I'm learning C after using python for a while. Are you proud of me yet Sup Forums?
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Why do you seek validation from neets masturbating to asian pedo cartoons? You want to make desktop apps in .NET? Go for it. You want to make websites in PHP? God speed. Why do you care what some uninformed meming teenager on Sup Forums has to say about your work, just do your thing dude
I don't care all that much, I just wanted to see some shitposting. That was pretty inspirational though dude.
Keep up the good work.
Why do you have to be such a toxic asshole?
You're why the entire industry is absolute shit. It's because it's filled with angry, toxic assholes who didn't get any approval as teens, who feel the need to pass on the hate to those who follow.
congrats, you moved down the ladder instead of up
It's pretty cool OP. Do at least a little every da
i think you're both right.
That's what I'm doing at the moment, I had to take a break after I learned about C's way of doing strings. Sooooo weird.
Good, but you should also check out Haskell
C-like languages do strings the same way, it's just hidden away from you as you're presented with a dedicated string type.
What exactly is Haskell? Obviously a programming language but you know what I mean.
Ah okay, that's pretty interesting.
it's a meme that is only used in academic circklejerks
>almost all firmware written in C
>almost all OS kernels written in C
>almost all hardware drivers written in C
>almost all embedded software written in C
>"it's a meme that is only used in academic circlejerks"
Haskell don't have stuff like for and while loops. Instead you have to use recursive functions. It will provoke some good thinking which is why people like it.
Academics like it because it makes it easier to transfer the code into mathematical equations.
That sounds pretty darn cool.
Haskell also have a great beginner book learnyouahaskell.com
I started learning programming last week by starting to read SICP. It's absolutely fantastic, makes you understand concepts easily and the exercises are great. I'm also enjoying scheme, it actually *is* fun to code in it.
I'll check it out after I'm comfortable with C.
I don't know how old you are, if you used computers in the 90s then you probably know IRC if not then you should learn how to use it.
Because IRC (along with stackoverflow.com ) is great for real time help with languages. Especially stuff that is a bit unusual like Haskell.
Nevermind, I had the impression you were talking about C rather than Haskell.
use IRC servers called freenode and use the channel #haskell for haskell help. Just mentioning it, should maybe look into it.
I'm young but I use IRC anyway, found it to be nicer than social networking.
I hope that you learn the true C.
This. Don't bother with the C99 (let alone C11) extensions - if at all, look at them later after you have a good command of ANSI C.
Why not C++?
Maybe he just wants to learn how a computer actually works instead of writing code that's orders of magnitude slower and less efficient in a meme language.
if you're not skilled at math, then do NOT even bother with Haskell.
C is good. You did good learning Python first. After you learn C start trying to learn a bit of Java and you'll be on your way.
c is deprecated trash. how sad. welcome to the 70s i guess
But C99 was adopted as an ANSI standard in 2000, so it is, technically, ANSI C.
ISO yes, ANSI no.
No, you felt for two memes. Now don't fall for the haslel meme as well.
Nice trips, tho.
What would you suggest then?
Inb4 Rajava and c#loo
What if there's a fire at the top of ladder?
> The standard underwent further revision in the late 1990s, leading to the publication of ISO/IEC 9899:1999 in 1999, which was adopted as an ANSI standard in May 2000.
I want to learn c. I have done programming in Python and Java already. Should I read this book?
no, it's dated.
If you know Java then you know general programming concepts and general C-like syntax, so I guess yea, why not.
C++ of course
Thanks. These are two conflicting opinions lol but ill probably read the book. Forgot to mention that I've taken a university course which the assignments involved a lot of converting c code to assembly code (ARMv8) so i know little bit about c code already but have never coded in it.
Install Gentoo.