So, a paper from NASA on the em drive was reviewed and they proved it indeed generate thrust. It's 1.2mN...

So, a paper from NASA on the em drive was reviewed and they proved it indeed generate thrust. It's 1.2mN, which is much lower than fuel powered rockets but at the same time hundreds of times better than solar sails. With this drive, powered only with electricity, getting to mars would be only a matter of days.

What does Sup Forums consider as a first goal after obtaining this kind of technology? Would it make spacex's rockets obsolete? Will we become a space faring species in our lifetimes thanks to this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Would rockets using meme drive actually have giant batteries instead of fuel for powering this?

Huge ass batteries or a nuclear reactor to get off the ground.

Probably solar panels for out in space.

you could only get to mars in 3 days if it was massless

there are diminishing returns. more weight means more force required to get it up to speed to leave earth. as of now, the force from these things isn't enough to accelerate a spacecraft to escape velocity.

really it's just sort of a "once we are in space" kind of thing.

It would only be used in space, you dingus.

I would think that we would still use fuel powered rockets to leave our atmosphere and then transfer to solar panels when in space considering the thrust that the meme drives produce.

>With this drive, powered only with electricity, getting to mars would be only a matter of days

LOL yeah if your spaceship is the size of a box of cleenex tissues

millenniums can be measured in days whoa

It would most likely have this.
Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator, or MMRTP
Pic related is the generator of the Mars Curiosity rover.
>The nuclear generator delivers both heat and 110 watts of steady electric power from an array of iridium capsules holding a ceramic form of plutonium dioxide.
It's going to run 14 years until the output drops under the 100 watt level.

Also Voyagers have these on board and they're still running fine.
From wiki:
>In the year 2000, 23 years after production, the radioactive material inside the RTG had decreased in power by 16.6%, i.e. providing 83.4% of its initial output; starting with a capacity of 470 W,

So you'd be able to just slap this thing onto the EM drive and just let it fly in space for decades without a problem.
Maybe even 100 years or longer, who knows.
Or then they're just put some solar panels on it.

Here's something else that will blow your mind--the plural of millenniums is "millennia".

>yfw you lived long enough to see memes go into space

last time i read about it, it got debunked again because the testing method did produce the thrust

>Put a nuclear battery on an EM drive.
>Let it circle our solar system until it has reached some retarded high speed.
>Fly into earth.
>Pic related
Wouldn't you be able to build something bordering on relativistic weapons with these?

it's good for satellites or anything that floats around space
useless for everything else

it would blow my mind if you were correct that millenniums isn't a plural form of millennium but this is not the case luckily

Literally farting in a bucket using microwaves

Didn't we have this thread?

Yes. You are now aware that Death Star was bullshit because any planet could be destroyed by any half ass race in the galaxy using relativistic speed kinetic weapons.

>relativistic speed kinetic weapons.
Wasn't there a weapon in the old EU that did this? Big ass cannon or some shit?

Why do people think that the EM drive is a propellant-less drive that contains no fuel if it requires fucking electricity to run?
Because as far as I can tell, the electricity IS the fuel.

And to add on to it, why do people think that it breaks any laws of physics? it's clearly not since it requires energy to run.

Solar panels would be fucking useless in deep space.

Supposedly violates conservation of momentum. Conservation of momentum however is a classical physics law.

The leaked paper was from months ago and nothing new was confirmed.

heres actual paper from 2015 that was leaked before

It is a propellant-less drive. But it is not a perpetual motion machine. It requires energy to run.

As to why: most people don't bother to read or research a single fucking thing. They just repeat memes.

>It is a propellant-less drive. But it is not a perpetual motion machine.
Same thing to current physics. That's the actual problem with a recoilless thruster: if you put enough energy in the system you get more out of it by breaking conservation of momentum.

>nuclear battery
Why not just use the nuclear material to make a bomb? Same energy, more efficient delivery.

>proved it

>meme drive gets sent to space
>physicists commit sudoku en masse

when you start dealing with quantum particles and virtual photons and all sorts of fucking weird ass shit, newton can go fuck himself because all bets are off

It would be a bomb ass interplanetary ferry though.

damn I wanna make one of these

>found thrust greater than any possible error by several orders of magnitude
>thrust fits predictions
>"it's just peer reviewed guys doesn't mean it werks"

>newton can go fuck himself because all bets are off

I believe Newton fucking himself would violate the conservation of momentum.

You would build the ship in space. We need to get off our ass and build a shipyard.

It's byproduct is light, though not visible light.

memedrive could gain power by a hundred billion orders of magnitude and never leave earth

it'll take rockets to get it out to space and a reactor to keep it going for any meaningful amount of time or distance

the constant acceleration does mean it will go pretty fucking fast... but only after accelerating for a very long time in microgravity

>same energy


we have shitty collection and storage so we need to drag it out a while

they couldn't prove that it worked they just could not explain the results

The peer review proved that the paper and methodology was sound. Basically, it's like saying "Yes, this legal contract is written with no errors or flaws in wording, punctuation, or grammar..."
"However, given the fact that it requires you to murder a fellow citizen of the united states, no court in the land is going to recognize this contract as having merit or validity."

>when the assassin takes your money and then wont murder them but you can't take them to court because the contract was not valid

just suburb things

Technically, you could, but you'd be charged with conspiracy to commit murder, and possibly attempted murder, too, depending upon the area and circumstances.
Meanwhile, the assassin would be charged with much the same. So effectively, you both go down.

