/hpg/ - Headphone General


>Headphone purchase advice

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I am want play game commend headphone

what a cute OP

Just got these status audio cb-1s if anyone wants to ask questions about it.

Are there any good black friday deals or do I need to wait closer to Friday?

Should I go full meme and get the HD800?

Maybe. Yes if you know what you are getting and it's what you want.


I need a cheap amplifier to start with the he400is im about to buy any suggestions?
Would something like the nobsound mini amp be sufficient for now?

50 dollars
Iphone SE
>Type of headphone
IEM with mic for phone calls
>Comfort level
needs to be able to fit in small ear canals
>Sound signature
Doesn't matter as long as phone calls on both ends
>Past headphones
I'm using some 15 dollar Panasonic iem's but I want something a little more clear and durable

>Doesn't matter as long as phone calls on both ends
as long as phone calls on both ends are clear** sorry

Mostly PC
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
Prefer closed, but open is fine too.
>Comfort level
Not head-vice level
>Sound signature
V or Neutral, ideally with a good soundstage
>Past headphones
Sony MDR V6, Senn HD-280, Grado SR-80, Foster T50rp. I find myself always going back to the V6.

Basically, I want V6s but better. My biggest gripe is the shallow soundstage.
For my money, am I better off getting a USB DAC/Amp to get more out of the V6, or are there any good contenders for like-the-V6-but-better?

just get a o2 combo and be done with amps forever (unless you for some reason decide to get earrape estat)

i am commend you buy headphone

tfw you wanna buy the HE-400is while they're on sale but you just bought Fidelio X2s and maybe want to get in on the HD6XX too if they reopen that

I like the X2's soundstage and bass but I find the treble unpleasantly harsh...

too expensive for me right now.
Since i cant really afford a great amp/dac for the HE400i, should i go with the alternative and buy the senn hd598?
Just wait until better headphones go on sale again like this?
I mean im coming from $20 IEMs and a logitech G930...

>discover a track i like
>the only version found online is a bad youtube upload
>purchase it from junodownload - the only place it is available
>create an account and pay 2.5e for a single song in flac
>download speed around 100 kbps
>at least the tagging is done properly and the song is as promised
>a week goes by, decide to reinstall windows for reasons
>realize afterwards that the downloaded song was on the drive i formatted
>go back to junodownload to dl it again
>find old orders but no place to re-download them
>google it
>java required to re-download things through their download manager which isn't even linked on the site
>install java
>re-download only possible for orders under 10 days old
>what the _fuck_
>it's been 11 days now

and i thought it wasn't possible to run a music store worse than beatport or amazon music. now my only option is to pay them again but they won't get a penny from me after that. the song wasn't even on what.cd(rippers), rutracker, spotify etc.

may as well get some portapros or ~$100 iems and a nice amp instead if you can only afford half the setup

better drink yourself into warm and fuzzy oblivion

All your build quality are shit.

Phone & Laptop
>Type of headphone
>Comfort level
Pretty comfy
>Sound signature
Balanced or bassy, Using them for indie, rock, and hiphop
>Past headphones

Looking for some commuter iems with a bit of isolation that will be great for hiphop, indie, and rock. A friend recommended trinity atlas deltas, would these be good for $86? Their only downside is that they pushed their shipping back to late December.

Are there any headphones made in the US that are any good?

SE-215 sound good for your purposes and price range, they have excellent isolation and comfort with the Olive foam tips. Nice bassy sound signature

Yo what's the best headphones for $70

What are the best headphones out of:
Sennheiser hd 558
Audio-Technica ATH-M30x
Sony MDR-7506


post your current chains headbros

iphone>geek out v2+ balanced out>noble savanna iems

pretty happy with this setup tbqh. smooth and neutral, super transparent


Name a better over ear closed cans for this price?


In all but isolation these cans look great.

Anybody have these? I'd like to hear about them from an audio snob's point of view, because I already know they'll be a huge step up from the $10 earbuds that I'm getting sick of using for work.

Fuck,forgot link, sorry
Sades Spirit Wolf 7.1 USB

On a side note, I have a touchscreen laptop and these new captchas make me rage

Look, don't buy 7.1 headphones. They surround sound in them is not real, it's virtual. For that price you can get headphones from Superlux, and they offer really good bang for your buck.

Thanks user, I'll give Superlux a try. When I do buy $20+ headphones, I usually stick to Sony, but I wanted to check out the 7.1 meme. If it's really just virtual effects, it's not worth a look.

I'm looking for a set of cans for guitar monitoring. Primarily through a mesa mk 4. What will sound the best? Budget is 100-300, preferably lower than 3.


probably a dumb question, but will using these for my x2's affect the sound quality?

Just noticed she's wearing them upside down lol

What's so special about it?

What is a good cheap standalone DAC? Preferably

For what porpose?


At least 3 of 4 are coming. I actually think the 4th one is shipped and they just fucked up tracking on it since it never changed from not yet shipped.

Do you not see that hat? How you gonna fit that over some cans bruh?

Sell me one plz

aw man, i only ordered one and it still says "not yet shipped"

what happened btw, the seller fucked up?

Yeah, the seller probably meant to enter $370, I was looking at some other AKG headphones and saw the price in related items and bought it instantly. Pretty sure by the time the picture uploaded here it was already sold out since there was only 6 when I bought my 4.

