather than general purpose cores.
Best we can hope for is a much needed kick in the ass for Intel. Monopolistic tech companies re branding the same products needs to stop being a viable business strategy.
Apparently Zen scales down to a TDP of 5W.
>All programs can use all available cores these days thanks to Windows 10
Not that guy but what the fuck have you been smoking? Programmes that are fundamentally limited to a certain number of threads are still limited to that number of threads.
>A few months ago
>Zen kills the Intel 6900k guys! Intel is finished!
>Turns out its barely as good as a 6 core Intel
>Which means its single core performance is going to be absolute shit...again
>post yfw we're in for another Bulldozer
>post yfw people fell for the Another Massive Dissappointment meme
Zen took too long. I already bought a fx 8370. If AMD wanted to sell me a Zen chip they should be released it.
It doesn't matter if it's great if it cannot be bought.
Okay stick with your i3 then buddy.
>buying bulldozer in 2016
>doubting the SHIT WRECKER
>8 core AMD barely on par with a 6 core Intel which already struggles to compete with an i7 6700k in single threaded applications
>AMD literally put MOAR SHITTY CORES instead of good ones again and AMDrones ate their vomit up like candy
Its amazing how much people claim Nvidia/Intel shilling but AMDrones go through these amazing lengths of bullshit
just like bulldozer was supposed to be the second coming of Christ, surely zen will meet all the expectations as well :^)
>2 more cores
I understand this about Sandy and FX back in the day, but this doesn't make any sense.
how would microsoft ever recover? would they just move their HQ from redmond to bombay?
Sorry but I had zero intention of buying from intel, what with the anti white people hiring practices and h1b visa abuse on a massive scale.
But that's not the real point which is Zen simply hasn't materialized. Fuck waiting. Fuck delays. And fuck Zen. Shit should've dropped months ago.
why is it so expensive?
It means after 5 years AMD will be barely on par with Sandy Bridge in single core
Broadwell E has shitty IPC as it is, and they couldnt even beat that
We'll have to wait and see. Most people that I know had amd powered laptops had overheating issues (it's not just amd but when that bottom plate deforms you know you're in some deep shit)
>not playing games
lmfao who does that fucker
Zen was promised at the end of 2016, instead of waiting for a fucking month, you bought a piece of shit heater that can also do simple math.
>h1b visa abuse
you realize AMD abuses the H1-B visa much worse than Intel right? they fired half their engineers and replaced them with pajeets
I'm buying Zen on day 0.
>Polaris is gonna beat a GTX 980!
>This just in, its actually just a shittier GTX970
>Zen is better than a 6900k!
>This just in, it barely matches a 6 core 6850k
>Performance as 6850K
Let me guess. Their 8-core will be on par with Intel 6850 6-core in video encoding...
just imagine how pathetic the IPC is gonna be
AMDrones claimed it was gonna be different this time, too...
Not baiting, but i want to know what wccftech has been wrong on, do you know?
I keep hearing it, and it seems plausible, but I can never think of a time that wccftech has been provably wrong.
also pic related.
I don't know what benches you have seem, but 6850k does outperform sandy in single core performance.
By sheer number intel actually has a bigger h1b abuse...also publicly anti white people is fucked up.
Intel will never be allowed in my home again.
wccftech was first one to jump on bandwagon that rx480 would be same performance as gtx1070 for way smaller price.
I've got an a10 laptop and an fx 8320 desktop, both running windows 10. But keep thinking that windows 10 magically makes software more multithreaded than it is.
You may want to look up Amdahl's law though.
But realize this is a 8 core AMD competing with it
*** in proprietary video games, the most important application on Earth
That probably has more to do with poor budget laptop design that AMD running hotter. I've got an a6-4455m in a HP laptop. Conventional wisdom will tell any sensationalist user that this thing should catch fire on first boot. It runs fanless most of the time, while still keeping the APU cooled to ~40-45 celsius. Speccy still shows the temp as 123 celsius because fuck speccy.
>wanting monoplies
What you need to understand is, there was price leak and some small spec leak, the whole "on Par Core i7-6850k" is complete click bait.
Nobody gives a shit about amdahl's law because nobody has a purely sequential problem that needs significantly more than even one second of CPU time. Especially if SIMD is used. CPUs nowadays have enough single core performance that most inherently sequential workloads finish quick enough already.
For example. Depth first search is inherently sequential if you want to run it on the entire tree. In practice that doesn't matter. You can split a binary tree into two trees and then run the DFS algorithm on two cores.
isn't it like 700?
if what they say is true, i can't wait for intel prices to crash. imagine a 6700k or 700k for around 200 bucks.
7700k. fuck.
7700k is already somewhat confirmed $200 more than 6700k
next year is going to be fantastic. either insane CPU +GPU combos for mid-tier prices or everything fucks up again and prices rise.