Is this the pinnacle of freeware email clients?

Is this the pinnacle of freeware email clients?

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please, no

this is the part where you recommend better alternatives

I dont have one
but it really makes sad if that is really the best we ever get, the pinnacle


Can email clients even be trusted? If you use webmail, you connect directly to whoever has all you email anyway, if you use a third-party client, you potentially entrust you emails to yet someone else. And if you configure multiple mailboxes, you give out even more information (that a given number of seemingly unrelated accounts in different services belong to one person).


Obsolete and dead?


so none. well fuck thunderbird it is.

it's pretty good, but the bloat is becoming more blatant and feels like it's made for school teachers.

Anyone else annoyed with the tabs in thunderbird?

It would seem like it might be useful but it ends up always becoming a pain in the ass.

Are today's kids even using email? Because if they don't, then the chance is high that in the future email will go the way of IRC and other stuff that's mostly dead. Why would they ever use email if they have been using facebook all their life to communicate with others?

I just don't see the point with tabs. It wouldn't be too bad if you could delegate a tab for each inbox/news feed.

Any good text email clients? Something like lynx/links, only for email.

Email is reserved for important/professional messages, which sucks considering it's so insecure.

Alpine or mutt.


Between a web client that has its code in a web server that I can't see, an open source client that communicates through a standardized protocol is a bit more trust worthy.

Not terrible, but not the best.

This is a horrendous trend. Email is a standard form of communication. People who can't compose a sensible email are still illiterate.

Used to use Thunderbird, installed Claws one day, never looked back. Shit is cash.


I removed tabs on mine, more space now which is helpful on a 12.5" 1366x768 screen

muuch much better with no tabs!!

What makes Claws so much better?

>muuch much better with no tabs!!
I never understood why we need tabs in Thunderbird, pretty useless

It's fine if you use PGP.

But for PGP (or any other email encryption) to make sense, both sides must use it, don't they. Good luck forcing all your normie email contacts to do that.

Clean UI.
Much faster on my work computer than Thunderbird was.
More efficient use of screen space.

Why do you care about the security of conversations with people who themselves don't.

They are already insecure by default. There's nothing you can do about it except stop having conversations with such people.

Larger businesses use it all the time.

Its unfortunate that most people dont care because if they did they hack gangs wouldnt steal half as many bank details

Alpine is the sanest e-mail client I've ever used. It's aging but patches are made[1]. It's text but compared to other crap text clients (mutt, sup) it has catched up with latest technologies like mouse. Yes, you can actually select mail by click on it. And it also automatically parses HTML and let's you navigate highlighted links via arrow keys. I wish it had something like notmuch.

mutt - retarded
thunderbird - shiny crap


> I wish it had something like notmuch.

Though this looks promising:

>Good luck forcing all your normie email contacts to do that.