>this "advanced mathematics" triggers the computer "scientist"
This "advanced mathematics" triggers the computer "scientist"
>tfw graduated in math literally this year and already don't know what's going on here
post itt if you know the difference between big o, little o, and omega. i bet 100% of you idiot faggots have no fucking idea what i'm talking about.
it's what you mathematicians call "trivial" You can learn all about it with little effort.
You didn't take real analysis or numerical methods?
Big o is zero.
Little o is variable like x.
Omega is the same as little o but for angles.
yeah cause it's not like we do math in
Automata Theory
Algorithm Design
Computational Uncertainty
Cryptography (Number Theory)
Computational Mathematics
Hey, don't make the autist feel bad about not going to university!
I learned about that in my first semester of CS.
It's the set of all problems that can be solved in a runtime of n log n or less, right?
I too have read how to crack the coding intreview
I'm from physics, but I've only seen big o in the intro to algorithms course, no mention of it on real analysis, intro to programming, numerical methods, computational physics or any other course I've taken at all.
>having to read books to be good at programming
must suck to be a normie and not an autistic programming savant
>read books to be good at programming
nah it's more like solving crosswords
You often use it to give an upper bound on errors in numerical, and it's very common as a bound on the remaining terms of a Taylor series
Math doesn't make you a better programmer.
>how to spot the unemployed or the delusional
found the guy who only speaks imperative languages
I knew last year when it was on my test
We actually haven't used it when estimating upper bound on errors in numerical, not that I remember.
But yeah, we use it all the time when truncating taylor series and I feel dumb now because I never really made the connection between that and big o despite the identical notation.
Why don't you post your math homework on github, dumbass.
I know like 4 programming languages.
great meme
in the end, math is the basis of programming/ without algorithms, which are 100% math, there can be no exceptionally useful code. printing strings and making calculators are nice, but without algorithms what more can you do?
java, python, javascript, and c amirite?
Come on, gang. We all know that Big O, Little O, and Omega relate to algorithmic complexit. And by understanding an algorithms bounds, we can develop better algorithms/systems.
handwaving, the response
>you can print strings and make calculators without algorithms
import calculator
>implying anybody cares about Big O these days
We wouldn't need 2TB drives and 16GB of RAM if software devs actually knew how to optimize their shitware within Big O. But they don't.
Lol no. They all relate to comparing the growth rate between functions. Don't put your faggot CS shit into this.
You = o(me)
>can be solved in a runtime of n log n or less
We'll call you, Pajeet.