Best os is open source

>best os is open source
>best text editor is open source
>best browser is open source
>best typesetting is open source
so why can't open source into games?

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Smart people aren't manchildren

Cause that's not how you make money

are't you too old for that?

Crawl is free software

>so why can't open source into games?

It takes a considerable amount of resources to design a video game in the scale that you may be thinking. Who's going to pay for voice actors, graphic designers, cutscene direction, motion capture, a composer, etc. Unless you're rich with tons of disposable income and are volunteering the budget straight out of your pocket and you're prepared to absorb a total financial loss for simply giving this game away, it's not going to happen.

On the other hand, commercial games do use open-source elements or later release their source code for others to use in the design of somewhat technically advanced free or open-source games, like say Alien Arena.

>he still plays videogames

because the best games are retro before anyone cared about open source and hyper modern MMORPGs which are hard to open source. there isn't hope to open source either of those

any multiplayer game that was open source would be unplayable due to cheating fags

Because there's very little in the way of open source games and projects to get people interested. If they're into video gaming, they're either into console gaming or Windows PC gaming, neither of which will lead the average gamedev down the Linux rabbit hole because of the lack of unique games, game engines, and tools.

Putting an autistic cartoon penguin in a time-killer game called Tux-something doesn't cut it. Who does this appeal to? The kind of gamers who would be into making phone games. Linux needs to figure out a way to integrate the Android game dev scene to make it more appealing.

What's the point of playing an open source game if you can just reach the win condition on the source code

i play games for fun
you can cheat in any game, doesn't have to be open source
you could make gamegenie/similar codes to trigger the credits immediately in any game if you want to, but that's no fun

I for one PREFER sour grapes!


Everyone else stfu

The best game is open source.

Because open source is just not something a lot of amateur game developers seem aware of or understand, even if they're doing everything for free. It doesn't even occur to the kind of people who're into scripts and mods or who do small game projects for fun.

Holy shit, didn't know they open sourced this.

The best game it's already open source, at least the source code.

Osu! Next is coming soon™ which will be all open source

oh snap, I played that downhill sledding game as a child at my neighbors house. help me, Sup Forums, what's it called?

Tux Racer

>what is wesnoth

>>best os is open source
macOS is open source??? windows is open source???

>>best text editor is open source
Sublime Text is open source???

>>best browser is open source
Safari is open source??

>>best typesetting is open source
Adobe and Apple fonts are open source???

Fuck off with your botnet, peppy.

You're a delusional moron, petal.

>You're a delusional moron,
nope. def not.

wtf is that?

anyway, get a real job pajeet so you can afford a real computer.

>doesn't even know what typesetting is

lmao faggot.

I do... but you're probably thinking of font rendering. look it up, moron. also, when it comes to font rendering, macOS has the best font rendering as well.

How can you not know what a petal is? Don't you go outside?

Try typesetting this with your proprietary software.

I don't think so. Just include a reputation system.

I don't have anything against "cheating" as long as every party involved in ok with it. I had so much fun with "cheat engine" back in the days.


Just don't expect to make any money besides donations.

Stop playing Cawa diuoty and play good open source games

There are literally dozens of open source game, you flaming fucktard. Kill yourself.

but u can learn from vidya
if u put cowa doody veteran onto an actual battlefield, u can see the multikills rack up as the doughy supersoldier headshots all the enemies

I remember playing Tux Kart or whatever the name was for the go cart linux game on Ubuntu 8.04

good times

You forgot
>best game engines are open source

>why can't open source into games?
Because open source games would decentralize the said game, making hundreds of possible spin-offs (look at Linux distributions). This would distance the players which is a shit move for multiplayer games. Obviously, there are always going to be spin-offs if the game is popular but there'd definitely be many more if it's also open source because it would be easier to make a clone then.
Also, games are a business. Companies are in it to make money. You can open source an engine (Unreal engine 4, doom engines, to name a few popular), but not a game itself unless you expect 0 profit from it (which is a good move then because you'd appeal to modding communities which tend to make games popular, thus making your company more popular).

Freetard delusion at its finest.

>mfw Activision is working for us government to train super soldiers that will fight for us in WW3

>if you can just reach the win condition on the source code
Just don't do it?

You can also drive to the finish line of a Marathon. Most people choose to run the 42 km however.

>best typesetting
Best typesetting in academia*

LaTeX is a huge pain in the dick for anything but scientific papers or technical documentation and lots of print studios and publishers use InDesign

Open source is driven by programmers. Programmers contribute back to the community to make their jobs a little bit easier. Great text editors, IDEs, DEs, languages etc are generally born out of a push to make things easier or better to make more software. Open source video games contribute nothing back to the programming community.

It's also a prime example why socialism cannot and will not work

Video games are not important/

I had no idea, does it mean it has been converted to Linux as well?

I used to play this a lot before Jedi Academy came.

Isn't that a prime example of socialism? Everyone contributing to the community and getting something back?

