Daily reminder that Xubuntu is extremely costumizable by also being fucking stable.
It is so stable that the xfce devs only change things once in a lifetime.
Don't fix what is not broken, right Sup Forums?
Daily reminder that Xubuntu is extremely costumizable by also being fucking stable.
It is so stable that the xfce devs only change things once in a lifetime.
Don't fix what is not broken, right Sup Forums?
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I don't know why Arch faggots pretend stability isn't important. I've used the same Win7 install for 2 years without a single update and I've had no problems, allowing all of your shit to be updated at once as soon as it's ready always causes fucking problems.
fucked up my screenshot so i deleted it. anyone have a windows 2000/95 xfwm theme? I'm bout to hack together a GTK theme as the only one I could find is pretty broken. also gotta do some work on the icon theme
pick one
Nothing *buntu is stable anymore.
As a GNU/Linux beginner, could you please post the program that displays the statistics on the right?
Also, how did you made /r/unixporn look like that? It looks different on my Shitdows.
Xubuntu is actually pretty nice, but I'd prefer not to be stuck in 1995 looks-wise.
It's so stable it's stopped to start xfdesktop automatically.
tfw xubuntu looks more modern than unity
I'm thinking about installing Xubuntu on my Asus laptop because Windows 10 takes like 15 minutes to boot due to driver failure.
Is there anything I should know before installing Xubuntu?
which firefox theme?
He meant conky I believe
They have a rodent logo
I don't know user. I tried Ubuntu, xubuntu, and kubuntu 16.04 and they all crashed several times while using it.
Not very nice and stable at all
The file manager has crashed on me twice in the past hour. "Would you like to submit and error report?"
What's your soulseek username mang
antsunrise reporting in
And the worst part is how cocky XFCE users and developers get about how stable their DE is. It always crashes on me.
What DE do you use?
>anything involving linux
So get another file manager
I thought your DE was stable though? Why do I need to change the default file manager for it to work properly?
I like MATE.
It's what I'm using now and it's nice. Plus it runs great on weak hardware too
Ah continuation of gnome2, nice I'll try it out
Xubuntu bugs != Xfce bugs
On arch/manjaro, the thunar is stable enough.
What version is your thunar?
>stable enough
That's not very reassuring
Besides, op said xubuntu, not XFCE exclusively.
Yeah I'm not him, but I'll chime in by saying that nothing MATE has ever crashed for me, quite impressed with it really.
Still use Unity though because it's comfy af on laptops.
Yeah I use thunar with openbox on arch and it's stable. only issue is i cannot activate single click in sudo mode
>single click
Anybody else single click master race? I thought it was stupid for years but fuck me it's so fucking comfy.
Yeah I actually can't recall a single time a Gnome DE crashed on me. They're great, I don't like the direction they're going in with 3 though in terms of design decisions and interface though. Doesn't mean it's not stable.
What version is your Thunar that's so stable?Thunar is pretty nice and lightweight but I've had a lot of problems with it over the years. Nothing that completely breaks it, but it has annoyed me with bugs.
As i understood the xfce mailing list it's a glibc related bug. Ubuntu is on 2.23 and arch is on 2.24.
Using same.
I've used xfce with thunar (which is the default file manager, correct?) without any issues, but not on an Ubuntu base. Honestly I was reading criticism of the window manager rather than of the distribution or desktop environment into your comment, which isn't fair. My bad.
Your font rendering is fucking horrendous what the fuck have you done
i guess it's as said, I've had a lot of problems with it over the years even on debian stable
dunno. It's Monaco with ubuntu-fontconfig
actually not sure if it was thunar, I'm actually thinking of pcmanfm which I definitely have had many problems with on debian stable back when I only used LXDE. either way they've both given me problems. might be a glibc bug
Oh it doesn't look that bad on laptop.maybe just the image quality. It does look blurry as shit in the pic though.
Oh yeah I remember that happened the last time I used Monaco on Ubuntu, it's fucking weird. Depending on the font size the rendering seems to shit itself.
Does Xorg keep messing up for anyone else? It tends to do this when I resume from suspend.
GTK elements turn into black lines and the panel icons disappear.
this shit segfaults all the time on me.
Install Fedora. You won't have Xorg anymore.
on xubuntu or another distro?
vsync is broken and they should fix it.
Also thunar, and the screensaver thing that happened some time ago. Debian is better with xfce imo.
massive screen tear
I had that issue long ago with a laptop. it was unusable after. I don't use xubuntu anymore but I know it was fine on my thinkpad. seem slike every laptop works differenntly when you close lid suspend etc
hey xcfe/xubuntu guys , i have a laptop with xubuntu and when i turn the cover down , it doesn't lock automatically . any solutions ?
power manager> security> the light locker.
back to /vg/
you what nigger? Frikin movies tear or get slowdowns on xfce. scrolling in firefox gets it too. are you an idiot? Games on debian? are you retarded?
whats the best file manager for xubuntu/xcfe that is better than thunar and works fine
i like pcmanfm. maybe the mate nautilus can work, i didnt check though but its nice.
pcmanfm is even worse than thunar man. more bugs
never had problems, but i guess its kind of abandoware nowdays.
Get Chicago95 and use the notepad.exe through wine from an official Windows 95 installation as your default text editor. Then you can call yourself a true classicist.
The only thing is disable desktop zoom if you want alt key scroll wheel combo on title bar combo if you want window transparency.
Also use this slick LightDM theme for maximum comfy
I know what kind of person you are and I'm not impressed.
Another screenshot of my pride and joy
I know I still have to work on the fonts and on the taskbar a bit, but hey, it already feels very cozy.
wow that shit is sexy. thanks
bout to reinstall debian testing since youbuntwo has been giving me problems and get this sexy ass theme. good job. how consistent is it though? the last gtk theme I used had trouble displaying a lot of GUI like for example my wifi applet was barely readable after its formatting got nuked by the Windows Classic theme
>notepad through wine
Oh, so you're retarded. Good to know.
It is very consistent, everything is modified with the exception of some minor icons here and there. Though I'm having a little trouble though with some default GUI-rich applications like the App store (I don't remember how it was called exactly) and some color picker windows. So avoid using applications with lots of custom GUI shenanigans, (because the theme might not display certain buttons/icons) and you should be good.
>is it fun?
heck yes it is
>is it functional?
everything that Notepad does in Windows 95, it will do too here
>does it maintain thr vintage atmosphere of the theme?
well, that is the main reason I'm using it
>your puny bait won't get me that easily
Was there a port of vim to Windows 95?
i fucking hate memebuntu
Have they fixed icons not aligning to a grid in Thunar?
very impressive, there are definitely a few kinks but probably easily fixable. any idea what's wrong with the wifi menu? and how did you get your start button to look good like that? mine is small
forgot screenshot
Does it still crash when trying to configure multi-monitor setups and forget about them on the next reboot/sleep/hibernate/monitor unplug?
>nobody complaining
Sup Forums is dead
My parents have been running xubuntu for nearly a decade.
It's pretty stable. I've been called by them like twice for tech support.
i read this and imagined you had two hippie parents who introduced you to xubuntu but i realized it was the other way around
how the fuck did you get your start button to look like that? mine looks glitched it's too small
nvm i fixed it. i was confused because the "Chicago 95" start button in your theme is actually different then the one you're using.
It has been dead for about ten years now to be fair.
xfce is glitchy as hell. fuck that.
>being stable enough to qualify for the title of 'broken by design'
this theme is bringing me back
a lot of applications are totally fucked from using it though for example gedit. I might try to use adwaita or one of the default themes as an example and try to fix it up, no experience theming though