'Honor among Thieves' was once a very specific thing. Basically it was that all the other thieves knew enough about you to get you hanged, just like you knew about all of them. So, you kept your mouth shut about the other thieves and they kept their mouths shut about you.

Some even think rings of thieves might have required new members to murder someone, at random, just to secure this 'honor'.

i learnt this skill with my siblings and it extends well in to life

knowing when to keep ones mouth shut should be taught in school, it's way too uncommon

lmao worst case scenario the thing will burn up in the atmosphere. to get something like pic related (which isn't an accurate representation of celestial collisions) you need an object several miles in diameter going very fucking fast

wait, so you're telling me a comic body CANT punch a clean hole through the planet?

the plan is ruined


gundams with ultra efficient em drives when

that is fucking retarded. if it is less powerful than current rockets it won't get us to mars faster.

acceleration is a change in relative velocity over time

if memedrive turns out not to be a meme I will eat my own dick

You're a fucking retard.

go to bed bruce it's late

Thats got to be one of the worst analogies I have ever heard.

So are aliens watching us and now that we have the meme drive they will contact us deeming is ready to hear their secrets?


How does it work guyz?
I've heard it btfo-ed Newton, Enstein and quantum-cucks at the same time.
Is it meme magic?

like little electronic fizz in microspace.

No one could figure out how it creates thrust. 'For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction'. EM drives appear to have no reaction.

However the reaction is a burst of non-visible light.

it's just shooting radiowaves in a certain shape that generates the most thrust for the minimum amount of mass expended

rolf. no point. i can fizz AND buzz in like 3 langues already

shyt son nasa needs to write another paper

>any half ass race in the galaxy

o rly

A peer reveiwed paper has been released by NASA confirming the drive produces thrust, This is the second paper, the first was released by a British scientist back in 2006. NASA's paper verifies the British scientists findings.

Interesting stuff.

Play a little kerbal and lean on nothing but solid & liquid fuel for interplanetary travel.

or just launch it with regular thrusters into spess, and activate this sad thing from there. Seriously, what advantage does this even have against others? Meme magic alone will not be enough to make this a good thing.

The thrust of an EM Drive is constant, unlike a chemical rocket. The result: the EM Drive is faster over a longer distance.

The EM Drive doesn't require any fuel. It only needs an energy source,

This is a very big deal.

The fuel savings alone are astronomical. Also larger, more complicated ships would have to be built outside of gravity. They wouldn't survive the stress required in leaving orbit.

I mean atmosphere, not orbit.

>12yo at /sci/ are losing their shit

>no fusion rockets
Would've won my Civ II game 20 years ago.

>'this breaks newton!'
no it doesn't
photons have momentum
the em drive makes propellant and shoots it because that's how photons are made
just optimize the build design and slap a nuclear reactor on it and call it a day tbqh

>physicists commit sudoku en masse

Only people who are denying shit like their ego depends on it will be hurt.
And a big portion of those idiots take newtonian physics as a fact.

EM Drive only needs electricity if it's working as it should be.
Solar panels on it and it can accelerate as long as you want it to.

>newtonian physics
Talking about classical mechanics, just in case.

how would fusion propulsion work? would you just fuse space in to itself thereby alleviating the need to actually move to your destination by removing the space between you and it?

>>physicists commit sudoku en masse

trump presidency, that line was a non-sequitur.

The impact factor of the journal they published in is under 1.0 ....color me skeptical.

>fuse space into itself
slow down Alcubierre

Nice quads.

Wonder how this drive scales. The British scientist who originally developed it licensed it to Boeing, he spoke of much greater thrust being achieved by the company. This was back in 2006.

nah mate im like a shark, i gotta keep it moving

>to get off the ground.

I would think such things will be constructed on orbit.

well anyway user fusion propulsion would be a reactor and a drive separated. unless you could slow down fusion enough so the fusing particles could be used in lieu of a microwave generator

just point the crap its giving off out

it's not that simple though. when particles fuse they create absurd amounts of photons and radiation very quickly.

we could get some huge ass solar panels , orbit close to the sun a few years and then go on an interplanetary trip at very high speeds

it's space, it's not like there's not an absurd amount of particles and radiation out there anyways

>It's 1.2mN
Per watt of power applied.

i thought that was per kilowatt

This isn't a photon drive in the classic sense of a GW laser making a singe newton of force. It's a microwave capture device that seems to be cheating on the imparted moment of absorbed and reflected photons.

nuclear stronk

>how would fusion propulsion work?
You use nuclear fusion to impart energy into your reaction mass to make it go really fast. Giving you better reaction mass efficiency.

Probably fueld by farts

>i thought that was per kilowatt
You seem to be correct. Either way, it's per unit of power not just that the drive can only make fuck all nothing.

>Would it make spacex's rockets obsolete?
Scientific research done by NASA is owned by the public. How could someone be put out of business by public domain technology?

If anything electric rockets are a dream come true for the guy with his own personal fucking electric car factory.

Anyway the top end of ultra light weight space suitable solar PV seems to be in the range of 1kW per kg of solar in earth orbit.

If you can get 1.2mN from 1kW on a home made device that creates a very viable inner system probe platform.

The drive pushes off of background electromagnetic radiation sources. Therefore the potential thrust is fundamentally limited by the relative strength of EM waves in the surrounding local space. The ultimate potential velocity is c because EM waves are in a light speed reference frame, but how achievable that is with modern deep space capable power sources and data transmission remains to be seen.

Also AMD is going to tank in 8-10 months.

Batteries are heavy

wtf is happening? 1.5 years have passed and yet nasa can't explain why a cone-shaped microwave oven produces thrust?