UK Government Confirm Move to Force ISPs into Blocking “Adult” Sites

>As expected the Government has officially announced that Mobile and fixed line broadband providers in the United Kingdom will soon be forced into the mandatory blocking of all “adult” websites; specifically those that fail to offer an adequate method of age-verification for their visitors.


expect more paki gangrape scandal

>getting upset at people that look at porn

Only women who think their boyfriends rather watch porn than fuck them think this way.

So go douche your vagina op.

>Blocking porn

>britbongs cucked again by big brother

VPN galore.
Gonna make a fortune off saps to stupid to use a computer.

they will be allowed to watch anything they like but they'll need a porn id first

This is what happens when conservatives get into power.

Enjoy Pence, americucks

I pray for my friend in London.

This will never turn in truth, but is good time to invest in VPNs.

I just killed your faggot infidel friend, no need ro pray for him anymore.

>This will never turn in truth
that's what everyone said about the new surveillance law too

maybe without porn you'll feel horny enough to leave your basement and breed, faggot.

>to stupid
takes one to know one I guess. power to you m8

Wait, you guys don't pray for the dead? What kind of Muslim are you even? Kuffarsehole.

Why can't that prudish bitch off herself already?

Fucking Claire Perry is actual scum. Seriously.
I feel bad for her kids.
They'll grow up in to 30 year old virgins that drop their spaghetti whenever the opposite sex even walks near them.

Parents that try to nanny their kids away from the real world do not deserve to be parents. Period.

so confusing. do the neoliberals want sexual freedom or to hold strictly to conservative values? seems like they just want to shit up my planet

it's interesting how modern society hates sex this much

imagine 1400 AD, all you have for entertainment is booze,women and field work,guess what everyone did?
how come it evolved into this much hate?

children of that kind of parenting are usually the ones most likely to act out in rebellion though, aren't they?

>They'll grow up in to 30 year old virgins
GET THE FUCK OUT Sup Forums. I stay pure for my waifu.

>implying "allah" exists

nah, they will do drugs, catch aids and she will blame society for that making laws even worse

>being forced into nofap

Fuck, being British sometimes is shit.

I'm creating an external HDD worth of porn to sell to my m8s

England is fucked. Time to abandon ship. Either Farage comes back to fix things or the UK is doomed to sink.

everyone like to poke fun at japan for demographics, but UK is measly 65m half of japans population
no wonder you let so many muslims in

>fix things


>he needs to lay off porn to feel horny

Low test

Did Farage support this kind of laws?

why is he in the image? he's doesn't hold any function in the country and his party didn't make it into parliament.
old fart barely made it to euro-parliament.

I'm fairly certain his opinion on civil liberties were very much in the realm of "none of my business, why should I care."

I don't make the memes, kiddo. I just post them.

Then the parents will be like, "muh kids innocent!" and refuse to accept their kids are having sex in their teens because IT'S FUCKING NATURAL.

Probably. Prudish cunts think these sorts of things will stop people from getting porn.
It won't.
There is more porn on apps than you can ever want. Good luck blocking the app store.

This will do one thing and one thing only: breed a fuckton of VPN use.
This will basically nullify the ease of sharing information via the recently passed Snoopers Charter.
As always in a Tory Scum government, one department changes something, another department shits on those changes in some other way. PROGRESS.

When the fuck is the next erection to get these backwards fucktards out of government forever?
I'd take that retard CorBIN over these idiots.

Might as well change their name to the United People's Republic.

there's an erection right now

Celebrate it granpa.

My angerection is tingling.
There's Tories to laugh at.

Porn is bad and wrong.

I can't even begin to understand this, rarely do I feel the need to play the "Lol conservatives" card but Jesus fuck, even America isn't pulling this shit, we must look an absolute fucking joke.

> kids are having sex in their teens because IT'S FUCKING NATURAL.
Let me guess, you are from United Kingdom?


It happens in every single country on the planet.
It is not a "UK" thing.

Good luck, grandfather (28)

Well, always i can fap to anime.

Not him, but to be fair some of the most grounded, well rounded people I know had sex as a teenager, some as young as 14. I lost my virginity at 22 and suffering from mental illness, hardly a comprehensive case-study but it's certainly affected my views on the subject.

Thanks Son. (30)

Funny thing is the teen sex stats DROPPED since the teens of mid last century.
This in spite of access to all this porn.
HMM, wonder why.

Na, fuck that, these kids aren't forming families and spitting out kids by their mid 20s like I did, they are SINNERS. They must follow my life exactly.
After all, I am so happy.
/Claire Perry, someone that looks totally happy 110% of the time.

>I'm fairly certain his opinion on civil liberties were very much in the realm of "none of my business, why should I care."
Everything I found appoint to another way. Well, lie is habit of Sup Forums.



>implying any site on the Internet can verify age of its visitors
I can't wait to see the number of ways teens find a way around this.

Porn is an excellent method of pacifying the myriad of young men who are coming to terms with the fact that they will never actually get laid. I see nothing morally wrong with this.

I'm fairly certain was my disclaimer that I'm not positive.

I guess reading literacy is something you need to develop. :^)

Prove it cunt.

But we can use credit cards and solve everything!

