How do I become a patrician on Sup Forums?

How do I become a patrician on Sup Forums?
So far I have

>operating system
Arch Linux

>window manager

>programming language

60% Pok3r with limited edition artisan key caps

Botox injections that force a smug grin 24/7

What else do I need?

a schoolgirl outfit and shaved legs

Great, now install Gentoo.

> operating system
gentoo linux

> window manager

> programming language
python, c

> keyboard
das keyb 4 ultimate w/ mx red switches

> fuel
club mate.


>Window Manager
?? Ctrl shift escape

>Programming Language

cute girl

>Arch Linux

>club mate
I stopped drinking it once narcissists started using it as a badge of recognition.

>operating system
windows 10

>window manager

logitech G910

sex god

You can start by not moeposting


You do sound pretty Sup Forums

> operating system
Windows 10

> window manager
Windows 10 idk

> programming language

> keyboard
cm storm rapid-i brown switches

> face

>How do I become a patrician on Sup Forums?

>Get on hormones.
>Let your hair grow.
>Buy stripped socks and frilly panties.
>Buy dragon dildo.
>Start self posting and fishing for compliments on any threads you can find.

Sauce on that girl.

>operating system

>window manager


He isn't even a trap

>caring about what Sup Forums thinks


Who's that user then? That's totally a trap if not a real girl.

but your hair is short? we've seen the pics

man i wish i looked like that, still getting there

Loving & Madly Adoring OP

:^) How nice!

>operating system
Elementary OS

>window manager

>Programming language
C C++

Varmilo vr68m lubed gateron black (GMK hyperfuse + anodized alu case

Varmilo va87mc lubed vintage blacks (Gateron thick PBT + anodized alu case)

HHKB Pro 2 45g uniform (blanks + massdrop spacebar)

Tada68 lubed gateron yellows (O-co dyesub cyrillic PBT + O-co modern beige PBT)

Will have octagon v2 + viper v2, but Duck isn't dropping them rn.

Also, you guys have shitty keyboards.

>operating system
Windows 8

>window manager
Click Left Mouse on 'x'. It goes away.
Windows Managed.

>programming language
Microsoft Word



Legs are the most androgynous part of the human body, it's not hard to make them look feminine.

That guy is ugly as hell theres a reason he only posted his face once.
He also have stereotypical gay face.

Your degeneracy knows no bounds.
Those better be doubleshot, sissyboi.

>operating system
Arch Linux

>window manager

>programming language


face got cracked with a shovel

>operating system, window manager, keybaord, programming language, face
Work, Windows, DWM.EXE, Rubberdome, N/A, Concentration.bmp
Home, MacOS, Chicklet, Aqua, N/A, Amusement.gif
Batcave, Arch, i3, Gateron Brown & Doubleshot PBT, N/A, ShitpostingGrin.webm

>no thinkpad
start there