Nothing special exactly, they just sound really good and are pretty cheap for the sound you're getting. They sound like m40s but have a bit better bass. It's a new company and I got them for about 60 bucks if you use the code STATUS20 on their website for 20℅ off. Z review guy did a vid on them so I checked them out and I'm not disappointed. It's a pretty neutral response with good bass and not painful highs.

it said they're restocking on the 25th I think

The seller is obviously going to cancel the orders and fix the price before then. The seller can cancel any order right up until it ships I believe.

maybe. or maybe he'll honor it to keep the good seller score. if he wanted to cancel mine, he probably would have canceled yours also

lol no, he just didnt notice it

I'm sure he reviews the order and has to confirm it or some bullshit before its sent out


all right negative nancy

That was another user, but he's right, only reason I got it was because it was Fulfilled by Amazon which means the seller just ships all their stock to Amazon warehouses and Amazon automatically sends it out for them, it's probably how I'll actually be reselling them as individually selling them on eBay would be like at least $20 shipping each.

mine is fulfilled by Amazon also

yes, but it's on backorder, which means the seller is going to have to send more stock, and he'll notice that he listed them for $37.00 instead of $370.00, and he'll cancel the backorder orders.

When I watched the anime, I assumed it was under the hat lol

no he won't

K612 > HD600


Focal Elear for $840 used with free shipping and no tax.... good deal?

I wouldn't risk it, but its up to you

dumb frogposter

dumb "dumb frogposter" poster

Yo i came here for you
It may sound stupid and I may not get an answer but can you tell me the model of these headphones
all i know its that they are sony nothing more
if you need more pics i can deliver

>good deal

Why does hpg shit on the 600s? They're great. Is this a shitty bait meme?

>one poster
/hpg/ has been sucking on the HD600s dick for a long time

Is anybody else confused by AKG's product line?

No, I'm not a retard

I only read negativity about it.

Neither am I, but their product line is.
Why do you need so many numbers? And multiple headphones in the same class?

It looks like a vintage model of these new sony.co.uk/electronics/headband-headphones/mdr-xd150

More pictures would help id what they are like the connector or the L and R markings or anything with letters or numbers.

enjoy your ear infection

it started after 6xx anouncment
suddenly 650 are the allmightygodofheadphones and 600s suck

Anyone looking for budget over ear open headphones...grab the Phillips 9500 right the fuck now.
$50 over at Newegg. Even when I payed 65 It felt like a good deal.

HD598 SE for 120€ instead of 230.
I'm kicking myself for already having the 558s.

Why the fuck do Sennheiser headphones cost double here in EU (italy) if they're manufactured in gerrmany?

From google images. Why user??

I am really clumsy and I'm sure I would do some dumb shit like dropping a screw in the driver
but yeah you're right

well damn HD 558 is on sale at Argos from £159.99 down to £79.99

Which pair of headphones would be better for alt-rock, experimental & gaming?
Beyer DT990, Beyer T70P or Philip's X2?

Can anyone recommend any sub 500 USD IEM's with a relatively flat response and decent low-end extension? I'm using for casual listening as well as mixing / mastering.

I had the UE Triple Fi Pro 10's. I'm looking into the Westone W4R's or the UE 900's.

Any recommendations will be appreciated.


New York
>Type of headphone
Full sized
>Open or close
>Comfort level
Extremely comfy, this is my main priority. I could care less about sound quality at this point.
>Sound signature
I dont give a fuck
>Past headphones
HyperX cloud 2, apple earbuds.

I need headphones that I can wear in public for music as well as for Skype calls at home. I have expensive speakers at home that I use for music. Just need to be comfy, something I can wear for hours with glasses on Skype. I have a shitty experience with uncomfortable headphones. Also, they cant look autistic. Thanks.


None of them. X2 is the best among the headphones you mentioned.

Why no CIEM?

they're boring, dude. don't worry about it. save up for an x2

Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 On-ear wireless noise cancelling headphones? Are they any good?

What's the difference between the 9500 and 9500S versions?

Better question would be why CIEM?

So I got the brainwavz HM5 pads for my hifhimen 350 recommended by one of you guys but it's very hard to get the ring in this new pad any tips I really dont wanna break this ring any tips

I dont see how this ring will fit in anyway, its way too tight and the ring is quite flexible too did I get memed

Pics of what you're experiencing/suffering would help since this is a imageboard.


>inb4 head-fi
>I had extra rings, so I trimmed one
>Second, I have trimmed my rings and I did post that it is probably necessary to do so

Good/better comfort, better isolation, bettur sound

No, go with the 400i
They're efficient anyway. Barely any harder to drive than 598's

Get a cheap amp/DAC combo like a SMSL M3/Fiio E10k/Micca Origen

all good options, and less than $100 USD

if not you can pick up a DIY o2 for 50 USD and use your onboard DAC, and save up for something more decent.

>Good/better comfort
Subjective, I prefer small form factor universal fit in-ears over acrylic molds in my ear. Inverse fit in-ears such as Shures with their generally small external body and olive tips are very comfortable and fit most people. I personally like canalphones too but those are really a hit or miss, some can't stand them.
>better isolation
Best isolation is provided by canalphones like Etymotics which are universal fit and thanks to the hollow acrylic mold, which is usually the material CIEMs are made out of, their isolation isn't necessarily too good even compared to better isolating universal fits(like Shures). Deeper fit, solid construction and different plastics help but not all CIEMs offer this.
>bettur sound
Very subjective. CIEMs are all over the place, most of them are just blind purchases as measurements are rare and you can't test them out. Neutrality is not what they offer.


Better in every way.

Dropping a screw in the driver wouldn't even hurt the diaphragm unless it goes pointy bit first

X2 is the best headphone out of them followed by 990's
You'd be better off getting something more neutral though.

Sit at your desk and just finger the fuck outta the pad flaps all day
Also, you can buy metal rings off hifiman's site for 10 USD if you ultimately break one
No real biggie.

cop or not?