Desktop screen share time

show desktop as is no cleaning up

Other urls found in this thread:

dog looks chill'n a mug

>literally 2017
>Desktop Icons
>Upscaling on low-res screen
>Having more than 2 pinned items on Taskbar
>Thick Taskbar
>Shitty Wallpaper
>Trash in Recycle Bin
Might as well slit your wrists at this point.




I made this

just why

Literally too lazy to clean it up. Access most of the important stuff through the terminal. Also, good thing you haven't seen my home folder yet.


4k resolution isnt that great in linux i was getting too much lag in my laptop so im stuch with halted botnet




please, be gentle i know not what i do

>not using all the Features of your os because >current year
>focusing on muh minimalism over actual useability
>falling for the 4K meme
>being this dumb

fuck off, mate

this. Don't fall for the 4k meme for a laptop not wrth it

I think that's actually pretty dope



>not nt
who else intp-a masterace on \g\

post sauce

Kek, had no idea what you were talking about at first.




pretty good

best one here


You made me cry. Hope you are happy.

> (You)

You made me cry. Hope you are happy.


your eyes must be seriously fucked up :/



learn a real champ



fite me u wont

Okay, fine.


trying to make linux look like macOS is super tacky imo

No excuse for a messy desktop.

Just installed Arch Linux XFCE +Kwin window manager.

Best linux setup i've ever had so far.

Really need a good icon set BTW so please recommend one.


And use a better theme

Can the tripfag with the system 7 (IIRC) Xfce theme make a damn guide and post the download link again?

it's all default buddy. thanks for the suggestions.

well except for the window manager theme. inb4 you get mad cause its a mac-like theme.

the only part of osx i like is the color bubble window manager buttons that's it.

>disabled cleartype
>having that little desk space

you have 20 million places to pin shit in windows 10, desktop shortcuts are deprecated

desktop is a workspace, where you put files you are working with, and then you store them somewhere else when you are done

>>Upscaling on low-res screen
He could be using some 14" laptop shit. hardly low-res with that sort of setup.

ENTP-A masterrace coming through

Why isn't this thread autosaging?

What I meant is that there are cleaner looking OSX themes


i'd say being busy is a pretty good one

>static desktop


because it isn't called a desktop thread, thus avoiding the filter

fucking eyesore

true pimp artwork imo

bling bling



I think I'm the only one here running Chrome OS.


That's a great movie. I cried like a little bitch.

Also, then the director made an English language film with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp that was fucking terrible. I don't get how the same guy could produce one of the best films ever, and follow it up with one of the worst..




Only one i like in this thread



This looks like a Dutch railway station i frequent,

Kill me.


can you upload your wallpaper, brah?



Sauce on anime girl?

>rms background
>user-subjugating web browser
>probably a non free distro

hot garbage

user, that wallpaper pls?

cba to crop secondary monitor background

god tier, except for crap browser



Use google image search, you retarded cunt

Good photo, disgusting filter


Yeh, in 2006

nvm found it

i keep stallman there because memes, user, i'm not actually autistic enough to >muh foss

chropera's alright


Do you like the Activities panel? I've always seen people replacing it with an Applications menu (and have done so myself).

Icon doesn't match theme. I recommend trying another combination.

Consider removing "GNU/Linux" from the task bar, I think it'll look better. But overall cool setup IMO


What is that Ph thing on the right side?

n i c e

Pretty comfy desu
Try using an extension to remove the arrows from the top bar

I feel that square tabs would go well with this setup.

How much mess do I made?

1. Learn English
2. Your desktop looks boring, because it's Windows and it looks identical to every other Windows machine

sauce on wp?

it's one of the default gnome ones

oh yeah forgot it's Sup Forums and everyone uses Linux to make their computers look like malfunctioning macs

mine looks nothing like a mac

cool, I'll look for it. care to share the name?


ohayo! what app is that? skype?

japanese desktops are so cute, they always look like they're from 2002 for some reason


got it, thx senpai
