Let's talk to god.
Let's talk to god
Dear God,
When will this flatshit end?
Is kevinnet your way of punishing us?
" I have a space alien. Pay me, nigger, ok? Fuck you." - Terry A Davis via live stream.
Can I play games on Temple OS?
Can I keep it on a USB drive and boot directly from there if my computer dies?
TempleOS should be used on a virtual machine while have linux as your primary operating system you CIA nigger.
It definitely has games, I've seen Terry fucking around with them
most certainly. Kevinnet and Poettering are Unholy hellspawn
god say...
identify consist bow crook discover abrasive charge dry brown satisfy crib produce
i just realized what im going to do for an april fools prank next year
it involves putting templeOS on computers
That wouldn't be much of a prank if you're doing them a favor....
If I was Terry I would focus my energy into overhauling sim structure with the goal of selling it as a video game
really scratching my noggin right now
good thing you're not because then he'd be a nigger
thieving nigger baby
how does terry make money?
this guy is a computer genius he wrote everything from scratch, BY HIMSELF. his own language, his own compiler, then wrote his own operating system in that language with that compiler.
as someone who can barely print 'hello' it blew my mind.
"All I have is time for this, but I don't want to be doing this."
-Terry A Davis, about a minute before he ended his stream
Mental illness is a bitch, folks.
He got a masters in electrical engineering and then pretty much immediately fell deep into schizophrenia.
Dude's a genius, but he's very ill in the head.
He lives off social security disability and lives with his parents.
he get his neet funds
every time i decide to watch, he just finished streaming. worst part? this time he left out the option for comments. ;_;
no. hes saying he has a crush, you dumb fuck. that'd be perfectly clear to anyone that isnt severely autistic with an inferiority complex.
i wish the timing didnt always work against me.
wait what he has a crush on someone?
and he was saying that he'd rather be with his crush then programming? how did you come to this conclusion?
Most computers don't work with it
he gets gibs from the government
he also admitted to being a virgin 2 days ago. shit was pretty sad.
However I really don't feel bad for him any more than I do a normal person. I know a dude who had a stroke and his memory and speech was fucked up. He still kept a job. Lots of people with mental disabilities can be productive. He's clearly smart enough to handle his own shit.
This shit hit me fucking hard tbqh, obviously not as hard as it hits Terry up side the head everyday. Wish there was a cure for schizo ;^(.
There are pills but he doesn't take them
the reason he was given a label as schizophrenic is the same reason we always attack the aliens in the movies. people just dont want to see that they are to blame. if he was good with the ee then he can hear it or see when its running well. if it isnt, he'll have to adjust. if he becomes maladjusted, he gets uncomfortable.
now imagine being uncomfortable among a major multi million dollar company and among their CEOs and execs. They have the power and authority to request he get checked. Now imagine making a claim, whether for or as a symptomatic grievance, against a doctor running mnemonics rather than understanding. he'll be given the easiest diagnosis, asked for payment ( probanly from the company, probably not ) and then get sent on his way. The rest happens from living among the ignorant masses.
He probably sees energy very clearly.
Sex is overrated.
That's probably for the best, that doesn't cure it as well. Probably just a meme like SSRIs.
I didnt come to a conclusion, you fucking autist. Im surmising on the givens just as you are. The difference is I'm not tied to the task of labeling that thing so it fits in my ( yours not mine ) noun based system.
noun based system
>literal autism/psychology
also h. said what he said. whether we can take more meaning from that stems on our proclivity to guide ourselves, the crowd, an audience, an lllusion, what have you over simple observation.
I think more than doing what hes doing, he'd rather be working on some new stuff. learning, in place of doing. but im not terry and i dont trust the basis of psychological inquiry and thought so i could be wrong.
Do you even know who terry davis is? He's got a literal obsession with physics girl.
i have a crush on a chess player
err not that it matters, though.
it's a very dangerous obsession too. he's pretty much convinced himself that Physics Girl works for him now,
he emailed her with all of his passwords and docs on how to run his website.
he also spent a good amount of time just trying to find her address.
but that's schizophrenia for you
This thread has turned into CIA niggers, be gone!
you are normie cancer
Sex is literally the most fundamental thing about life. It's the very fiber of evolution.
This motherfucker is 50 in his parents basement and a virgin. He has an unironic waifu.
it's not overrated. it's safe to assume that as a matter of fact, it probably sucks pretty fucking badly to be in terry's position.
physicsgirl is totally super cute. she reminds me of a female bill nye with the sense of humor of a christian girl. kind of like my 9th grade english teacher. the earlier vids anyway. ill have to watch some of the newer ones.
i saw that video and read what he wrote.
offered her a chance to work with him and then he extended an olive branch. it'd be like a bank od trust saying "you have been pre-approved for a credit card, details inside"
you're the kind of trash that makes the kind of trouble that gets people hurt.
as for looking for her address, before the advent.of the internet addresses were fairl. common to have out. it was address, phone, fax and probably some other junk. terry is not a millenial like you and me. terry is at least older than 19.
