OP3T launch thread

who hyped for best phone of 2016 here?

>pixel specs
>downgrade overhyped screen

I opted out of the $200 off LG V20 deal for this. My body is ready Sup Forumsents

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I'll get mine as soon as it comes out next week in europe.
When can we expect to see reviews? Has nobody been sent units to test?

its already out of stock

I want a 5 inch version.

I'm generating more competition come 3 hours...but correcting wrong assumptions is the purpose of launch threads...


It's out of stock because it's going live in 2 hours

get hyped

reviews are out already

>still no sd slot

so is the 3t that much better?

>wanting depreciated tech

sd cards slow down your phone and 64gb is enough, stop hoarding cp and chinese cartoons

>soft gold released late december.

i wanted that one

Shit, it wasn't last night, thanks!

Does it still use that shitty pentile screen?


pentile sucks on a 1080p display

if better means it will be in stock, then yes...

because holy shit OP3 is always out of stock all the time. (unless you were willing to buy from a reseller at a marked up $500)

swappa has the op3 for cheap, assuming you dont mind it being used

make me faggot

>cheapest one available is $400
>it's $400 retail

doesn't help that botnets swarm these sites to buy in bulk soon as they are possible

fuck I didn't even think about how people use bots. I just need a phone.

Final hour lads, good luck to all!

the US store is hosted state side, so you technically have a leg up against the bots...

I just want to be off my damned windows phone already. It served me well, but it was more of a camera than a phone



Well I've got that going for me. Thanks.

What made you get a windows phone? Not a troll question.

fucking Rockefeller here spending $800 on phones

>own OP3
>comfy as fuck
I don't think I'd upgrade even if I thought it's worth it and I had the money
OP3 is still a very solid pick.

I myself prefer monitors with refresh rates as high as I can get. Sometimes that means buying a 1080p monitor with a shitty TN panel and Terrible colors because it offers 200 Hz, since I don't want to spend more than the price of my computer on a fucking monitor.

>every smartphone in 2016 dicking around with "muh 16 megapixles, so huge"
>Lumia 1020 had 41
>shit was also solid as a brick
>dropped in 5 times on concrete to its side
>0 cracks
>accidentally got ran over by a car
>light barely noticeable crack

shit was a literal brick. Unbreakable, but 0 features

Keeping it for the apocalypse I guess.

15min lads!!!

Is it worth getting insurance from one plus? From what I've heard dealing with them is a pain in the ass.

OP3T or OP3 which will have a longer life span?

i opted not to. 60 dollars isnt too much to be sure though. im just cheap.

Oneplus is a concept that says "if we buy all these expensive ass hardware in bulk and build our own phone, will it match the 800+ flagships?"

they got a startup page before iirc....

to answer your question... very little lifespan guarantee and QA goes into OnePlus phones...heck they even have an open bug reporting board. (Very indie-ish of them).

It will all depend on your use and luck of binned hardware

Every OEM should have a bug reporting board so they can remove the bugs ASAP. Tesla even begs people to try and find bugs in their software to better it.

I think you probably made the right call, but I got the protection. As long as they aren't terrible to deal with, it could be worth it. 2 years is a long time to not drop a phone. I wanted the soft gold but I don't feel like waiting.

You can't really compare cars and phones... One will kill you, the other only explodes.

I think it's handled by another company? Anyways, I got the 128GB without the insurance. I haven't broken a phone before, but even if I drop it the screen is only like 80$ to replace.

>pentile screen

No thank you

Alrdy have my Mate 9.
It fulfilled all my needs and it will last for the next 2-3 years.

>Simply Premium

Let us know how does it differ from the OG OP3

not sure i should jump on it now or wait two weeks

my OPO is starting to heat up like a motherfucker and drain battery

Wait for it bitch

Where did you pick up your Mate 9? You think they will they sell in Canada soon?

Why 128? Where is all your storage going? I've never made it to my phone's max (32).

>Still using the pathetic IMX298 when the IMX398 exists
>""""""""""""""""""""best phone of 2016""""""""""""""""""""

el yoo fuckin' el

>caring about as small a detail as a camera.
Like any decent person cares about that?
Up to 25% more SOT and better performance tho, that matters

waow really needed that 0.1% performance boost going from 820 to 821 instead of a 2–3× better camera that IMX298 —> IMX398 would bring.

Truly innovative.

I already bought a HTC 10 last week, should I have waited for this?

Go poo in the loo please

I've got a axon 7 so I'm good senpai

>doesn't ship to my country from oneplus.net
>no retailer in the whole country bothered to bring it over

ausfag here, I just get it sent to a shipping forwarder, its like $40 and then you don't get stuck with the chink version

Nice meme. Why would I get this instead of something, you know, better_

Because there isn't anything better ;^)

The tiny black line from the camera to the antennas that every manufacturer puts on their phones pisses me off to be honest.

