Alright Sup Forums I finally give up this piece of trash. Gimme a browser that protects my freedumbs/privacy and let me use addons like umatrix, ublock, https everywhere, etc.
Alright Sup Forums I finally give up this piece of trash...
You already have it
palemoon? It works great on my old laptop
Is there an ebuild for Gentoo?
there -> github/perfect7gentleman
Thank you!
firefox does all the things you mentioned
Properly patched Firefox.
Does not contain any component or extention compromising privacy.
Using the latest in the field of browser optimization.
> Gimme browser
fuck u, windows pleb.
>browser that protects freedoms & piracy
>uses a credit card
>uses a cellphone
Stay retarded tinfoil faggots
Which distro is this, user?
Palemoon was good until version 27.0 got released. Now all sites take much longer to load and 75% of plugins don't work anymore.
If you're going to switch to anything Chromium based, it may as well be Opera.
>Listen to music online in firefox.
>Change board.
>Music stops playing and nothing happens, half the stuff is loaded except most images.
>5sec everything pops in and the music starts again.
Iridium. Literally Chromium without the botnet.
Never Trust germans
question: why are meatbags so inefficient in producing code to run commands effectively?
rhetorical question: is it because meatbags are imperfect and thus aren't capable of working on machines?
I swear, Palemoon is getting closer and closer to Firefox with each update. I'm actually at the point of switching back.
Just switched back to FF after using Chromebot the past 4 years. Stay where you're at.
So, Palemoon 26 is the new Firefox 28/Firefox 3.6?
>tfw they also discontinued the atom/xp version in 27
So Chromium still has botnet? I thought it was literally Chrome without the botnet.
Chromium is basically an open source browser that Chrome is based on. So yea, the botnet is still there in chromium
>Firefox 28
why would anyone use this horseshit?
brave browser
Compile it yourself fag
Pale Moon, or any other FF fork. Many are far less bloated than FF, or strip out unwanted features.
What are your grievances with FF? There's probably a fork to address them.
I feel you OP. I really do. But Sup Forums is right. You already have it.
My advice is use both Firefox and Chrome depending on what website will work each. I generally use Firefox for important stuff and Chrome for entertainment purposes. I have VPN (PiA) so privacy isn't that much of a concern. And who cares if NSA figures out I'm watching YouTube. On my Mac now (also use PC because I'm not an autistic elitist) so I use Safari just for porn because Safari is a whore and I treat it as such.
>Now all sites take much longer to load
Exactly what did you do to your PM configuration? How many extensions are you using? Do any of them have memory leaks?
The latest version of PM doesn't give me any issues. It's barely pushing 200 MB of my RAM, and page rendering speed seems normal.
Bear in mind that using an ad-blocking extension is probably going to affect rendering speed, because many of them re-render pages minus ad elements rather than operating realtime like a HOSTS file.
>and 75% of plugins don't work anymore
I'm not sure what you're trying to install, but I haven't come across any incompatible extensions. At worst, you might have to go into the extension's version history and install a slightly older version, but updates past that point are probably just cosmetic features anyway.
I have about a dozen extensions currently installed.
for those on xp, recent nightly builds no longer work on it
according to
the last known working build can be fetched from
this whole thing shouldnt even be an issue. its just caused by
but the cuckmanagers that want to get rid of xp&vista will probably let this going on
>inb4 it will backfire
>inb4 xp
It was the last version before the "Australis" horseshit came along in 29.0. Are you 12 or something?
Yeah, but at the pace of a slow moving turd.
Have you updated to 27.0 yet?
>I haven't come across any incompatible extensions
They removed support for all Jetpack/SDK extensions.
as opposed to a fast moving turd?
you should not use your vpn only for bad shit it makes using a vpn useless
what exactly happened im considering switching but i have no idea what australis is