Windows: Download our native app!

>Windows: Download our native app!
>Mac: Download our native app!
>Linux: Download the Chrome app!

who are you quoting?


Certainly not quoting Hitler!

>Windows: Download our native app!
>Mac: Download our native app!
>Linux: Compile from source: 700 dependencies required!

>not using a fucking package manager

is that's admin?

Not everything is on the repos, freetard.

do what now?

nah, i never boot my computer

no, it's kevin, the official solus shill of Sup Forums

AUR, winfag

>700 dependencies required!


*googles 1488*

Hahaha, wow, fucking whiteys, goddamn.

Then just install dependencies with the package manager they should be in distros repos and if not tgen you probably are compiling some JS shit so deps will be in npm or some other garbage. If they give you a source it probably has dependencies list in it.

I'm working on combatting that by making installer images that work kinda like the Appimage project except it installs instead of running as a static binary, dependencies work like this: If the dependency is already installed the installer will see no need in reinstalling it so it only downloads and installs the program and it's needed dependencies, I'm doing this because I fucking LOVE Linux but I HATE compiling every fucking dependency for days just to get some normal program I could install in seconds on MacOS or Windows, it's time Linux gets a taste of this glory

Such as?

I also plan on making an easy to use, stable package manager based around it, but I in general fucking hate package managers so I'm gonna bask in happiness by just installing installer images, i'll spread it like SystemD

>Such as?
A bunch of new and successful projects on GitHub and Gitlab.

See >AUR
Kys, archfag.

I want to be able to download a native app or installer with no problems from the original author with no problems like I can on Windows and MacOS, I've heard people say "THEN GO BACK TO WINDOWS LOL" Well I simply can't Macroshit is to never be trusted but just using a package manager is quite restrictive compared to just downloading a native app since it has to go through their, it's as bad as using the App Store or Google Play for everything, I like installing software on the go, even Android has an installer for .apk files making installing software easy so I would love to see my favorite OS have that much wanted feature

Using this just makes Linux exactly like Windows, retard

>not just writing your apps in html + js for maximum cross-platform

Package files exist.
>what are .rpm, .deb, .pkg.tar.xz

>>Linux: Download the Chrome app!

Chrome is linux tho, and Chrome is the native Linux web browser like IE or Safari is for Win and Mac.

way to go m8 ! you're doing the world a great service, don't forget to add credits and "buy me a beer" bitcoin address

>installing oxygen
>js is a dependancy

well it's been fun

>making GUIs for stuff that is supposed to be easy to use and making actual installers is BAD, LONG LIVE TERMINAL FOR EVERYTHING.
I will be the END of your kind, I will make Linux and BSD easier to use and work like any modern OS
>have to use terminal just to install it
>WOULDJA LOOK AT THAT! A fuck ton of unneccesary dependencies show up from your own distro vendor because of how fucking garbage any package manager is for Linux
Yeah fuck no I'm making Linux more like Windows whether you faggots like it or not

The Point isnt to use the command Line. You can write a gui for package Managers. Go back to Windows, retard.

>chrome is linux
>chrome is the naative linux webbrowser

>Download our JS app, it's FOSS and runs on ev-

the solution is here but youre too blind to see it

Google Chrome is not Free as in Freedom Google Chrome is not Free as in Freedom Google Chrome is not Free as in Freedom Google Chrome is not Free as in Freedom Google Chrome is not Free as in Freedom Google Chrome is not Free as in Freedom Google Chrome is not Free as in Freedom Google Chrome is not Free as in Freedom Google Chrome is not Free as in Freedom Google Chrome is not Free as in Freedom Google Chrome is not Free as in Freedom Google Chrome is not Free as in Freedom

>Windows: do what we tell you!
>Mac: you're a special snowflake!
>Linux: I'm a special snowflake!
>BSD: Look at all the special fucking snowflakes
>Solaris: perfectly fine