/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Old thread: Desi.CD is best edition

>New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>"How do you get in X now that WCD is closed?"

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup: [Gist] 00-description.md (embed)

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Know the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before, though most claims of being staff are false
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you that cheating can be evaded. It can't and you will be banned and everyone will laugh at you
>people claim to report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time

Other urls found in this thread:





tiny head niggas ww@


this is why only white males should be in charge of trackers

of fucking course a link is broken already
quit copying and pasting the OP you little punk

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup: gist.github.com/RalphORama/0d77e77de3d53dd86e9565fdea4959b2

What the fuck is SciHD and why should I care that it shut down?

hmu with invites to anywhere

[email protected]

Brainlet detected.

Can someone explain the curry meme to me? Are there genuinely trackers run out of India?

Down syndrome addled mouth breather detected.

Oh my, it seems I've struck a nerve!


wut wuuuuut

Can we stop using curry as an insult? Its not even funny

poorious pajeet detected


It's making me hungry tbqh

This dude is one suave motherfucker.

I think I'm falling for the BLACKED meme lads :O(

हेल्लो माई फ्रेण्ड्स

Instead of trying to create a decentralized tracker or do the same gazelle shit over and over again.
Why don't trackers just aim to make it a headache for law enforcement to go after them? Simply by changing the name of the tracker/server locations every couple of months and changing addresses, it's added paperwork that sets them back. If whatcd changed it's proxies every year or so, they wouldn't have been shut down, it's as simple as that.

Sounds like a funding nightmare?

What.cd consistently exceeding their donation needs on a monthly basis, I'm sure they could've afforded something like that.



delete this


epeen memes


Are all the what.cd guys in hiding or are they actually working on a new site?


All the wcd wizards are dumping their FLAC, and there is sitewide freeleech. It's great.

send invites then you nerd

I have FLAC 96/24 Moldavian minimal techno to share, where will it go ?

>this is what retards actually believe

I'm on NoStream and I've got a lot to upload but god damn I'm tired of going through the process.

how2get into nostream?

if you're not offering invites then no one cares about your blogpost

Check the announce channel :)

I think they are though. The nostream torrent quantity keeps growing by hundreds every day. That's why I'm trying to build up a good ratio early. Most of all I hope Waffles comes back soon because I'm sure it's going to become the number one tracker.

Well I was hoping for suggestions. Even MusicBrainz doesn't help all that much. I would give invites but I'm afraid of getting banned.

beg in IRC

>ancient early 2000's UI
>being anywhere close to number one

Waffles was trash and will remain trash even with its biggest competitor out of the game.

the very first upload I see in the announce channel is a brony musician


imo it's not worth it right now. It's shit right now. It has very few torrents but it is growing quickly so I'll give it that.

Yeah but even with a shitty UI, it currently holds the greatest number of music torrents. Not very close to what, but it is the number one music tracker file-wise.

hmm yes I simply cannot wait to download my favourite MLP fan artist's music in glorious freelech'd 320 or V2

I can post my music collection + 2 Proofs if that would help.

how many is there to recover? 1 million?
does that include all versions like flac/v0/v2/320?
and not to mention the versions too.
i only have 300gb worth

I still have my what torrents up in transmission, should I delete it?

retards pls kys

Maybe. I'm not sure yet. I have one invite at the moment and waiting to see if someone I offered it to will respond.


Christ, we get it already..

I see. Thanks for the update.

It's a private subleddit

Yeah. Stay posted though. If he doesn't respond I might just give it away.

>You must be invited to visit this community


Great thanks ^^

>an account is required to view it
you have to go back my man

does anybody have the infographic for which tracker to use for various things?

it's horrendously out of date

Yes, but half the sites listed are dead.

im looking for a tracker that has a bunch of older games (circa 1998-2001) any suggestions on places to look?


You mean this one? It is incredibly outdated.

getting a 404 on their site, they change domains?

they're RIP

they're temporarily down

any suggestions that are alive?

They are shut down indefinitely.

as in demonoid temporarily down or thepiratebay temporarily down?

PC or console games?

tpb. their tracker is still working.


Sucks to be you.

>tfw mutracker will never come back

the GoG torrent with like 300gb of old games is floating around on a lot of public trackers

oh my god. whoever keeps inviting these idiots needs to JUMP OFF A BRIDGE

we need experienced UPLOADERS
not fucking this shit


[17:35:00] +Peptido: AzzA: So, how's it feel to be staff? According to reddit you're definitely staff here
[17:35:09] +Peptido: sarek: Oh neat
[17:35:23] @sarek: once we move, we're opening up invites
[17:35:24] +AzzA: Peptido it's great, i'm staffing from my car i bought with stolen donations
[17:35:40] +Peptido: AzzA: HA! GOTCHA! YOU ADMITTED IT!

jesus fucking christ

who gives a fuck where it's hosted, they're just trying to dev a new site. Once it's ready for users, i'm sure they'll actually hide the fucking server

it's cool to delete these m3u files before uploading, right
who even uses these

i just realized, but does changing tags on music fuck up the log file?

seriously, the tossers at reddit / Sup Forums need to get a motherfucking life


can we please stop quoting and leaking screenshots and shit to Sup Forums and reddit
that would be great

can someone teamviewer me and upload the rest of my torrents
im tired

fuckin degenerate swine


Fuck off, Emm, you ugly sack of shit.

can someone just do us all a favor and ddos them to kingdom come until sarek drops the project and starts gangbanging with his crew again

fucking retards goddamn.

[17:52:48] AheadOfHisThyme: we need a witch hunt

we need a witch hunt

* aZZa is a huge cocksucker

i might start leaking my own messages

I am super gay
we know

[17:54:27] Epicwhale: I'm a closet homosexual
[17:54:56] Epicwhale: can someone expose me

Why? Are you a queer or something?

Sarek doesn't give a fuck about this. I don't know why you keep posting it.

your site is a joke #nostream