why isnt it crazy that all those banks send you credit card pre approvals? or that all those stores with the coupons and junk know your name?
youre right, i didnt realize that was what you meant.
also i hope terry knows that she works for pbs which is basically teaching "white" concepts to black and brown kids. if she ever watched his videos she might be taken aback by hisbuse of the word nigger. whether for personal reasons or as a part of her professional candor wouldnt change the reaction. not wuite like a christian girl, but like a white girl getting paid to be a professional female in her respective field among black people. black people are ultimately sexually inclined. never met one that wasnt. casual conversations and practical relationships excluded. well, most casual conversations. thats usually an opportunity for them yo bask in the smell and to share their own.
this is why i didnt go out for the majority of the obama term. just the arcade, store, school and home. people were being too roman for my tastes. i even took to fewer showers and more time between doing the laundry so theyd give me back my personal space.
I love how terry threads always brings out the schizos
> why isnt it crazy that all those banks send you credit card pre approvals?
Use your brain: because they don't have some accountant sitting at the top of a skyscraper thinking about you every hour of every day.
Has she ever said anything about Terry's "interest"?
I don't think publicly
but terry has mentioned that she threatened to sue for using her logo in his videos, so that may have happened
i understand that legal counsel doesnt want you making the leap, but really you ought to keep your education to yourself and apply yourself in a more practical manner. like...say...birthing children. or answering phones.
i am not schizophrenic. i am simply capable of managing discourse about psychological premises even with tge paper or authority to make direct claims on the matter for payment in return. i just read the same books and use the mit/harvard/yale/oxford courseware fir guidance.
what are you even on about
posting my templeos
tou ask me to use my brain but offer nothing i could use my brain towards. someone fawning over a female and looking for ways to have a conversation with her does not equal in measure the idea that hes "obsessing" over her nir does it mean "he's like, in love with her". he wants to convey a sense of respectability as an olive branch so that its not entirely weird that he wants to have a conversation with this apparently intelligent woman that seems more than capable enough to make decisions for herself. I understand legal counsel likes to stipulate to fact patterns but disavowing the format of occurance in order to pull the popular, i mean jury's, opinion towards something more in tune with our sense of fear rather than compassion is outside the means of your authority, whatever that may be.
And suddenly im aware of the fact that im arguing with a female autist or being swayed, myself, to insults ( is it bad to be an autist? ) so that the jury/audience decides that im wrong bc im not being "respectable".
terry doesnt post here btw so please dont attempt to set a case against him by trying to convince anyone on these boards that someone like terry could ever be so obsessive to the point of "stalking" or "molesting" this person that put herself out in the open as a giving and nurturing personality that welcomes input and is more than willing to accomodate even you.
as for your comment about that accountant, ni. they have a civil enginee. several marketing teams. which by your logic should be terrifying because unlike those marketing teams and engineers, terry is on cam sharing his knowledge with prospective learners and not scheming up ways to trick you into accepting his offer on his terms fo. his benefit and claiming that it is the best offer offer out there. he is simply trying to make a friend. not everything has to be about sex, and im almost certain not everyone that watches terry's streams does so out of a desire to learn from him.
download temple os rn tbqh fampais
so is the girl his gf yet?
why are you replying if you dont want to google or look up the words in a dictionary. if you cant put it together as it is, im not going to do it for you. this is so that youtube lady doesnt get the wrong idea through a series and set of second hand information.
this is hot shit t b h
But God uses Solus
Its comments like these that lead me to genuinely believe he posts here. This is so classically him
I'm gonna try to tap into this OS and talk to god guys wish me luck... im going to consult the F1 menu for how to do that
pbs mustve done so because a youtube video series doesnt really amount to much without the backing of a legal counsel. it'd be like going on any kind of public forum and saying someones name and having them threaten to sue you because you can use those words while talking. i dont even think terry's videos are monetized.
what could she sue over? unless he makes claims in her stead or puts words in her mouth to some official or formal degree she has no case and is just being distant and forthcoming about not liking that he likes her. and probably only because he uses the word nigger since he hasnt really said anything about her, or at least not that i know of. he just happens to have her videos up, her page or shows an email he's sent her.
like i said in my earlier posts. someones' stirring the pot or creating grounds for her irrational and unreasonable belief that his crush us more than just a crush. that his crush is an obsession and that he and his superior and zerocool intellect is a danger to her,.......and her career. this is how liberal students and christian girls tend to creating a bad environment without coming off as something from the wrong element. bad science, bad psych, bad bio, bad law and bad english.
its clear he respects her intelligence and hasnt met anyone that could represent such a level of intelligence. this is why i had crushes on a lot of my teachers growing up. the girls around me were acting like the girls in these threads.
castle frankenstein
WTF how are you running chrome on templeOS? I thought he didn't build a tcp/ip stack.
