ITT: tech red flags

ITT: tech red flags.

>program name starts with GNU
>program is written in python
>program creator is a furry

>they post anime

>they post anime on a technology forum

>he doesnt hack teh planet with gnu/kali while wearing a fursuit and using python skriptz and watching loli animus

wew boi

Okay, but how are you supposed to figure out that they're a furry or post anime on the 4chins?

>not made by apple

>I'll add comments l8r

>Sent from my iPhone.

Is this the new not giving anyone (you)'s aka desktop thread?

>made by apple

>programmer is a dumbshit makiweeb

>program creator is a weeaboo

>posts maki threads
Maki a cute!

>loli animus

Maki a slut, just like your mother.
Thats how you ended up on earth

Is his mother maki?

>program is licensed with GPL
>program is written in JavaScript
>program repo contains a CoC

>programmer is a dumb makiposter

>the software's wiki has a page on "compatibility"
>scarce API documentation
>very few or no related stackoverflow search results
>man page has over a dozen flags but one-line descriptions

>program has things that I don't like

Coded by a pajeet

>Anime poster.
>Is transgender.
>Likes feminine penis.
>Roleplay as an animu girl even though you're a man.
>all the 4 above.

The majority of furries make it obvious because they just can't resist not having a furry handle or avatar (or, in other cases, almost any customizable thing that can be used to show their idiocy). It doesn't matter where the account is, they'll do it. I've seen it on every hobby forum I've been on.

>programs license is oss
>programmer is not a furry
>programmer is a weeb (happens a lot)

Furries always use furry/pony avatars, no matter what site they're in.

Palemoon for example was made by a gay furry swede named moonchild.

Asuka a shit

>>program name starts with GNU

elaborate if you can

I dabble in furfag stuff but I do none of those things.

Granted I know exactly what you mean. Wouldn't call myself a furry though.

>program is written in a dynamically typed language

Sup is an anime based website

>i-im not like those f-furries guise
C'mon, satan.

>Red Hat

Sup Forums is a board for the discussion of technology

>don't like suits
>don't like conventions
>don't like communities
>don't like avatars
>just like some of the art

I mean maybe it's a step in the wrong direction I guess but I'm an art fag so even if it's fur shit I have a hard time not liking good drawings.

>Unhealthy over-enthusiasm for an under-researched niche/ripoff product that you know will make the entire company fold in 6 months.

>ITT: tech red flags.
the app wants access to my photos, contacts, calendar, call information, text, camera, and microphone

>all of the lead developers are Indian

>see software recommended on Sup Forums
not even once

still a part of Sup I'm afraid you'll have to deal with it user.

dumb makiposter.

>program is called app

well it's not like you see people on Sup Forums go "HEY GUYS WHATS THE MOST Sup Forums ANIME EVER??" or "IM WORKING ON A MANGA STARING RICHARD STALLMAN PLEASE READ IT" or some shit

if you werent so busy inserting smug anime girls on literally everything you post you would probably realize that doing so only garners posts like the ones (You) replied to, even making a mere mention of the fact anime exists while still being on the subject of the thread just to piss people who do what you do off

it's not even like they told you to go back to Sup Forums or something, they just interjected that people with anime avatars or post anime make bad software, which was very on-topic to the discussion you provided. you're the one who got all offended that they even posted that to begin with, to a high enough degree that you had to whip out the "le anime website" card to begin with, despite the fact that the board you are posting on has nothing to do with anime to begin with

just my two cents though

I am not reading your normansplain.

tldr :^)

>licensed with GPL
>"self-documenting" code
>virtual calls
>Templates, C macros are ok
>bool type procedures/"methods"
>auto_ptr, auto types

we get it, you vape

I'd rather use shit made by a furry than some maki faggot.

>The software is open-source

Your entire argument is so naïve it's almost anything. Some autists genuinely just have an irrational hatred of anime and all things related to it.
Television shows aren't related to Sup Forums at all, yet you never see anyone sperging out if someone posts a reaction image from The Walking Dead. No, these people simply get triggered every time they see an anime girl, yet you're defending them like their irrelevant shitposting contributes to this board.
Kill yourself, you rotten piece of trash.

their posts were very much not shitposting, and the fact you label them as such and then proceed to call some random user a "rotten piece of trash" shows just how fucking anally flustered you are over the fact that someone made a small jest at something you enjoy

if it werent for the fact that people like you even gave animeposters a bad name to begin with, maybe this whole shitfest wouldn't be happening to begin with. but sadly, you lack the cognitive dissonance to really want to understand what you're doing and get on the offensive when someone calls you out for it

people who like TWD and post on this website don't plaster everything they do in TWD images, compared to animeposters who have folders of organized of different facial expressions drawn 2d women make and proceed to post their desktops with their waifu showing up on whatever designated image-viewing program they have installed

you guys are literally worse than bronies, who have actually done a swell job at staying in /mlp/ ever since it's inception

user, it's called hyperbole. We do it a lot here, and the simple fact that you assumed that he wasn't exaggerating is the biggest sign that you're brand fucking new.
Now why don't you go back to whatever godforsaken hellhole you came from and stop shitposting?

>people who like TWD and post on this website don't plaster everything they do in TWD images, compared to animeposters who have folders of organized of different facial expressions drawn 2d women make and proceed to post their desktops with their waifu showing up on whatever designated image-viewing program they have installed
No one on Sup Forums posts their desktops like the faggots in that banned general. You are literally branding an entire community by the people that the community kicked out for being insufferable.
Also, people from Sup Forums plaster every they post with images of people from various shows they watch and have organized folders of different facial expressions that 3d people make. What's your point?
>you guys are literally worse than bronies, who have actually done a swell job at staying in /mlp/ ever since it's inception
Just like guys who watch television shows entirely fail to stay on Sup Forums. Are you seriously so fucking stupid that you don't see how biased you are?

>program's name is Hank
>program is written on paper
>program creator is trying to seduce me with her weird smile again, the pills are settling in and I slowly realize I'm not gonna get away from here tonight, or even tomorrow

This is the ultimate red flag

It's guaranteed to be made by web devs or other memesters with shitty technologies