How does Sup Forums support themselves?

How does Sup Forums support themselves?
I'm just now realizing I can make money with this autistic coding hobby I have.

NEETs need not apply

I whore myself out to a MSP roughly 10 hours a day, 4 days a week, fixing general issues and watching Mr. Robot in the downtime.

I work as a projectionist

-dynamic timetable
-work with computers and such
-the knowledge of a gentooman is enough to operate modern digital cinema equipment
-fully digital system, does everything once you do the "programming" once every week, so plenty of free time at work to do other things like reading a book, shitposting, programming, learning stuff, even playing vidya
-air conditioned workplace

How's the pay

I work as application administrator which means I install middleware, webservers etc or fix incidents by using crazy sql statements which no one should even think about running on a production environment. Also it pays very well.

I live in an eastern EU shithole so it's not comparable to western EU or the US.

Teir 1 servicedesk.
Work for an MSP.

It general PC/MAC, Windows 7 and 10/Office troubleshooting. Some light networking stuff. Collecting eventlogs/gpo stuff.
Windows Server, a lot of AD work, Exchange, light powershell
I like it. Once you know all the clients environments its all good.
Sometimes its a big clusterfuck where the clients don't know anything, and that one guy who set it up is on vacation.

I haven't done much coding so this fits me.

freelance weeb dev in the week days, uber driver in the week ends

What kind of experience did you have before this?

I'm in healthcare IT right now at $15 an hour in a low cost area.

computer science teaching, kinda sucks and doesn't pay though, wish i could get a job back in the private sector again

Makin 82k as a full stack java programmer, wicket front end lol.

>inb4 poo2loo

I sell cakes

first job was pizza
second was butchers apprentice
third was an internship at a small IT shop, basically answering phones & forwarding tickets until I got the basics of dns/dhcp/ad-ds/mailbox mgmt.
from there I graduated to tier 2, going onsite for rack & stack, worked in an eye clinic for a while, the stuff pajeet couldn't handle.
current job, I focus mostly on server backups & a bit of rhel/centOS.

healthcare IT isn't a bad place to be. would recommend suggesting to your supervisor some hands-on courses (have them pay, obv) that will increase your value to the company, then ask for a raise because you're worth more. rinse and repeat.

I don't know, I'm a community fag now attending uni and getting shut down even for internships.

I'm not retarded. I'm no God of programming but I can damn sure write production worthy code. I spend hours firing off resumes and bullshit but still get denied. I even have an uncle who programs and he said I needed my bachelor's to get hired. Sure, but I'm also being told an internship or some experience is mandatory before education so what the fuck?

I have projects ready to be looked at, tons of hands on experience with various languages and developing environments, know tdd principlesand will be getting a comp tia a+ cert in 2 weeks.

Am I a meme?

>mfw your post made me realize the band MGMT standa for management, after almost a decade of not understanding

College babies like you are why i dont come here anymore.

you're fucking with me, right?

Nope. I never googled it until now.


Nice. I've already had two internships and not this but I feel like this company doesn't let you go anywhere.

I'll probably get a junior system admin job after I graduate and finish my RHCSA

>i am a neet
>neets need not apply


College poorfag detected

How's the pay?

I do theoretical nuclear physics. I'd say most days I'm spending about 70% of the time coding in c++ or fortran. I'm currently working on putting some code on this badass GPU cluster my department recently got.

Work a generic 9-5 in Boston as a backend web developer making $85k a year.

>and getting shut down even for internships.
You don't need more programming experience, you just need to be less of an autist. Companies don't want to hire people who seem like they're going to walk in and shoot up the place one day.

I don't support myself. I go to college full time and am paid for both by my state and federal government.

This is my Dad's job in USA.

The "programming" is essentially just making a playlist, right?

So like 300 euros?
I feel you bro. Feels bad having to spend 80% of your paycheck for a shitty laptop.

I spam Google with affiliate sites and make mad bank. Feels pretty good.

Can you give me an overview of how to do this? I've been reading about affiliate marketing for a while, but it seems like a lot of writing.

Sure. I'll use eBay as an example. First, get an account with the eBay Partner Network. You'll need a blog you control that they can see to show you're serious. When you get approved, they give you a special code you can use to make links to their products. Then you make a shit load of blogs with the links to products on eBay's site. If your SEO game is on point (this is crucial), you show up in Google's organic search results. People click your links and buy, you get paid. I do six figures a year.

>six figures a year doing affiliate marketing
Holy shit man, that's impressive. How much time do you put into it daily? How long does it take to start being that profitable? Would it be something a full time college student would be capable of doing?

>How much time do you put into it daily?
I used to do everything by hand except generate the content. Took like 8 hours a day to crank out 10 sites. Now I have a script that does everything from autogenerating domain names, registering hosts, ftping the sites over, and doing the SEO stuff.

>How long does it take to start being that profitable?
It takes either immense luck or lots of trial and error. I started back in 2008 and didn't make shit until around 2012. That's when I found the right mix and ended up with something like 98k in 2013. It's been going up ever since.

>Would it be something a full time college student would be capable of doing?
Though possible, it would be a bitch to do it all by hand. If you know a scripting language like Python (what I use) and an automation framework like Selenium that would be the way to go especially for a college student.

The main stumbling block for people is it takes trial and error to figure out what works. Everybody has their secret sauce and nobody is willing to lay it all completely out. What I've said here and the tips in the other post about eBay Partner Network will set you in the right direction.

I write numerical software for engineers.

That sounds cool. How much does it pay?

40 ruppies an hour

I'm a gigolo.

I work at Walmart.

>NEETs need not apply
but we can still apply right? I get £1200 a month in bennies

I get $800 a month in autismbux.

I make 300 freedombucks a month selling plasma. Does that make me a NEET?

I work for an IT consulting company.
I'm code/script monkey and I do regular maintenance on our clients' servers.
S'alright, the pay is fine for a high-school dropout.

Security engineer/network administrator

Would you recommend starting now? And if so what niche do you see having the most growth?

>experience is mandatory before education
You use the fact you're in university as a way to acquire an internship. Make sure your grades are above average.

>Would you recommend starting now?
No time like the present. You probably won't be able to ramp up fast enough to make any Christmas money and internet sales are always slow the first few months into the new year but that'll give you some time to learn the ropes.

>And if so what niche do you see having the most growth?
Everybody thinks electronics but forget it. Too much competition. The niche you are looking for is auto parts. Those do well in any economy in every country. You can thank me later.