Right in the goddamn feels
kill yourself my man
he has a legit obsession with her, and that's a fact
it's obvious she probably isn't willing to sue him. She probably wants him to fuck off and stop sending her emails.
its called a non conforming sense of humor. in other words sarcasm. whether you need to have your emotions handed to you with every clause is more indicative of the fact that you need some mental help yourself and not that someone else is vehemently and purposefully making vague yet valid assertions about you or anyone's character. quit being a child and lurk the fuck moar. no one cares what you have to say.
cos i ran a CIA nigger over with my car. they glow in the dark
> literally what the fuck is a random number
wow i just looked up physicsgirl Terry's got good taste. I had assumed she was a dog, she's actually hot
Why are you shitposting all of this
install temple OS
It's pretty clear from all of your posts so far that either you're a pretty lame troll or you have a mental illness.
Are you a fucking idiot or just a mentally retarded cia nigger?
this is fucking hot shit tbqh would reccomend
>concerns self with another human's well being
>tells me to kill myself
nothing here is obsession and there is no stately fact of the matter. she only popped up on the radar most recently and if hes such a problem she can filter his emails. if she wants to risk public ridicule or bad publicity, or risk this mans life by turning her hundreds of thousands of followers against him as an individual based solely on you and your ilks' speculation then she might be risking more than just reputation as a consullable and... well...reputable person of fact. Because im almost certain that a big part of the sjw movement involves the protection of human rights whether the person is deemably "healthy", as in lacks the symptoms of the liberally unoppressed, or otherwise. Because, you know, this america and there is no such pile of sick, women and children's pile upon which to place him.
admit it. you have no grounds and are trying to turn people against him because you cant control him the way you do those guys that buy you drinks at the bar just to pop up in facebook/twitter / instagram with you.
fuck off.
This is good and you should post more.
I'm really proud of you.
install temple OS you fucking CIA niggers. look at this sunset
hey, guys. we got a winner over here. she can say things like "pretty", "clear" and then say things like "troll" and "mental illness"
best of all, she'll ignore everything you say and move on like nothing happened. probably.
honestly don't mention it really check this out Boo I'm grieved Yo whiner in theory foul IMHO theres no place like home later ha the enquirer try again do it homo take the day off That's gonna leave a mark refreshing whale fer sure I'm good you good I'm not dead yet ghetto ghastly sad and then what what luck that's all folks Shhh
rap has agitated the shit out of your board. too much youtube or you have an iDevice.
i think you're all mentally ill ^_^ install temple OS
bible verse random number generator
I'm going to go act helpless at a bar and guilt some nice guy into buying me a drink and then when he starts talking to me, I'm going to over to a better looking and stronger man who will treat me like shit.
>Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)00:21:59 No.57627383 ▶
>I'm going to go act helpless at a bar and guilt some nice guy into buying me a drink and then when he starts talking to me, I'm going to over to a better looking and stronger man who will treat me like shit.
install temple os! ^_^
he's a better programmer than 95% of this board will ever be
I did. It's actually pretty fun to mess around with. Try and see the fastest way you can destroy the entire thing.
i know terry might hate whoever said this but... maybe shes a lesbian?
the picture on the wall was of her and what looked like a woman. she, refers tp physicists, as...well..."*shrug* ¬_¬ physicists" almost like the whole arrangement of business to do with a physics degree in research is devoid of issues found in the uman resource department and just full of labels that describe something that is not as you are. not that being a lesbian is wrong, what do i care.
it would suck if that were the case because then it would all be about things of a sexual nature with her ( as that would be her identity and not that of a ¬_¬ "physicist" and it would be even worse for her if someone didnt think that maybe she could turn a blind eye to that and have a platonic conversation even in the, dare i say, "off chance" that someone of the opposite sex found her attractive and wanted to engage with her.
oh but that was just me. not rational america. wheres that pile of sick, women and children. Ill just put myself on it and save you all the trouble of provisional healthcare. im so glad trump is getting rid of that too. or at least that he's made aims for it.
this is not a lawful. this is a story of fiction and to take anything here as fact makes you a fool, so beware.
> xanax posting
what are the requirements for that? only thing a doctor ever gave me was an invite to have coffee with her. maybe she was a nurse...
anyway, ill leave you to your drugs.
as terry says, "its not illegal."
...either which way apparently.
you talkin' to me Ivy league so he sess blessing wonderful where's the love smart Putin do you like it I'm done tomorrow radio ice cream Cosmos high five One finger salute chump change how about that hit like like in practice resume sloth stoked ba ha stuff bummer oil scum Wow If had my druthers endeared
Holy moly
This guy is frasier!
just letting everyone know what this CIA weeaboo nigger is shitting the thread with.
he thought he could delete it the fucking nigger
Fuck off Terry
your stuff looks ok I guess, but the wallpaper has bad quality
Unfortunately Terry doesn't post on Sup Forums, he used to go on the chan that shall not be named because it's blocked apparently. /templeOS/ on there. He had an IRC channel and everything, then one day he went all skitzo and started banning literally everyone.
>posting from third person
Terry, please
Damn, I miss Terry. Maybe he'll start to stream soon and not be as depressed as yesterday.
Dear God, when will flat design end.