Why are there so many Indians in IT?

Are they really that smart?

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You American are our designed shit street now

>Why are there so many Indians in IT?
there are universities in india which only teach software engineering. if you take a billion people and saturate a profession with graduates, this is what happens.

I wish I was Indian now

No. They work for cheap. They also permeate healthcare. Note they also help meet diversity quotas.

Post nudes on Sup Forums

>Are they really that smart?
there is no such thing as smart, only access to education. Countries who make university free now, will be the leaders in coming decades.

no they produce shit like TOYS IN JAPAN

>t. Pajeet

Nope, I'm a kot.

>t. Jealous americuck (Most likely white too)

No offnse

Nah mate I'm Aussie

IT is one of the highest paying jobs, for minimal effort.
It can be done remote/online.
If you want to learn IT, all it takes is any computer and an internet connection.

The opposite
The educational system teaches for answers and not comprehension. There are so many of them since they cert like mocks. You tell me who gets through hr

>demanding CP on a blue board

She is 45. Like in anime.

Looks 18+ to me. Prove me wrong.

>are they really that smart
no, they're really that disposable.

>Nah mate I will never have fast internet

Kek, you don't know who she is?

Erene AKA Kat AKA Katja V AKA Vera
100% not CP

>there is no such thing as IQ
>t. Average IQ

No American who has ever worked with an Indian is jealous, trust me.

Why the fuck do Pajeets stick so much?
I'm doing some onshore work here in Malaysia and even the Indian locals here stink, also when I was I Singapore. The chinks are ok so why the fuck them? They're not technically born in PooLand so why the fuck do they still inherit their smell? Is not bathing a religion thing?

Pretty sure plenty of murricans are jealous of Google CEO.

Their diet mostly. Those spices they love to
eat aggravate their natural odor.

white people smell of milk/wet dog you probably can't even tell

People can eat spicy food and at most you'd pick it up by their breath
Its like the smell goes out of their skin pores
I just don't fucking know

If we assume their population has an equal percentage of "smart people" as the US, that would mean that for every smart American there are ~3 pajeets that could replace the American for a fraction of the American's salary.

It's because they're used to their smell.
I guarantee you, those fuckers don't even
use deodorant because they're so used
to their smell they don't know they stink.

Whites btfo
>Has average intelligence
Niggers btfo
Slavs btfo
>Knows computers
Spics btfo
>Knows English
Chinks btfo

So only group that satisfies all these conditions are pajeets

fuck off stop generalizing

Singaporeans are indo chinks actually. They have a large number of Indians there.


Why do people use OP images that have nothing to do with the thread topic?

Why clickbait here? This is not youtube or reddit.

Meant for

Modanifil is easy to get and cheap over there

stop being mad pajeet, and shower once in a while

>Knows English
you have to be more specific with that, they kinda know but can't speak it fluently

I have a Pajeet friend who said that cheap H1B visas are hurting the Indian communities here by bringing in third world tier idiots into the country. He hopes that Trump will cut off H1Bs and actually stop companies from employing cheap workers.

It just have to be understandable. Companies don't care about the accent.

Yeah same thing, they also fucking stink
It's actually funny that they're the nigger equivalent of Singapore, doing blue colar jobs if not being poor, and the chinks are generally the rich people

That's not going to help. They will just go for another group that will satisfy similar conditions like the Philippinos.A better solution is to force companies to pay the same wage as a regular worker so that they lose the motivation to employ them in the first place.

Indians are the spics of technology - they work for fucking cheap in a desperate attempt to be rich back in their home country. The unfortunate thing is that they don't have the work ethic of spics. The fortunate thing is they're not smart enough to be criminals.

>spics are ethically superior
>yet they are criminals
i disagree with everything you said but i just want to point out how this doesn't make sense

obv bait, kill yourself faggot


They're not ethnically superior. Spics work hard, but are dumb as bricks and generally horrible people in anything but manual labor. Indians are trash people who don't work hard, but are just a bit smarter than spics, but not smart enough to be any kind of successful criminals.

Spics work hard at things they do, unfortunately they also have a good work ethic for crime as well.
When they do crime, they don't fuck about.

Indian here. AMA.

When will you leave?

will you leave?

people who boast about IQ are losers

t. Stephen Hawking

If your country is so nice why don't you live there

It isn't. It's shit.

no you dont, india is so over populated there is not enough toilets & not enough toiletpaper, they got to poop outdoors in vacant lots designated as poop zones, and many people are starving because there is not enough food either

It kinda makes sense if he doesn't want that much competition

Would any American be willing to have their contract be renegotiated to be less if they're already working for a company? It would probably work if they fire the current guy and post the job again for a lower price

Neither will you americans, for that matter.

