I'm a NEET and I just tricked my dad into buying me a 190 eurobucks GTX 1050 TI by telling him my old one burned out

I'm a NEET and I just tricked my dad into buying me a 190 eurobucks GTX 1050 TI by telling him my old one burned out.

Should I seriously kill myself?
I've drunk like a liter of rum and I'm really thinking about it.

I'm 33 btw and I think that I'm a huge burden on the family.

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Go fuck yourself

You're a huge burden on your family.

Yes, you should seriously consider suicide. Your life isn't getting any better.

Seriously I'm thinking about that. I don't know what to do.

you need to find the nearest hospital, buy/steal a syringe and inject air directly into your veins

how could u do what to your parents, you pathetic little faggot. end yourself

Exit bag is the superior option

I'm considering getting revenge before I go off.

I know who is responsible for my life being completely miserable. Should I do it, even if he's family?
I mean I know he's been planning on this for decades and he's completely open about it.
He tells me right in the face that he's waiting for our parents to die and that he wants to kill off any "competitors".

Yes, a homicide/suicide is a great option. Everyone wins!

If you feel they are responsible enough

I do everything for my parents. I keep the whole household going, while my 48 yo brother tries to sabotage everything. I just wanted a graphics card for myself for once.

I do the whole gardening and plumbing and what the fuck else has to be done.

Go for it.

Just make sure you plan it well.

Why don't you turn your life around?
Quit worthless video games.
Learn programming, get a job.
I can help you.

I'm 33 too and I'm kind of a failure too, but I quit drinking a long time ago, I made money with smart Bitcoin investments so I don't leech from anyone. I'm now learning programming and it's going great.

You can do it, user.

Step 1:
>Dad, I want to apologize. I did not really have my old card burn out on me, I just wanted a new card.

Step 2:
>Hi! I would like to apply to this position I read about after searching for a job. This is my resume. Hope to hear from you soon!

Step 3:
>Ok... maybe I should not drink large quantities of alcoholic beverages then go on Sup Forums to get advice. They will just tell me to kill myself or murder my family, and I know that that is bad advice. I should go to bed now, and get my life in order tomorrow!

Yeah sure, why shouldn't you, if you're going to kill yourself it doesnt matter.
Might as well get some revenge while you're at it.

Dude. Move out and put as much distance between yourself and them.

Start over. Youre only 33. Have a good 30 to 40 years still man. Man a future for yourself you want to be a part of.

>I have money
Having money is a great reason not to kill yourself.

I'm completely capable of programming stuff. I was in the demoscene like 15 years ago.

It's not about being capable. I'm just super depressed to the point that I don't want to wake up in the morning.

People think this is a meme, but it's actually real.

I just REALLY want to wake up from this bullshit. I know I can do it, but then every time I think about it there's just this barrier.

It's really not just laziness

8 years ago I was so poor that my friend was giving me produce from her garden. Like cabbage etc.

OK, it's true that it was not real poverty because any time I wanted I could just go to my parents... but I refused their help. They begged to help me but I refused.

I needed to change, I couldn't be an eternal leech.

I have some money because I worked hard... I did disgusting things online (not webcam whoring, nothing sexual). I hated it but I didn't want to leech and I had no marketable skills .)

I was on my knees, poor, depressed.

so after I got enough to invest in Bitcoin, I made money with that

I had enough money to meet a girl then

we married, we have enough for ourselves, but not enough for family

so now I'm learning programming all the time

don't give up man

50-60 years left in him if he has access to Western medicine. That is a whole lifetime!

Try setting smaller goals for yourself. How about: Today, I will write a new resume, or update my old one. Tomorrow, I will search for jobs in my preferred area, and apply to 3 of them.

Like I literally mastered BASIC when I was 9 and programmed games for my friends.
Then short after that came Turbo Pascal and then Delphi and Visual Basic and then C and my teacher told me we could not teach the whole lot of the class C because they weren't good enough yet.
And then I went on. And I composed demoscene tracks for 7 years besides the programming

But just something struck me in 2001 and I just stopped and I still don't know what happened.

FML for real

Why a 1050 tho OP? Could've got a 4GB RX480 for around that much.

>not laziness

What on earth do you mean by vitamin investment? Do you buy bitcoin and sit on it? Do you buy stocks with it? What is it?

OK this will sound like bullshit but do you know that SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH has found that there are 3 remedies to depression that are MORE EFFICACEOUS THAN ANY BULLSHIT ANTIDEPRESSANT PILLS?

Do your own research. Here's the 3 things. In order of importance.