Pentile screen.


I was about to sell my S7jej because the curve screen Is a fucking meme (lucky me they gave it to me FreeOfCharge™) and buy the OP3T but then i realized
>No mSD card
Fuck, i'm stuck with this shit now

>still has cam bump
>still no 4000 mAh
>""""""BEST"""""" phone of 2016
Nope, sage.

>describing something that doesn't exist

Even better, the oneplus 3T has 128gigs

>no cam bump
>4000 mAh
>What is the RN3P
But it does, user..

>buy one plus 3
>a better version comes out immediately afterwards

cucked HARD

Not with the OP3T specs though.

>tfw my oneplus 3 is literally unusable now that op3t is released

True, but imho the RN3P is more than enough, especially if you don't play games, which is the case for me.

I prefer the RN4 because of the build quality desu.

cant wait for all you OP3T cucks to be B T F O when they release OP4 in 2 months

But they wont

My country was one of the first to receive the 1st batch on 19 Nov.

Canada should receive the mate 9 in Dec

RN4 and R4P look gorgeous and are exceptionally well build, but they don't support B20, RN4 is MTK only and i couldn't resist the 150€ offer for the RN3P 3/32GB global Kate version from the 11/11 sale.

Bought a 64 GB one, wish me luck boys. My N6's screen shattered after two years and hoping its a decent upgrade.

Music and games. I also go on long road trips at least once a year so I load up movies on my phone.

I'm upgrading from a Galaxy S3. I hope I get blown away.

>sd cards slow down your phone

>one dedicated bus for memory vs two
>How can 2 memory block checks via SPI be slower than 1 durr

Do you even embedded son??

>almost 2017
>have bezes

into the trash it goes

oh no now it takes 3 seconds to load my file browser instead of 1

Enjoy not having OPO support the phone after a year like they have with every other model they released

I have an LG G3 that I don't really care for. Really tempted to buy a 3T with my next paycheck.

Redmi Note 3 Pro

how is this better than the pixel?

protip: /s/ITSNOT/s?

it is desu


>physical button that's not the "end call" button

for what why

>significantly lower price point
>2 extra gigabytes of RAM POWER
>better entry level storage options
>higher resolution camera
>3400mah battery
>dual sim

the pixel beats the OPT where google can push updates to it quicker but that honestly isn't much

not trolling

but why does the pixel feel faster? even with 2 less gigs of ram?

google probably optimized certain features of the OS, animations are probably more fluid than oxygen OS which makes it 'feel' faster

t. cyanogenmod user with a OPO

I use it for music. Also my phone is a tool, so i keep various windows/linux isos on it cause i often need a bootable flash drive when working at some job, easier to boot off my phone than to carry a separate flash drive. also if the phone gets dunked in water or something, chances are the sd will survive.

>5.5 inches

I don't want a fucking tray, I want a phone.

>No wifi calling

>Cat 6

No thanks.

what is that?

Unsanctioned bicycle races.

t. /n/

Internet speed category.... Current hardware can go up to theoretical speeds of category 12. But current infrastructure hasn't even come close to that.

Most of the world is Cat 6, pocket areas are Cat 9.

>Even giving a shit about the camera
Fucking cancer please die.

What do phones usually have? Don't computers use CAT 9 cables?

Everything in US and most of Europe and Asia is 6....phone or computer. Although we can transmit and receive faster, current infrastructure doesn't allow anything faster

It makes a nice selling point though, like the phone with the 41 megapixle camera

Why is that user not liking the CAT 6 on the OP3T though is that worse compared to other smartphones?

Silly made up excuses to not buy the best phone in the world.

Such as:
>tfw fell for 6gib ram meme
>non removable battery
>no sd card slot (even though the upgraded storage is cheap)

Current high end phones should have CAT12 LTE which is 600/150. Cat6 should be the minimum if you're buying a new phone now.

There might not be many networks in the world that can give you those speeds, but shit is always being upgraded and expanded.

How can you know what a provider such as ATT uses?


This may or may not be completely accurate. You will also see there are a few providers around the world with cat11, there's no reason not to get the highest speeds available. Most telcos have a roll-out plan for future network upgrades available to the public, see if you can find it.

This is false. Yes infrastructure is always being upgraded, but when it comes to networking, the speed is always the lowest common denominator. Sure you can transmit at 600/150, and the node after you is able to transmit at 600/150....hell, lets even say the Satellite after that is able to transmit at 600/150. But so long as the server you're trying to access, or any of the nodes hop to a lesser transmission speed, you are bottlenecked to that...

Anything above the current standard (cat6) is basically useless until the majority upgrades

Everyone knows theoretical speeds don't equate to real download speed when you're getting OP's mother's sex vid from mega.

Nothing I said was false.