Will you still be a superpower by 2020?

Wait until we learn to turn shit into energy. Let's see who will be laughing then.

15 years, give or take a couple. Naturalized citizenship lets me stay here for as long as I like, but rest assured I'll go back. :^)

Yeah. If I don't go back and fix muh country, who will? The problem is curryniggers come here and never leave, like they just forget all about India and turn their nose at the mere mention of it. They leave the squalor behind and when they have the ability to go back and help their brothers and sisters out, they refuse. It's a horrible state of affairs and I really want to change that.

>implying I had a choice in moving stateside

That's a meme spouted by retards. India will git gud, but not before 2040, at the very earliest.

Coincidentally it's also full of indians.

>India will git gud

They just have to wait it out.
Europe will become a third world shit hole withe whole refugee thing
Combine it with our low birth rate they will become a superpower by default because we will die out

Trust me, I'll do my part in #MakingIndiaGreat
But really though, you can just fuck off, Mr. Phoneposter.

India's far from getting to an acceptable population size. Combine that with poor farmers, bad recent weather changes, corporations/companies bleeding them dry for seeds and pesticides, it's almost guaranteed to not happen. Europe will stay ahead of India as long as you guys' education and means of production are better than ours.
Quality > Quantity.
I'm sad that people in India don't recognize this and think they can overcome things just cause of sheer volume. What the country needs is a homegrown movement that values Indian institutes, Indian workers, giving them an incentive to stay in India and help out in whatever way they can.

I had a talk last night with one pajeet from india about spiritual and meaning of life shit. God damn they're smart.

I'm scared

Fucking racists. I bet you're all whites too. Did Pajeet "steal" your job or something?

Nope. I'm Indian and I can understand it why people feel threatened by a minority who works for cheaper and forces them to look for alternatives. Stop labeling everyone who disagrees with you a racist.

This. So much this. Also, people who eat a lot of garlic stink too. It's not just their breath but their sweat too. You'd think people would be aware of the simple fact that diet effects their smell.


White people smell like shit too.

this is seriously true. only exception is trump, but the fella is unique.

I don't even think Trump's ever seen an IQ test.

This. Immigration isn't a racial issue. It hurts EVERYONE.

but i hear theres alot of unpaid overtime

>slavs aren't white

No, they're not smart. Their purpose is for cheap labor and tech support. They don't even know how to clean themselves. I mean, they stink so bad because they don't believe in showers

What are you talking about mainlander chinks smell like shit and are rude and loud all the fucking time

>Why are there so many Indians in IT?
That must be a phenomenon only in English speaking countries.

>Are they really that smart?
No, they are really cheap.
Here at my university there's a number of them. They study robotics, which involves a bit of computer science. I can't say anything about the robotics faculty, but they fail hard where a bit of math is involved.

Don't know about smell, but can confirm rude, loud, inconsiderate and selfish.

who's the semen demon?


who is that cum-cumber?


there are too many of them

You don't have to be smart to be a programmer. You just have to learn how to do the work. There are millions of other people with all the same skills as you and no delusions about how valuable that makes them.

Erene [Femjoy]

thanks user


thanks again

I am Eurotrash so I can only talk about that but Chinks Japs and Pajeets are actually the most well adapted and most hygienic non-white foreigners here.

Maybe because it's so far away only the reasonably good ones come here.

Sandniggers on the other hand.....

From Kraków?


suff Sup Forums [Sup Forums] believes: pic is a dumb indian who doesnt speak english hired just to meet diversity quotas.

another dumb indian. he surely shits in front of his $4,000,000 home haha!

How do you even differentiate between Pajeets and sandniggers?

Market for lemons.
They can obtain bullshit qualifications for little money which gets them hired.

Why do tech company CEOs always keep their hands like that when giving a talk or something.

i think everyone puts his hands like this at one point or the other while making a speech. now, why do people like to put up photos of CEOs with their hands like that...

I am Indian. AMA

I've worked in a big American company where this was exactly the case. Whites ended up doubling their work working in new Pajeets every week (thanks to hire & fire contracts and fantastic turnover rates) plus correcting what the Pajeets had done wrong.

In the end, the company ended up spending much more money by "outsourcing" to Chennai than they could possibly have saved in wages. But nobody cared, since managers only ever stayed on for a year or so and moved on when their mistakes had been discovered.