1) PHYSICAL EXERCISE. Whatever you can do. Even 5 minutes, even a short walk, or some stretching, some yoga pose, anything for start

2) FUCKING VITAMIN D3. Read about it. If you don't get enough sunlight YOU ARE BOUND TO BECOME DEPRESSED it's not your fault it's how the body works

3) MEDITATION. You don't need to be a fucking Buddhist for this. It's scientifically proven that it helps


following these 3 steps you can fix yourself in 1 month or less


How do I apply for a job if I'm 33 and never been employed? "being really good at computers" doesn't mean that much anymore.

I really do want to work, though. I'm past my depressive phase, but fuck..

People that don't get lucky get dead. You need to learn that not everyone gets to survive and not everyone gets to win.

Luckily for you, you didn't learn this the hard way.

I bought alt-coins when they were really low value, they increased 10x in value

I'm not rich but it was enough to give me time so I can learn programming in peace without having to do some menial job or sometihng like that

I have a University degree btw (Masters even) but it's worthless

You know what I'm going to save that.

I love you, user.

just get a job user nobody is happy

"If you are considering to kys because of such a shit reason you should kys" - Sup Forums


two key things:
1) find stuff to fill in your CV even if they're semi-bullshit

2) do volunteering, it looks great on CV shows you're nto a piece of shit



>2) FUCKING VITAMIN D3. Read about it. If you don't get enough sunlight YOU ARE BOUND TO BECOME DEPRESSED it's not your fault it's how the body works

Fuck I've been sitting in the dark with the blinds closed for like 20 years now. Is this really a thing?

The third thing here is the most bullshit, instead of meditating just take some time to relax.

As for the first- exercise- Cochrane approved. Shown to be (a little) better than anti-depressants. Certainly cheaper.

For the second- lack of D3 certainly causes depression, but it's the lack, and more doesn't make you happier if you already get enough.

You could, like, i dunno, get a job? They're not that hard to find and get, really. I've no high school education and i make 70k a year.

BTW, you don't actually need to get sunlight. You can cheat by buying Vitamin D3 pills. But you need the right potency... get those with very high potency. Search about it online, places like /r/nootropics

Vitamin D3 can single-handedly cure your depression if you aren't getting enough sunlight now

Dude if this will turn my life around I'll throw you the BBQ of your life in fucking Germany and I'll pay your ticket.

It is. I promise it is.
I'm sad I discovered it so late in my life.

Not that guy but yeah Vitamin D causes it, also not doing any exercise at all causes stress and depression.
Even walking 20min every day makes a big difference when you're sedentary as fuck and helps fight it.

You seriously don't know how it feels to be depressed. It's not just being "lazy".. it's like "why even live?"

Yes. I started Vitamin D treatments after I realized the same. Really helped improve my mood since I work the night shift

>The third thing here is the most bullshit, instead of meditating just take some time to relax.
Sure, it doesn't need to be actual formal, Eastern style meditation. It can be, but doesn't have to be.

You can instead just go in the park sit on the bench, listen to the birds singing. The point is to rest your brains.

Watching youTube or lurking on Sup Forums is NOT resting your brain.

>For the second- lack of D3 certainly causes depression, but it's the lack, and more doesn't make you happier if you already get enough.
Yes, it works only if you don't have enough D3. I'm sure most people on Sup Forums don't get enough of it

Why not instead of dying for something stupid you start living for yourself?

Man this has probably been the most helpful Sup Forums thread in my whole Sup Forums career.

I wonder why I haven't told you all about this in all these years.

I love you guys.

Jus b uself xdxdxdd

Pick up D3 supplements, btw. There are 2 types. D3 is most effective, when taken with a meal.

No matter what the fuck life throws at me
I continue to make it threw indefinitely
Immortal technique defeats the odds repetitively
Until there ain't shit ahead of me competitively
Surviving the tough times is imperative to me
Looking at the whole world revolutionarily


It's just laziness.

Used to work night shift w/ lots of overtime.
Stayed functional with a full spectrum light, D3, and chocolate covered coffee beans.

>I just have to keep moving
I'm fucking crying brehs

Rare shit I saved for (you)


Fuck Chechnya

>How do I apply for a job if I'm 33 and never been employed?
I do not represent every employer on earth, but I can tell you this: We are DESPERATE for good programmers. People in their late 40's applied when we had a junior-developer position available. You are 33? That is young. People in their 40's do not call themselves old... they do that in their 50's.

Your only problem will be your ego. With your lack of experience, you will be applying for junior positions, just like the 20-year-olds. Can your ego handle being with a slightly younger crowd? I think you can do it. You are here with us now, are you not? If you can handle Sup Forums, what do you have to fear from the real world?

If he bought it for you then he did it because he cares about you. Just tell him and death your sorry per forget it happened. Your dad didn't buy you it so you'd commit suicide.

