Sup Forums
Where would you look to find old servers/technology that the owners are trying to get rid of?
I've been using an old POS desktop for a personal server and i'm looking for upgrade.
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Sup Forums
Where would you look to find old servers/technology that the owners are trying to get rid of?
I've been using an old POS desktop for a personal server and i'm looking for upgrade.
pic unrelated
shameless bump for old tech
Behind company buildings
what kind of places would you recommend? i'm assuming that wouldn't be a very frequent thing in most cases
'm considering calling up local ISP's, the mom-and-pops kind, seeing if they have any junk they're trying to get rid of. waste of time or nah?
This reminds me of the time I used to run with cyber urchins. We were hot, young and ready to take on the world. Then Hackers came out and our movement was infiltrated by lifestylists and wannabes.
We felt like Bushido Samurai being overrun by modernity. Some of us still adhere to our code. Listening, waiting for this world to devour itself so that we can build a new one on top of its rotting carcass.
Corporate places. You know, those office buildings. If you can't find the cage, it's probably locked inside the garage.
This reminds me of the time I used to run with blade runners. We were hot, young and ready to take on the world. Then cyber urchins came about and our movement was infiltrated by lifestylists and wannabes.
We felt like Bushido Samurai being overrun by modernity. Some of us still adhere to our code. Listening, waiting for this world to devour itself so that we can build a new one on top of its rotting carcass.
Tell me more, user.
now i'm interested. there things are common?
I live in an area with relatively few corporate office buildings but i'm sure i can find something.
how illegal is taking things from them?
Not sure how common these are. We would move old shit from the basement to those cages when there wasn't more room. Companies whom share buildings I'm sure have those. No idea how illegal taking things from them are. I would just take some stuff but not say anything to my boss.
Holy shite!
I live in a toer block right next to a KFC and a police station!
Wonder what I could get?
i'll have to do some trawling downtown and talk to some people it seems, never knew those things existed.
prolly gonna check some e-recycling places too.
i haven't been on Sup Forums in probably 5 years, are there still any good gear threads? all i've seen are "look at what mommy bought me" battlestations
>Hey everyone I fell for the retro shit meme and want to join your secret club. What private property can I steal from? t-they weren't using it anyway, and I'll be using it for a much greater purpose... taking pictures of it to fit in with an internet club
fuck off m8 i'm looking for a server that would otherwise be thrown away by some business
it's nothing about "retro" or some faggot aesthetic, it's about making use of what would be otherwise sent to some niggers in Africa to burn for metals
or maybe you're just projecting?
E-recycling places are a safe bet.
>i haven't been on Sup Forums in probably 5 years
Try again in 5 years.
solid. i'll be checking this thread periodically if it's still up, will update if i find anything special
bummer dude. i installed gentoo because of you faggots
>will update if i find anything special
Update us with whatever you find, not only if its something special. Send pics of the plant too, do some urban exploration for us Sup Forumstards
i'll try my best. and hey, maybe it would inspite some neckbeard to leave his parents' basement and check out all the cool shit out there in the world
peace 4 now bb, heading into the city
Godspeed, user.
Well, you see, being a hacker is like being a Samurai. It's a solitary life, spent training and mastering your craft. Others may look at you like a relic from a by-gone era, but they don't know what you know, they don't know what you feel.
Every couple of years or so you will see a nick quit in IRC chatrooms, a flash of memory hits you like a pang of pain. You send a memo but the nick isn't registered, no IP as it is behind a Tor network and behind that plethora of VPNs, hacked boxes and bouncers. You know your kindred spirit hops from one machine to the next, never resting.
The face you know just got on that high speed train to Kyoto, but you just got to the platform and are left standing. You wait again for the next chance encounter, when two lonely winds might intertwine for a brief moment and spark the flame destined to engulf the world. Out of the ashes we can build a new one.
Good luck.
no pictures today, all the e-waste places were sketchy shacks in the toxic waste part of town, already felt like i was gonna get shot without swinging my phone around.
found a dual xeon HP rack server from probably 10 years ago, no hard drives or memory, guy wanted $80 for it. probly gonna pick it up tomorrow, what you guys think?
also went looking around the back part of a few distro centers, found one of those cage things at one of them with a bunch of fax machines and some older workstation-type computers. i got told to leave pretty quickly tho, as could be expected.
still have bunches of places to visit, might post again tomorrow if i find anything golden
That paper makes no fucking sense at all. Is this comedy or did it actually happen?
When it comes to googles, who fucking knows