Incoming news about huge hacks revealing personal information out the ass.
Credit card information being traded in back alleys.
All so poor Norm Normalson can view his tranny porn on Chaturbate.

>only women who would otherwise profit from whoring and their pimps think this way
cuckland is so cucked you are now forced to use your imagination or fuck whores to get off, can't wait to see the rate of STIs skyrocket.

lol Britainistan one step closer to Shariah Law

>credit cards
Not all porn is paid for. Not all credit cards have a name or age attached to them.

And Norm Nomralson will use a proxy if he has to. They're not incapable. Kids used 'em all the time when I was going through middle school and high school to get around website blocks.

>>>unique porn id

lmao amazing they want to spy on us to the point they have a list of exactly what we have watched to bring up at any time

I'm sure that will go great.

>be at court for something you didn't do
>no he must be guilty look he's into squirting porn and face sitting and we all know how bad that is!

>Credit card information being traded in back alleys.
this is already happening, my man

That's the point though, most of these sites will probably end up being forced to use debit cards or some other third party identifier to prove an age.

You can bet your ass the pricks at BBFC will say that an age selector is not enough.

Dawn of a new era.

gookmoot btfo'ing the brits

>i not sure but is the only true and you are wrong even had proves
Ok, Sup Forums :^)

too bad you don't have the freedoms the burgers have

lmao this is fake right?


Goddamn I can't tell if this is real or not this is terrible

Racism is for morons anyway.

Of course, people taking offence from words are bigger morons.

Isn't this just at a DNS level?
I seem to remember most of their blocks are silly easy to get around.

Blocking porn is actually a good thing. I would stop watching porn by my own will if I had some.

>maybe without porn you'll feel horny enough to leave your basement and breed, faggot.

Without porn I'll be so horny that I'll end up leaving my basement and start raping actual children since I won't be able to fap to manga anymore.

>remember a meme about a guy calling UK government to enable porn for him for 5mins


>user name

gonna be selling cuck porn at the carboot

shut up you fucking faggot

everyone else should be inconvenienced because you're a pussy

reported to the the derbyshire constabulary

Its real

Anyone that does not use basic masking in the UK runs the risk of such letters.
You generally get several warning first though.


What are you quoting?

>basic masking in the UK
like a vpn? anything else?

>Anyone that does not use basic masking in the UK runs the risk of such letters.
jesus christ.
is there someone that actually checks what each user in the UK posts on each website?

Porn has negative effects in your health familio, I would watch less if it was harder to access.

>Sup Forums112016/D8
Maybe. Probably not.

tfw i unironically have no idea if you're serious or not

Man, I do nothing illegal but I still feel like I have to worry about what I'm doing constantly.

I've always been paranoid as hell and this shit makes me feel like I should stop visiting Sup Forums

Good fucking luck with that. I live in eastern Europe. And drawn porn does not have an age limit here, since that is completely fucking ridiculous concept - as long as no actual models were used in the making of the picture, you can make a drawing of a 6 year old sucking off his dads cock and asking "daddy, what is pedophilia?".

In fact we had adult humour magazines that had that actual drawing. I think I still have a copy.

kill yourself numale feminist

>We’ve seen in the past how dating websites, as well as sites that support victims of self-harm, social networks, sites that express different political views and medical sites can often end up being blocked because they are deemed to contain “adult content“.

Bye bye, Brit posters.
No more Sup Forums for you.

If it's real how come everybody else isn't taken to court for racist comments?
>Who's your isp?

I would watch less porn of girls would put out more and sex wasn't considered the devils work.

>I live in eastern Europe.
you've suffered enough

The .

>I can't control myself around alcohol
Prohibition now!
>I can't control myself on a betting site
Ban gambling!
>I can't control myself around junk food
Sugar tax now!

fuck you and your kind

thank god they'll be gone.
now how the hell can we get rid of the Brazilians?

Australians should be next, Brazillian roaches after them and then all the shitty slav scum

>I'm fairly certain was my disclaimer that I'm not positive.

>i not sure but is the only true and you are wrong even had proves

One of these I can read, the other I can't. Hence why I asked what you were quoting.

I don't know why this got me so hard, giggling madly right now.

>giving a dodgy porn site your cc #
as soon as the uk puts this into effect t suddenly 1,000,000 more porn sites from eastern europe will pop up

How many people are going to fall for this weak fucking bait?

it's done the rounds for a week, have you idiots really never seen it? proved time and time again to be a fake and you all still reply like a bunch of newfags

I don't care about equal rights
I have sex with my girlfriend multiple times a week, but I also jack off to porn 2-3 times everyday.
I'm saying it would be beneficial for me

In 2018 with Lula or Bolsonaro. Until this day, stay here.

Is this just old people going insane? In 20 years when the younger gen now who grew up with this tech get in real power will this change or will it continue to forever get worse?

>tfw the movie equilibrium was a documentary from the future

>I'm saying it would be beneficial for me
no one gives a fuck about you though
not even your 3/10 whore girlfriend

now fuck off

Did no one point it out to the UK Government that they are about to create an internet censorship programme mimicking that of China?

Holy fuck, and i thought that Americans got cucked hard.
