explain to me why exactly i should care about privacy if i have nothing to hide
Explain to me why exactly i should care about privacy if i have nothing to hide
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Privacy is the basis of a civilized society
Explain to me why you don't deserve to be gassed.
im a good boy and eat my vegetables
Because some cunt is getting money selling your information while you get nothing.
Because you'll need to hide your anime autism after an anime hating dictator forcefully takes rule.
please post your SSN and naked pics before saying you don't care about privacy
why should you care about freedom of speech if you have nothing to say?
I got w10 and I go to sadpanda everyday. I live in one of the "five eyes" nations but I haven't had any trouble.
Explain to me why I should protect your right to privacy if you don't want it.
because there is thousand of interpretations for your data, all of them out of context
>be botnet inc.
>sell a graph of your data put all together to your mom
>you're OP in Sup Forums
>you visit Sup Forums
>therefore Sup Forums
>where people have posted cp
>Sup Forums is for technology
>therefore you are a hacket that 8/10 could or could not host cp porn
>your no a NEET anymore, no tendies 4u
>your never get a decent job cause in other graph from other botnet you're not social enough,
>therefore not a teamplayer
>your cv never gets even read
>Some might say "I don't care if they violate my privacy; I've got nothing to hide." Help them understand that they are misunderstanding the fundamental nature of human rights. Nobody needs to justify why they "need" a right: the burden of justification falls on the one seeking to infringe upon the right. But even if they did, you can't give away the rights of others because they're not useful to you. More simply, the majority cannot vote away the natural rights of the minority.
>not a little girl
Time to get gassed.
satan trips of truth
Trips for truth.
You shouldn't. What's your point, fuckwit.
Truth revealed
I don't know, but that's a cute anime girl OP
very nice and truthfully
don't fall for satan's lies
just by visiting Sup Forums you already have something to hide from employers
Please post your timestamped pic and with your verified name, address, phone number, place of work, email and password. Thanks.
>"I've never done anything that was embarrassing would like to hide" said nobody ever
please post your most embarrassing childhood photos so we can turn them into a meme and make you internet famous
Satanic truth exposed
Explain to me where you posted your entire personal info including card number, pin and security number if you don't care about privacy.
everybody poops but we still close the door when droppin a turd
Even if "anonymized," data in aggregate can still be used to identify you beyond "this IP seems to visit Bad Dragon a lot.
Okay tell us your real name and street address.
because fuck you thats why.
You have nothing to hide user?
May i place a webcam in your bathroom then?
Had this been in the satanic trips, it would be parroted from now on.
So what do you niggers do when you sign up for an account? You realize you have to give birthdate and your name if you ever want to recover it
>btw I'm a boy xD
fuck off, every fucking time they have to announce it. Go to your containment board.
RIP Madobe
>jpg for plaintext
whoever wrote this is too obsessed with being homosexual. Sad!
Great ad hominem attack. You sure proved privacy isn't necessary.
Strangely enough, he didn't post any of that. Hmm...
>This content is available exclusively to Chronicle subscribers
What are pedophiles trying to hide here?
Seconding the naked pictures request.
should you care about freedom of speech if you have nothing to say
>She will never let you use her easy and comfortable hole.
Why live?
This is everything
If you have nothing to hide then why do you wear clothes?
Why are (You) hiding your naked body with clothes? (Ypu) got nothing to hide.
The same reason you also use doors, curtains, walls not made of glass, clothes, keys, passwords and so on.
noone asked you to
go be societys bitch
There is no reason.
this this this
>"I have nothing to hide"
Okay post your phone number, ID card, credit card and number, country and street address, e-mail password, political stance and civil status, medical information, information about your family members like daily routine and photos, also if you have a cute daughter or little sister preferably 11 years old please post her e-mail and photos thanks.
To prove that you've nothing to hide post your SSN
>if you have a cute daughter or little sister preferably 11 years old please post her e-mail and photos thanks.
>11 years old
get with the times gramps
>I have nothing to hide
Please give me your credit card number,
your address and phone number,we'll talk.
Why should you care about freedom of speech if you have nothing to say?
You're not the government.
neiher is Facebook :^)
I have a solution to one of those issues, don't take naked pictures of yourself and noone will see them
Yeah! The government never does ANYTHING wrong. EVER.
Why keep living if you have nothing to live for.
"Saying you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say" - Edward Snowden
You have plenty to hide, you just don't know it.
I'm not talking about things that would land you in jail.
Personal information can be used against you by criminals.
Trusting microshit to keep your info safe is foolish.
Where do you live just so I can fly a drone with a camera into your bedroom.
Got nothing to hide, right?
>cant even trust your own government
You might as well kill yourself now.
This. I'm seriously really tired of all of the god damn paranoia if I'm being completely honest though.
>Especially botnet
You shouldn't necessarily care, but the fact that you don't care about privacy doesn't invalidate other people's right to it.
>not living in amerikosher or yuropee
>don't use faceberg or any social media that requires real-life information
>don't go around giving details IRL everywhere
>don't do TORShit or save CP
I'm not implying "nothing to hide" but i'm pretty sure NSA has more important targets than me.
>cant even trust your own government
>an entity comprised entirely of people
because people are all perfect and nobody is selfish or does bad things just for the sake of doing bad things.
>giving random sacks of shit the ability to steal peoples identities, know their locations and movements throughout any point of the day
>thinking this sort of shit isn't all leading to a clusterfuck of damage the proportion of which makes ww2 look like a joke
>believing it isn't already being use for human trafficking, murders, and god only knows what other awful shit
are people really this gullible? this fucking stupid?
New rule, you can only ask this question if you post a naked pic of yourself including your face and full name.
(Hint: The reason you wont do that IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION)
prove it
post a full-body naked picture, yur name, address, and social security number
Nanami chan kawaii
You're right with nothing to hide there's no reason for privacy, at least that was my take away from 1984.
this So you DO have something to hide. OP you liar.
Evil government, OP.
Just as an example a righteous king would leave people their privacy.
Not true, actually privacy is a product of modern times. Just 50-75 years ago privacy didn't even exist as we know it.
50-75 years ago we weren't walking around with spy devices in our pockets.
>spy devices in our pockets
or our homes
or our shopping habbits
or our daily schedules
no matter how many times this faggot tries to claim what he said is true, it never will be.
we have no private lives anymore, and it fucking sucks.
When i am taking a shit, i don't want people to watch me either and there i have even to actually hide than i do on my pc. So OP, if you have nothing to hide, you can show us some videos about taking a shit, right?
even less*
fuck i should go to bed...
Sup Forums in history > pedo > prison
You have no right to privacy from a service you voluntarily subscribe to.
How do you KNOW your proprietary phone os isn't taking naked pictures of you?
nigga, just move to a glass house and you'll understand. don't ask stupid questions.