Look at these guys
Why do successful youtubers all use Macs?
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Not just youtubers... all successful ppl use Macs.
Because they're rich and they don't give a fuck what some autist on Sup Forums thinks about them.
Because success = stupidity
That fucker's face sure is punchable.
I recently got a 2010 Macbook pro for free. It has an SSD and upgraded ram. It honestly runs great, feels just as snappy as my 2000$ gaming rig and all the music production software (mainstage, reaper, pro tools, ableton) I run on it runs great including in live settings. I don't think I would buy a brand new one as the price point still make me uncomfortable, and the complete lack of ports is absurd, but that being said, I understand why someone who makes their living off of using production software would appreciate the consistency of the product.
WEW LAD how is that crappy die shrink treating your dumb ass? I bet your gaymen rig has a Q2C and a GTX 590 KYS FAGGOT.
Punchable? more like, it looks like it's been punched with dicks since he was born.
Youtubers are normies. Successful youtubers are rich normies.
So of course they use macs.
Because mac users are more likely to show their macs on video instead of focusing on their content.
Holy shit is this a thing now?
Otoh the idiot on the first video is exactly the kind of a jackass I would expect to identify as a "youtuber".
Final Cut Pro
not even apple uses that shit
You do realize only extremely mentally ill people (ie homosexuals) use macs, right?
His wife's tits. They're a literal cuckolding couple.
those tids dont loog great
1. This guy build his career in relation with apple products (muh planned obsolescence etc)
2. Dumb kids today don't seem to understand how invasive apple advertisement was on youtube since the very first days
3. A rich dumb hipster artist is going to have a mac. Deal with it.
In fact macs are pretty good "just werks" machines for people in the creative industry that don't want to bother much.
Do Americans really like tan lines?
This fucking guy looks like a goblin. God damn I actually can't even stand to watch this shit.
But the most successful youtuber using Peecee. Macfags BTFO
It's literally the only option for consumer end user Unix workstations left in the entire industry. Everyone else either went bankrupt or went enterprise only.
On top of that Apple has very good support which is what end users, as well as professionals, need and care about. The level of support combined with unified hardware standards, ubiquity of the software, and an ecosystem provided for you, is probably why most professionals choose Apple products. As much as they get shit for being "expensive" they're cheap when considering more than just the machine itself then comparing that to other business/enterprise grade solutions with the same level of service(s). Consumers break their shit all the time too and with Apple it's very easy to just walk into a store and walk out with a replacement as long as you're covered, even if you're not and you need a new machine their ecosystem makes it a non-issue since all your shit is synced up.
Regardless, the whole reason people use them is because they have 0 competition that comes close in the consumer-professional market for the same price.
Wanna know why he wears glasses?
Cause he looks like a retarded goblin monster without them, the guys eyes are fucked, things are popping out his head like dragonballs
>t. mactoddler
I don't really need one so I don't have one. I wouldn't mind owning one, but while they're cheaper than the alternative they're not cheap enough to buy for no reason on top of your existing machine. My machine cost more than the highest Macbook Pro, I'm not looking to double that cost every few years unless I get a job where they don't supply a workstation and I need a dedicated, highly reliable machine.
Macs were pretty popular in the 2000s.
That's when these cunts started using PCs.
Do the advanced math.
t. microarchitecture sperglord
>Casey Neisat
Wow OP, wow.
Macs are best. That's why, if you're stu8ck with a PC you'll remain a who. Even more with Linux.
Famous people are humans as well. They're as susceptible to marketing as the rest of the world. The only difference is they have the money to buy into that shit.
>Why do successful youtubers all use Macs?
Thats retarded. macOS is just simply a good operating System for creative Tasks, no matter what some autists on /g think about apple.
So naturally ist going to be popular with alot of People who get famous creating Content.
But not all use mac. Motherfucking PewDiePie has the most subscribers and uses WangBlows. Sure he has a gaymur channel but still.
>successfull youtubers
You mean subhuman leeches?
