Anyone could tell me the best way to learn Ethical Hacking? Is there any Website? Underground School of Hacking?
Ethical Hacking
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here's your task: hack into a neighbors wifi network using aircrack. now go learn how wifi works, learn the osi layers, and read the aircrack documentation. there you go, you'll be fine.
modern "hacking ethics" classes will just teach you a bunch of politically correct bullshit, and justify NSA spying on people and talk about how copying files is STEALING and is BAD and how you should be subservient to the government and just females in general.
Fuck all of that liberal garbage.
We need to get them out of our fucking country.
Ethical hacking should be learned from Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Gottfried Svartholm, and that tranny bitch that released those documents, whatever they were.
The time to UNKEK is NOW.
and of course our lord and savior Richard "dick" Matthew Stallman
But where can I learn that skills? I am really interested on this subject but my searches aren't giving results. I want to fight for the freedom of information, but I don't know where to learn the skills first. :/
heres a start
as for learning cybersecurity and penetration, I would try LEARNING IT DUHHH
Learning, but where, is the question... tryed to Google but I don't find anything interesting. :/
If you mean to pursue this as a profession, and have money, take Offensive Security courses. If you're looking to be sk and hack the cute girls facebook/put on a mask and show off your sick 30 line python script, eat a dick.
The internet is a wide open place and the cops won't come if
a) money isnt involved
b) politics aren't involved
Just don't be retarded and hack your school, you WILL be caught and WILL be buttfucked for it.
install Kali, then forums from there onwards.
Worked for me, can work for you if you are determined.
pretty easy, do a CTF, Wargame or set up a virtual machine, if you're serious about it you wont give up, if you're not and its just a "i wanna be a sup3r l33t h4x0r desire" you'll get it out of your head
There is nothing inherently unethical about hacking. I believe the word you meant to use was cracking, and there is also nothing unethical about that if you aren't causing harm to someone.
Ethical hacker has some nifty things from time to time. I first learnt RE/assembly and buffer overflow exploits basics from articles there:
We also had an assembly general recently with some recommendations for people who want to get into assembly, RE and related stuff:
This. OSCP was a whole lot of work, but very much worth it.
But can anyone on Sup Forums decode these encrypted files?
Please stop with this meme that the word "Hacker" was corrupted by the media. It was always used to mean a malicious things.
Would you care to provide insight, were you one of the "hackers" at MIT in the 60's?
No, then fuck off.
"ethical hacking" is a meme spread by corporations to distract those who would be inclined to act to expose said corporations them by putting up the shoddy veneer of "social progressiveness"
>Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Gottfried Svartholm, and that tranny bitch that released those documents, whatever they were.
Ah yes, top tier hackers. No system could resist their security penetrating prowess!
There are courses on udemy and coursera for crying out loud.
(If you couldn't find Kali docs or anything on your own, then I'd just suggest to let go of the idea all together.)
If you are interested in Web application security (Yeah, like hacking websites). Have a look at
Install a virtual machine like Webgoat and start from there. (Just search webgoat).
I would also recommend this book:
But "hacking" is nothing you learn in an afternoon.
do not get into wifi everyone knows it easy to break into. as far as learning goes google overthewire and wargames
How do I do a CTF, Wargame or do virtual machine hacking?
I turned an old laptop into a CentOS webserver. Can I turn it into a hack practice machine?
Thanks guys for your suggestions. ^_^ You are awesome!
if youre trying to go that route i recommend setting up a hyperviser
I've never heard of hypervisors before now.
Any resources you recommend? What route would you suggest I go once I have that set up?
Sorry if these are dumb questions. I haven't really used VMs outside of multiboxing games back in the day.
A hypervisor is a stupidly come-offish way of saying virtual machine manager, like kvm or virtualbox
it is a lower level version of a virtual machine. the idea is to cut out the host OS.
set up an instance to attack and break into it. if that is too broad for you find an exploit that sounds interesting and reproduce it and learn how to prevent it