Not that I think socialism works for regular society but that statement seems wrong

0 A.D. is open source and it's quite good.

>open source video games contribute nothing
so very wrong, especially when AMD say 'fuck linux for a few proprietary drivers' and then next thing you know your system won't boot because it doesn't support your card anymore

AMD published and maintains open source drivers

They did but Disney quickly shut it down. There are still forks on GitHub though.

I like Pixel Dungeon... :*(

>what is Germany

>Implying that Super Mario Bros, Pokemon Red and Pokemon Gold and Silver are not open source now
About other games, the issue I think is that most of the work isn't even code to begin with, but 3D meshes, textures and sound.

Get Shattered

I've gotten to level 12 I think in shattered. When does it end?

>>best text editor is open source
>>best typesetting is open source
>>best os is open source

26th level has the amulet of yendor

Artists can't afford to be altruistic due to lower barrier to entry?

There are a few excellent games that are open source. Stepmania and battle for wesnoth are two I play regularly.

Most gamedevs though prefer to jew up on the indie game bubble.

Damn that's beautiful

Fugly non-aligned
Learn to use the & operator.

well, unreal is open source now. cryengine is sort-of toying with that idea. I think that might set a precedent. you can't make the argument that your code might contain "trade secrets" when some of the most advanced rendering engines are literally out there for you to inspect in full extent.

given that you can copyright software and assets separately, there's really no risk of anybody being able to sell your game legally. so no profit loss there.

the only answer I can think of is "puritanism". deeply ingrained beliefs that stem from the budding software industry of the 70's to early 90's. a lot of people still believe that releasing software in a proprietary form is vital for their bottom line and they're completely wrong.

eventually we'll see more and more open source (and even FLOSS) games achieve commercial success, just as we're seeing in so many other markets.

>le money argument
dead giveaway that you're completely clueless. the average consumer doesn't care whether or not the game's source is available, and there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that DRM is of any use to anyone at all.

what's the point of playing a PC game if you can make it trivial with memory editors

Damn son. I'll never make it.

if it makes you feel any better, some people have been playing nethack since it came out and only beaten the game half a dozen times

They aren't as they aren't licensed under an open-source license.

It has been but it only works on Ubuntu/Debian afaik

>well, unreal is open source now.
That's a blatant lie.
>Access to full C++ source code for UE4 is included from the moment you create an account and install the engine. You can download source code from GitHub, and you will continue to receive regular updates, including access to live source code changes.

>GitHub is our channel through which a growing number of contributors can fork and modify the engine. Source code changes you check in at GitHub will be visible to the community. If you submit a pull request to Epic, we'll review it and consider inclusion of your code into mainline UE4. If we ship your contribution, we'll gladly add your name to the credits in the engine.

the only caveat is that you have to go through their account system to access the github repo.

in other words do some research holy shit.

That's 'shared source' not 'open source'.

It's open source but not free software.

>It's open source but not free software.
There are very few licenses that are regarded as open source but not as free software (as by the fsf). The APSL v1 is one of them, unreal engine's is not.

It seems you do not know what 'open source' is about.
In other words do some research:

UE4 fails freedom 3

The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).

The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2).

The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

Yes, that's right.
Now what are you trying to tell me?

UE is neither free software nor open source.

Wait, this crawl?

>>best os is open source
>>best text editor is open source
>>best browser is open source
>>best typesetting is open source
[citation needed]

It certainly is.

ignore the pedantic cunt

no agency has a monopoly on the term's definition

it is a colloquialism. if you weren't an autistic piece of shit you would understand this.

Then why use words at all?
'Open source' is a generally agreed on term.

If you start redefining words you'll only cause misconceptions.

>'Open source' is a generally agreed on term.

Artists hate open source.

free as in freeDOOM

Yes it can.

Is the fucking shills what we need. Winshit has fuckloads.

You're an idiot.

But OpenTTD is foss.

>>best os is open source
>>best text editor is open source

excuse me?

>>>>best os is open source

>>>best text editor is open source

There will be no fighting in WW3, only dying.

check`d and kek`d

Oh yeah?
Watch this
*360 no scopes you with AWP while the dubstep drops*

TempleOS is no laughing matter

Because the platforms were you distribute games and where the audience is have been very hostile towards open source for a very long time.

Microsoft in particular is openly hostile to videogame developers in general and do their damned best to abuse them when possible.

>Microsoft in particular is openly hostile to videogame developers in general and do their damned best to abuse them when possible.

>listing useless shit about game dev
Haha go back to your protest

>y-you're dumb...

Open source doesn't really do originality.
The community needs stuff to emulate to produce anything good. Otherwise they'd just leave everything too neckbeardy for normal people.

Too much to mention. But if you look at the way they support opengl on their platform and push directx all the time that's probably the most obvious example. Windows by default only has some of the oldest versions of opengl headers installed. It's not a big deal usually (because of how opengl is dealing with it) but the reason they only have that old stuff is because they're more concerned about locking down the developers than making development easy.