They're just grunt workers for the ad industry. They have less value than prostitutes.
Imagine a world without "youtubers" to create clickbait for ads. Oh, all the ads morons would never see. Horrible.
I do
Neistat got the new Macbook Pro, and had to kill his vlog a few days after that.
Sure is productive up in here :^
Don't worry, you'll get past minimum wage soon and your angst over the successful will lessen.
They're not poor like Sup Forums is
Better curb appeal. You gotta brandish "up class" products so that viewers watch out of jealousy.
>Deliberately beats up his glasses
>'It adds character'
>Continues to wear them at black tie events
>No shits given bec rich public figure
It's kind of funny when Wintoddler Sup Forums babbies criticize Macs. Like watching a playground toddler fight.
GNU+Linux user here.
>t. mactoddler
all the successful gamers on youtube usually don't macs.
Man that's one ugly motherfucker
Linus doesn't use Macs.
What in the actual fuck is wrong with his face? He looks like a 3rd degree burn victim with full facial reconstruction?
I'm leaving g for good now. This is too much. So many tech illiterate macfags on this board I can't stand it. You're worse than refugees you fucking gay faggots
kek we got rid of another macfaggot gj guise
Just another reason to not use a Mac.
Most YouTubers are retarded normies with an inflated ego. Of course they're gonna buy Mac's and for two reasons.
1. Makes then look "cool", so they can inflate their ego further.
2. They know nothing about technology and just buy what other normies are buying.
There a reason why these people are so popular and its because they're too normal and people aspire to become that in order to fit in.
Because they are good machines. If you are a successful youtuber you have money to burn and can afford to buy a top of the line mac, even if it's not the absolute best value in regards to CPU power per dollar.
why does Dubai have sports cars all over despite being an arid desert shithole?
same reason. there's very little control over where the money goes.
because they have oil
>Why do retards with disposable income buy Apple products?
rly med me thnk
um the term "youtuber" has been around for like 4 years.
Are you living under a rock, mate?
damn that looks comfy
When you make $15000 every month, you don't think twice whether a computer, which is just a tool like a hammer, costs $1000 or $2000.
It simply does not matter over the course of its lifespan.
Let me try to explain it to you poor fags.
$0.50 candy bar that tastes okay
$1.00 candy bar that tastes great
Which one do you buy?
I would buy 2 $0.50 ones. Doesn't really work with laptops as you don't eat those.
Dat nose, Jesus christ
oh my god this is the saddest post i've seen in a while.
Arguably, their time is too valuable to spend on configuration and hunting for software solutions. They would rather have both of those solved in popular ways to shoot up the learning curve and get right into content creation.
In truth it's probably more often about status and financial irresponsibility.
Sure, as long as you don'tind getting a kernel panic every time you try to do something, then Mac is "pretty good"
Hahahaha, that is priceless.
Because final cut pro
Homosexuals are vastly poor, they use $300 WalMart Winshit laptops.
Because they are rich. Macs work well and look great. They don't game probably.
Plus they advertise for mac some of them
I saw this guy's >review of the new MacBook. No mention of specs at all, just talking about basic shit. Is this seriously all normalfags want to know about when they buy a new computer? I'm not shilling apple or anything, I'm just actually confused about what normal people want to hear about in tech reviews, cause if that's what they want, KFCHD is overworking himself.
indeed, and OS X has the production software and the plebs. basically virtual petrol.
the point is, just because Dubai and OS X are outwardly successful doesn't mean they're not arid shitholes.
Yeah I'm constantly bombarded by MacBook Pro ads on TV, and totally not all the Samsung ads.
>talking about falling for marketing on a board where people ask anonymous posters to approve of their purchases like total cuck sheep
Enjoying that cuo2duo TwinkPad?
Actually homosexuality is positively correlated with above-average intelligence and income.
going to need a source on this one.
macs usually have subpar really shitty hardware for a 1500usd laptop. you're basically paying for the ui and some of the apple software - which isn't entirely bad it's nice stuff but you're definitely overpaying. it's a literal shill and marketing and aesthetic that apple has won.
i think steve job is a genius for seeing this.
