What theme do you use Sup Forums ?
What theme do you use Sup Forums ?
is this the new desktop thread?
Arc grey
Fuck off
cute desktop
wow ty you too
do you go in public with that
why wouldn't she?
please you give me too much credit, it's nothing compared to yours
why wouldn't i???
ummm yes? she
youre assuming their gender you fucking cis scum
i know her irl
!! (offended)
Xfce 4.6 and Raleigh for Xubuntu
boring = good
The default one because I have better things to do then fuck around with themes
nothing fancy
I use Ubuntu 16.04
But Unity is ugly and unpractical af.
Installed Window Maker. It's classic, simple and customizeable.
Best DE ever.
Don't you mean
Fuck, code tag doesn't work for too short a snippet?
Numix + Circle
>I'm boring and can't be bothered ricing.
who are you quoting?
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Flatabulous GTK theme and Paper icon theme. I think it's pretty comfy. Arc darker combined with Numix Circle is also pretty comfy.
Your mom. Kill yourself, you mouth breathing shit brained baboon.
dont be rude pls
I'm using Arc darker with Numix square on Ubuntu, comfy af. Also using that new Go font, and Go mono which a lot of people don't like. I think it's purdy, but I'm a sucker for serif monospace fonts.
>mfw no screenshot because sat on toilet having a dump
>inb4 dumb phone poster
>Orange spoon
fite me
How do you make that right side thingy appear down in the middle ?
Wrong. Stupid frog poster.
The panel at the bottom?
Wrong about what? Dis gon b gud.
sorry meant left side
>inb4 dumb phone poster
Do ya get it now.
Yup, default position is on the left, I want it in the middle like you have it.
(I'm not him.)
Just right click the panel and select panel settings, you can move it and all sorts of shit.
That's xfce, you know that right?
You're not making any sense, but thanks for playing I guess.
New fag Detected
>white terminal
fucking atrocious
Oh no sunshine, deleting this wont help you.
how did you remove left and bottom window decoration?
I don't know what you mean. That's just stock xfce and the included Greybird theme
lazy autist rice 2.0
dude your desktop probably looks like shit lol
buy a mac fampai
how can i have so pretty chan browser?
Default because everything else is too broken to use. Anyone who says otherwise is autistic and retarded. I've literally never installed a custom GTK theme that wasn't fundamentally broken in some way, and anyone who uses anything but default is objectively wrong.
that's gtk3's fault for being the gnome toolkit
Can't when all of my programs use GTK
Numix + Flatabulous
Maximum comfiness
what theme is this?