Why are GNU/+Linux users such bullies?
Why are GNU/+Linux users such bullies?
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inferiority complex
Proprietary software users have a slave-mentality and long to be bullied, whether by Microsoft or by those using a free system.
Sorry, Komari
is KDE good yet
gnome3 is about to give me an aneurism so I think I'm bout to go back to xfce
last time I tried KDE is was too bloated
superiority complex
Solus users are incredibly friendly.
>KDE Shill
im installing kde bro im bout to make you proud. i hope my computer can handle the bloat
Kwin crashes often and it's kind of frustrating when you're working on something.
In the past week I've had 3 crashes while working on music and it fucks up everything.
I'd avoid it until they can fix this (I don't know why it's still an issue)
But I'm lazy as fuck and don't want to install a new gui and KDE is pretty comfy.
Just booted into plasma, it looks really fucking nice. KDE is really making some good progress. I'm probably just going to use xfce though. Less bloated faster startup time and I'm more familiar with it. I don't like how a lot of the interface handles but it's probably just because I'm not used to it.
With some tweaking you can get it to look pretty nice. It's not as snappy feeling like xfce with its animations but I like its start menu a lot more than xfce.
Just a lot more straight forward and cleaner looking overall.
is this a desktop thread?
also sorry, redshift made it have an orange tint. Forgot to turn it off.
it is now my boy
this desu senpai
They're insecure and are projecting their own shortcomings as bullying.
the arch wiki is anti bully, it's set up to help noobies, all you need do is read it closely :)
You have a tiny little terminal display with huuuuge borders and titlebars and buttons and everything around it.
That is the KDE way? Dolphin is great, but white space everywhere.
While that looks nice, there is no way I'll ever get to see the configuration files and packages, am I?
I'm just using the big ugly terminal that came with KDE. If I had another one it could look a lot nicer.
Qterminal from LXQT?
i3 with gaps, if you are using i3, py3statusbar is a great plugin, dmenu, terminal.sexy
I hope some of that is useful
cos they are insecure, otherwise they wouldn't care.
Also, sauce pls.
That is extremely helpful. Thanks.
How about little things like brightness keys?
I'll get started reading the py3status docs. Thanks again!
they're not bullies, Koma-chan, they are just worried about your safety and freedom, but can't express it properly
brightness keys? like you mean how to get the ones on your keyboard working?
Xbindkeys is a package that also has a gui interface for binding keystrokes to actions, so you could set the brightness keys to say execute "xbacklight +10" "xbacklight -10" etc
i should mention you could also set this up through scrolling a brightness bar icon using py3status, take a look at the example on the github documentation for having a scrollable, mutable audio status module
Yes. Like on my X220 I have Fn+Home or Fn+End for that, and GNOME/KDE recognizes that. LXDE recognizes that too. i3 and Openbox obviously didn't, as they're window managers.
Xbindkeys looks like it'll do the job just fine, yes. I think I'd prefer using the xbacklight command over a scrollable brightness bar. Luckily I never use audio on my Thinkpad, so that's always muted.
How did you come across Xbindkeys? Because the most difficult part about command line things is knowing what you don't know yet. There's no GUI to show you what options you haven't yet gone through.
I googled 'arch brightness buttons' or something and followed some links on the wiki a while ago, it's not the most well layed section, and as with most stuff there is more than one way to do it, Xbindkeys seemed the easiest to me at the time
Looks KISS to me!
Thanks for all the help, user!
np mate
This senpai. Well said sensei.
Why is it always KDE vs XFCE?
Lxqt is better in every way
Because you're fucking dumbass
No it's not
So far LXDE still seems better than LXQT.
I do prefer LXDE over XFCE. I don't really see the point in XFCE, to be honest.
Yes. Yes it is
Microsoft is the bully.
baka desu senpai
Using windows = watching your girlfriend get fucked by chad thundercock
Using linux = using a real system to get things done
>Using linux = using a real system to get things done...
... and no longer have a gf because you don't have any free time
Why is windows the most used operating system in companies then?
Why is every program compatible with Windows, or the superior version is on Windows only?
>Why is windows the most used operating system in companies then?
Corporate cucks lol
Because it comes preinstalled on most computers.
tech equivalent of religious nuts
That's just his own incompetence at customising his system, I'm using the same terminal and, in case you're wondering, yes, I can remove those borders too.