I'm serious about this. I went to the "Arbeitsagentur" in Germany and they told me that without a diploma the best I could hope for would be a 1euro/hour job at cleaning up the streets even if I knew how to code.

Become an illegal immigrant.

to where?

Should've bought amd instead op.

>local man buys amd for son and son DIES

the arbeitsagentur don't know shit

tech Is a meritocracy, your diploma means jack if your portfolio is shit

Anywhere you can afford a plane ticket to.

You think I could really get a decent job without a diploma in Europe?

I know all the shit that is needed, but it's all self taught.

>You think I could really get a decent job without a diploma in Europe?
>I know all the shit that is needed, but it's all self taught.
It is hard, but possible. I have a friend who work as a Network techie and he barley even finished elementary School (Sweden)

Your education matters, but it matters a lot more in academia. For general IT, and programming in particular, it means jack squat. There will be PhDs who will be turned down, and non-diplomas who get hired, for the exact same programming position. Why? Because IT and programming need actual skill, not your name on a piece of paper.

If you have the skill, you will get hired. Lack of degree is not an issue.

>I'm 33 btw
You didn't need to type anything else. The answer is yes.

Calm the fuck down, nobody's dead or injured. €190 isn't a giant sum. Your parents will be worse off if you commit suicide.

So if I have a 20 year experience in actual hacking and Demoscene stuff, I can get a job?

Because that's my situation. I really want to score a job, but I've never been able to get one.

I have NOTHING to prove my worth beside my demoscene shit.

At least try. If you fail, it'll just be another mail in someone's inbox, and there are a lot of inboxes.


I guess I could try again. You're keeping me alive user. You don't even know how much you're keeping me alive.

You are the most pathetic poster I've seen on Sup Forums in weeks.

For everyone in this thread


>So if I have a 20 year experience in actual hacking and Demoscene stuff, I can get a job?
"Hacking" is not exactly something you can put on your resume. "Programming" is. So maybe you learned a programming language or two, or maybe you know your way with ease around various flavours of GNU/Linux, or maybe there are other skills that you have that are useful to IT. If you can prove your 20 years of experience on your resume, and that experience is relevant to the job you are applying for, that will give you a major advantage.

Tens of millions of people around the world are finishing their school this year. They will be writing their resumes, and applying for jobs. Most of them have little or no experience, but they apply anyway. Why? Because there are millions of entry-level jobs! If they can do it, you can do it. Except you will have that extra confidence that comes with age.

What is Demoscene?

>Tens of millions of people around the world are finishing their school this year.

That's exactly what I've been talking about. Every shitty kid "knows about computers" nowadays.

My special skills aren't special anymore.


>What is Demoscene?
Seriously? You're that kind of a Sup Forumsuru and don't know about the Demoscene?
I can't believe that.


I can do you one better:

I know about the music only, not the programming aspects.

The only one responsible for your life being shit is you, you pathetic fucker. Unless this person crippled you from waist down. Even then its only partially acceptable because I know cripples with more drive than a lot of the pathetic meets on here.

Get a job. Help yourself out at least a little.

That was good.

How about this one?



this has to be bait
please tell me this is bait

Actually wasn't bait. I'm drinking myself to death right now. Feeling SO guilty

do it user. go die with style!

Livestream it

Drink anti-freeze faggot

Timestamp or I call bull.

Actually user helped me to keep going.
You fuckers just want to see someone die, but user helped me when no one else was around.
Fuck you..

What the hell man? What's wrong with you? Most you can be a neet is until you're 25 MAX then you need to get a grip.

Why haven't you developed a profitable skill yet? Are you fucking brain damaged?

You could at least be doing freelancing nipspeak translation work from all the weeb shit you've watched.

You're killing your mother

>I've drunk like a liter of rum
Still didn't make much typos. Looks fake. Anyway, find a job and get a life or back to r9k/pol

maybe instead of becoming an even bigger waste, you make something better of yourself and repay the favours.

I can drink a litre of rum and still talk to you mate.
I'm German.

>tfw NEET.
>tfw some of my stuff was crapping itself after many years of use.
>Dad offers to buy me new shit.
>I just ask for a soldering iron instead and fix it myself.

I think he got angry at me for not accepting the new shit but if I could fix it why waste my dads shekelz.

Yo, stuff may be shitty right now but you can work at improving yourself. You mentioned knowing programming stuff which can do a lot for you. Even if a traditional job doesn't work out you can prolly do freelance stuff.

I don't know if there is an equivalent in where ever you are but you could try and get a GED sort of thing. It works as like a diploma for people who dropped out. It's a test that you take afterwards. If your country has a similar thing you could go that route.

Best of luck!

>tfw you're at your first job, 2nd day

Don't do it op, stay neet forever.