There is a difference between willingly engaging in a discussion about a product and being served an advertisement for one against your will.
Advertising is dead, Televisions ever prevalent irrelevancy and obnoxious web ads have nailed it's coffin securely shut.
We often joke about 'shills' on here but realistically it's the only options big business has at this point, to engage with niche markets like us.
>Because success = stupidity
Why do you care so much what other people use? Is my XPS somehow worse because some e-celeb doesn't use one?
Yeah no I go out in the real world unlike you, I don't get my information from clickbait meme sites. Faggots are usually dumb and trashy. They also don't care about tech or know shit about it. They're more into designer clothes and nice interiors, not computers. That's the homosexuals HERE, not real life.
niche markets as in kikebook twitter.
geniunely the only people that care about us or the researchesr and the cia niggers ;)
Specs just don't matter much on a mac, he DOES mention the specs he got by the way.
Macs are like consoles versus pcs if you think of gaming. They're optimized, everything works great and they're much more efficient at using hardware. What matters is the experience and not just the numbers and parts since those are not necessarily a great indicator of how the computer's gonna work.
I know that you know perfectly well that it's a thing and you're just triggered that it actually became a thing because your pathetic lifestyle doesn't allow other people to have fun ;^)
>There is a difference between willingly engaging in a discussion
Its not discussion. Every time, a headless chicken OP clueless on what to buy, doesn't even have a clue what he wants but just wants something, then the neckbeards detect the prepared cash and descend upon the thread recommending ThinkPads and Dells. Its funny you say people buy Macs as a """status symbol""" to fit in or something (which nobody acknowledges in the real world) when people here buy shit on the advice of anonymous autists to fit in. People here are so lonely they'll all buy the same products just to talk about them to each other on the internet. The ThinkPad circlejerk generals are a prime example.
>specs are not a good indicator of how a computer's gonna work
And yet Windows gets more battery life than macOS on a MBP (at least during Yosemite it did).
>people I disagree with are le autistm
Whenever you want to prepare an argument that isn't a decade-old maymay, feel free.
This. A high spec Windows machine is a video game player. Mac vs PC spec comparisons are retarded, because they're not intended to run the same operating system. Its just as dumb as Android vs iPhone spec comparisons. You can't compare two things which run different operating systems for performance. Its not logical. That is Sup Forums shit. The main reason why Macs are more expensive is because Apple makes and develops its own operating system on all its products, this is a massive stress on the company. Windows OEMs just need to cram some gathered components in a chassis and sell it with a generic Windows install.
Why do you think the Pixel is more expensive than the iPhone? Google's first round of tailor made OSes were expensive to do.
Excellent deflection! I never presented an argument, there's nothing to argue. I only had an opinion on the dumb shit which goes on here.
successful = money
money =/= pleb
why use good and cheap things when you can use expensive things
>You can't compare two things which run different operating systems for performance. Its not logical.
You make it sound like macOS has some compiler magic where it can beat a desktop i7. Do you even have any sort of proof that macOS runs significantly better on Apple hardware than Windows?
>I never presented an argument
Yes, I could tell.
>I only had an opinion on the dumb shit which goes on here.
Your opinion was stupid:
>someone asks for a laptop
>someone recommends a MBP
>no problem
>someone asks for a laptop
>someone recommends a thinkpad/XPS
Calling poorly-formed thoughts opinions doesn't make them any less stupid.
>what is reading comprehension?
>expensive things are good
This is poorfag mentality and will be the reason you will always be poor.
>ethernet cable
that's a joke, right?
but macboocs are $20 candy bars which taste like utter dogshit
Please present an objectively better alternative.
100GB/s wi-fi cards
Your life is a joke
Please leave Sup Forums and never come back.
the ethernet connection is only needed for the pc, right? Then why is it connected to everything? It's a clusterfuck. Just make a hub for data purposes, a single jack for audio and another for ethernet. What the fuck were they thinking?