/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Old thread: if you aren't on nostream you're curry edition

>New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>"How do you get in X now that WCD is closed?"

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup: [Gist] 00-description.md (embed)

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Know the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before, though most claims of being staff are false
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you that cheating can be evaded. It can't and you will be banned and everyone will laugh at you
>people claim to report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw french



I just said that I liked MLP on what refuge and they handed me an invite

Why do people say BTN is fucked or unstable?Cont from last thread.

>is on a tracker run by a nigger
>nigger got doxxed before the tracker opened its doors
>shares a tracker with total faggots.

But I'm the curry?

They like to troll you into thinking other big trackers are going down for good.

How do you even get into NoStream?
Sucking dick in #var?

Is gazellegames back yet?

yah but it's honeypot now

we are removing known Sup Forums associates

Well memed

>GGn tracker online
>Site down

how long until fbi knocks down my door?

fake and gay

Hey guys can someone sent me invite
[email protected]

Null route that shit negro u gunna get da po po comin at ya



Recieved ;)

how can i achieve gapless playback?

the site is coming back tomorrow

What is this nostream meme?


flac and rockbox

horrible opsec

it's 312cuck
talk what you want about him, but he knows things

believe it or not, i'm not 312c. but fuck sarek/danny - the fuck doesn't know opsec. he doxxed himself before the site even came online, for fuck sakes

How do you dox yourself?

whois records

he will step down, he's just the first design guy

>repeating some shitty trackers name, trying to generate "hype"
>handing out worthless invites to strangers

Have fun with your ghost town.

eh. the fuck is still a retard, and no sane person should trust it

>the fuck
cum in it

So, where should I go into after mourning period for what? I'm already at libble.

"the fuck" was referencing sarek as an idiot

fag ponies

* ChanServ gives voice to alienhippy
* ChanServ gives voice to AzzA
nostalgia :p
* ChanServ gives voice to gylgamesh
* ChanServ gives voice to _
Nice find Epicwhale
* ChanServ gives voice to ItalianKitty

the circle jerk is real on nostream

not a single damn one of these users has done anything to help the site

>"the fuck"
"cum in it"

No thanks.

pls send nostream invite to [email protected]

WAFFLES IS UP waffles.ch
> WAFFLES IS UP waffles.ch
WAFFLES IS UP waffles.ch
> WAFFLES IS UP waffles.ch
WAFFLES IS UP waffles.ch
> WAFFLES IS UP waffles.ch
WAFFLES IS UP waffles.ch
> WAFFLES IS UP waffles.ch
WAFFLES IS UP waffles.ch
> WAFFLES IS UP waffles.ch
WAFFLES IS UP waffles.ch
> WAFFLES IS UP waffles.ch

As long as login isn't enabled the site might as well be offline.


>admin is literally a doxed curry nigger thief
>Mod team is full of blm sjws

I hope you guys aren't serious


>Pls GiB money :)

>already begging

>curry nigger
He's a regular nigger

lol fuck you

I'll give you that
>muh donation theft

Same shit happened to pirate from an unrelated forum. Some stupid faggot bitches about muh donations and the admin gets fucked over by other admins. wew lad.

>mod team is full of blm sjws
Judge a tracker by its merit and not the staff's political opinions, again, .

>Mad ur not a cool kid

give me an invite [email protected]

No Trump
No fascist USA

these new what staff are even more of a cunt than the original

while waffles are obvious coin purse snatchers

which is worse

power hungry cunts or money squeezing jews

If you want to pick the side of the money hungry cunts you might as well join up on the IPT ring.

>obvious coin purse snatchers
They released a statement that they're in debt to their past host and cannot pay their current bills either. I think it is more so they're straight out of options for money

jews are always worse

that's what they want you to think

whatever you say

who are those semen demons

please tell me there's somebody other than waffles/nostream devs working on a what replacement.


I fucking wish

the only other thing are cucks recreating the wiki pages


the common sense "how to rip a cd" wiki what a fucking treasure to preserve

of course, the conversation just isn't public

No, a lot of people were just on there because it had been around a while. The future is streaming services. Replacements will be shit compared to WCD because there wont be the demand

PTP tracker back up


>streaming services


When 312cuck actually has a chance to prove to people he's worth of some respect the faggot won't do anything.
Fag wouldn't even admit that WCD could be taken down and thought it was just technical difficulties.

As long as 312c is breathing he will never be worth anything.

312c isn't worth the ground dug up to bury his fat ass.

Not really. For a lot of people streaming is just fine. The real enthusiasts that want their FLACs and libraries are out there, but they are in smaller and smaller numbers. Remember when WCD started we didn't have Spotify and similar services.

>lying on the internet

As a flac person, the appeal of FLAC to me is that it's loseless. it can be transocded into ogg, mp3, anything really.


even mutracker was way better than this lol

>As a...

ignore the tripfags tripfag retard

I agree. I have the same reason for my library being FLAC, compounded by the fact that storage is so inexpensive now.

I hope I'm wrong and that a great new tracker pops up.

>d-dude reddit lmao!!
grow the fuck up

Can you send invite please? Thank you.

[email protected]

post yfw 312c comes in clutch and spearheads the next revolutionizing music tracker and /ptg/ does a 180 and unironically worships him for it

Sent invites to the following trackers:

Hope you enjoy.

but how do you make a new tracker, a gtracker


someone should make a thread on r/trackers to rile up people and make them call out 312c
if enough people beg him for it he'll do it, he loves the attention

>how do you make a new tracker
I know an admin who currently runs a tracker on a $15 VPS - At 100% CPU usage constantly with only like 80 users iirc.

So getting a 3-core VPS is pretty much needed, which is somewhat expensive.

After you have that, you'll need some reverse proxies, I'm not sure how much those costs...

And the software itself is called Gazelle.You install that and configure it. Done.

t. 312c

Can we stop bashing 312c? Ptp is literally a top tier tracker because of him

How do I create a torrent from files in my computer in rutorrent?

put them in your seedbox moron

ruTorrent doesn't allow that, since it's a web-based client. You'll have to either move the files to wherever rTorrent is, or use something else to create the torrent.

daily reminder that AHD internals are just as good as HDB internals, if not better :o)


Send dick pic to sarek

Tips for how to get my seeding time up on AHD? Small torrents better?

seed longer :o)

He called it small and laughed at me, proceeded to call me a "white boi" and told me he'd "sho 'nuff whip my cracka ass"

I feel as though this is not the proper way to climb the pyramid.

I know that