What should I get if this thing dies...

What should I get if this thing dies? I know things will be different by then but say if it died soon what would you recommend?

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Open it up and replace the battery or hdd

No but seriously lads.
Thanks for trying to bump it by the way whoever.

Bump. Need a new music player as well. Thinking about a 64GB iPod Touch.

My problem is that I need:
-more than 32GB of storage or micro SD slot
-Color screen
-WiFi sync / media server connection would be nice but not necessary

I miss my old ipod classic man. Had the 80gb. Nothing compared to it. Not even be players. :( I would recommend the Fiio X5.

I have 86.7gb of music on my classic right now. Any recs at all for high storage quality players?

Xduoo X2. I got recommended it here a few days ago. It has metal casing, plays flac stock, has an SD card slot and has bluetooth functionality.

And to add to this, it replaced my own iPod Classic/Sansa clip, and I like it better than both.

Sony Hi-fi Walkman.

Why the fuck do these things still cost $450?

Thank you

Get a Ruizu XO2 Ultrathin and a 128GB SD card

Just get a decent android phone with Micro SD card support up to 256GB, get a 128GB micro sd card, then you have future expansion.
And boom, you're sorted for music, and movies.

Just make sure not to get a shitty one.

Personally I use the Umi Touch, it's got a 5.5" screen, that is high quality. And a 128gb sd card. Works like a dream.

>-more than 32GB of storage or micro SD slot
>-Color screen
>-WiFi sync / media server connection would be nice but not necessary

wow you just described a phone

A replacement part for whatever failed.

Just suck a dick

yeah a lot of phones are coming with 96/24 dacs now, the pixel is meant to be superb

FiiO X1. Looks better/exactly the same, operates the same, does flac, micro SD slot, better battery life, no need to use cuckTunes, etc


*looks worse
Also the Classic doesn't need iTunes either plus it can play ALAC stock and can be rockboxed to get FLAC playback