Gonna try this out for the first time

Gonna try this out for the first time.
What am I in for Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Kali is a meme. Install Kevin.

Fuck kevin. Then install gentoo.

It's shit. Install Arch and add the Black Arch and Arch Strike repos to pacman.conf instead.

>Install Arch
Stopped reading there

desu I would just install Kevinnet

Poorly setup system.

>make non-root account
>no, instead of prompting you for root's password, fuck you. You cannot launch armitage from the gnome-dock.

So use Kali, I don't really care. My suggestion will give you the most options without the headaches that Kali brings.

Just install the kali linux programs on top of a distro that actually weks

>Installing Arch
>Not installing Manjaro

I never understood this.
I'm a linux newfag, people on the interwebs tell you not to operate with the root account. But what if i need to do something that needs root rights? I still have to enter the password for su.


and OP, if you're not into pentesting, why even bother? seriously, it's just debian preloaded with tools.
its only use is to run off memory to do certain tests than thats it.

god man fucking mr.robot. inspiring all these kids that they can be leet hakk0rs by using this shit.

They can't use metasploit let alone know how to use google

Those repos won't work with Manjaro.

>implying downloading all the tools one by one
what are you gay?
people use kali, like they use FL studio. basic program but it comes with a fuck ton of plugins. why would i waste my time with trying to get all the tools and updates when i can just get the full package?

It's cool if you need to use tools like aircrack and stuff. Usually has the right drivers you need and it's nice to have in a VM incase you need to use it

Kali is a meme, Parrot OS is the best pen-testing distro

If you have to ask you're in for a whole lot of wasted time

It is useless for anything other than pen testing. Using it for anything else like looking at emails or something is like using a large potato harvester, a large industrial tunnel drill or a 747 passager jet to drive to the nearest store.

It is mainly good for ONE professional activity. But just getting it won't help you one bit if you don't know how to use it and you don't have a reason to use it.

You're in for getting royally fucked..

>getting Kali iso
>doesn't work on VirtualBox
>getting Kali pref-configured VirtualBox vesrion
>shit freezes before login

Some hours of research later:

>OK, fuck this shit, I'm gonna install Metasploit by myself
>goto website
>apparently Metasploit was bought by some company
>"please enter email" for download-key
>download it from github
>fuck arround with command line

One hour later:

>finally manage to install armitage and postgreSql
>can't start armitage because apparently you can't type non-ascii as password for your local postgreeSql
>wtf, man?
>try to delete postgree for reinstall
>BIG mistake
>"can't start/stop postgree server, because the UID belongs to the previous installation user.. :^)"
>try to change UID manually
>"can't start/stop postgree server, because the GID belongs to the previous installation usergroup.. :^)"
>try to delete postgree
>"can't delete the package, because you can't start/stop postgree server, because the GID belongs to the previous installation usergroup.. :^D"
>try to kill it with dpkg
>try to kill it with aptitude

Finally give up.

Thanks, greedy name harvesting company that owns metasploit nowadays. Thanks a lot for not giving me a freaking installer for free without my personal data. What's the deal it's not even the "pro version" (lol)..

Jeez, I'm gonna use BlackBox or even BlackArch, just keep your software.

what the fuck is kevinnet? is it related to kevin(.)net(.)nz? or kevinnet(.)ga? wtf is it?

is it just a nickname for solus because it had a rootkit on it? Why is it being recomended then?

Because solus is pretty as fuck

what I meant was
why are people recommending it over kali linux?

you can just create a gmail account for one-time use though

Yes, if I knew what I know now some hours ago, I surely would have done it in some other way.

What are you pentesting?

Only Kevin The Saviour knows.
Did Manjaro figure out how to properly organise repos?
Just looked it up, they reverted to the arch way.
Once you setup locales, pacstrap, install drivers and wm/de, whats the benefit of manjaro anyway? Why is it better than antergos? Why better than arch?
Genully asking because I'm about to buy a new ssd.

Your mother.

She was leaving a backdoor open for me so I could deploy my payload. I slowly injected my SQL - thank god she was sanitized - and she immediately dropped her stuff..

Too bad she's currently on her "red team" days, can't wait to scan for her soft spots again. Maybe we will even try a man-in-the-middle next time?

Kali is absolute shit and should only be used if you are actually pentesting.

I can't imagine using it daily for personal needs. Shit breaks every five minutes.

Debian and Katoolin.


>Not installing pentoo.

It really isn't comparable to the tools you get with blackarch, which take a total of around 5 commands to fully install once your Arch install is already up.

It's far from difficult or time consuming.

# Run blackarch.org/strap.sh as root and follow the instructions.
$ curl -O blackarch.org/strap.sh

# The SHA1 sum should match: 34b1a3698a4c971807fb1fe41463b9d25e1a4a09
$ sha1sum strap.sh

# Set execute bit
$ chmod +x strap.sh

# Run strap.sh
$ sudo ./strap.sh

# To install all of the tools, run
$ sudo pacman -S blackarch


>Hey Sup Forums what do you think of x
>X is a meme, install gentoo
>Fuck gentoo install arch
>arch is for fucking faggots install debian
>fuck you all install kevinnet


guerrillamail is far superior

right because a skidy like you is going to use something other than aircrack-ng

Depends on how much of a little bitch you are.

make sure you have your fingerless gloves and fedora ready.

Or your janitor-tier gubmint security clearance. There is no in-between.

You forgot about his barbie light up keyboard with my little pony stickers on it.

>Not installing CentOS
Top lel

>Not using TempleOS

throaway emails