1kB challange - /1kc/

What whare you working on Sup Forums? Have you already started?


Other urls found in this thread:


Stalled on my youtube script because I can't be bothered to learn how to program a curses interface in Perl

I can't even make a hello world in 1kb, it's always 4.5kb when compiled.

You're compiling a dynamically linked executable for your platform that has no space constraints for ram or disk usage.

Compilers for microcontroller platforms produce much smaller binaries, even more so if you use -Os
this is where compiler flags like -funroll-loops start to matter


>4.5KB executable code just to print "Hello World" on a display
>no wonder we need quad core CPUs in today's bloated fucking inefficient practically useless world

Fuck it, we need to bring back punch cards, seriously.

>Image not 1kb
Wouldn't that just make shit bigger?
Or you saying gotta disable specific optimizations?


I've seen people do less, using hexediting on the gif

it was in a thread about a month ago

Lowest I've seen is 7kb

>34 B,


>34 bytes

no, there are good reasons it's that big. besides, you can do hello world in way less

Nigga, you've just seen 34 B here .

I just wrote a cloud based note taking application in php and ajax that, in its optimized form, is exactly 1300 bytes large.

getting it under 1000 bytes should be possible eventually, but would lead to too much chaos

i think it actually supports down to 28 B

Your program probably requires megabytes of libraries

the computer firmware may be more than 1kbyte
really makes you think huh

you don't get the challenge of optimizing for size

your program still is not light weight

No, it is even under 1300 bytes large as I could get rid of some additional whitespaces.
Although I'm utilizing php, javascript, ajax, css and html5, it's only one file. as it takes notes, it creates another text file, so once it initialized itself it's actually 2 files (but the notefile can also be empty, however, that still takes up a tiny bit of space).

I've used js libs in the past for animations in the 2000s, and I still could use one for easy input sanitation, but idgaf, I like living on the edge

The issue is that with modern programs a very small fraction of it is actually program, and most of it is from the compiler and certain protections put in place from the OS.

Quads of truth

>failing this hard
nice try


Assembly is the answer.


I think I saw 24 once but it was a long time ago and I wasn't really paying attention.

Either that or a return to BASIC ROMs.

>1kB challenge
>posts 238kB pic

but didn't see it, is too small

take a look at then it's 10000x10000

I bet Chrome will still tab-crash when I open this.
Holy shit, it never. I am surprised.

Cool challenge, but it is more than Sup Forums , really, because it's hardware-centric.

I disagree.

Compression is more important nowadays than ever, it is much cheaper to use more advanced compression and minimization technology instead of rebuilding the whole infrastructure.

See video codec optimizations for example, or the increasing downsizing of Operating Systems (Windows 8.1 and 10 smaller than 7, same in the Mac OS X world as they throw out old architectures)

>no mention of demoscenes

ironically enough I have exactly such demos burned on cd somewhere here


>Using EASTL