What starts on your computer when you first start it up? ;^)
What starts on your computer when you first start it up? ;^)
Other urls found in this thread:
Chevolume, Steam, Unified Remote, Avira, Glass2k
ClassicShell, AMD Drivers,RealTek drivers
a custom track
roaring of the aged fans, it's faster than bios even
>nvidia drivers
>msi fastboot
>msi gaming app
>realtek drivers
>killer network drivers
>google drive
>soundblaster cinema
Windows Explorer
SystemD :('''''''
Nothing the os boots and nothing else comes up with it not one drive not steam nothing
my nigga
Flux is a pretty cool guy that doesn't afraid of anything.
the openRC init scripts.
a GRUB script randomly boots me into one of fifty unique distros i have installed
Only correct answer
The Linux kernel
coretemp, msi afterburner, corsair cue shit.
Mail, Steam, Bettertouchtool, Google drive, f.lux, karabiner
can you post the shrimp background?
Maybe if you're mentally retarded.
Last session
First OS thing to start is MATE Settings Daemon, then ownCloud client.
bios > grub > Ubuntu > extraordinary collection of hentai
Enjoy your botnet
Not something bad
an iptables firewall script,. i dont have xorg load at boot, it boots up in to the a text mode commandline, then i log in and type in startx
Stop this or I will have to install HoMM II
process hacker
open hardware monitor
all of them start in tray
pin 'em up and conky
The systemd. God bless the systemd.
yeah its actually the Intel ME
same, only thing I have on startup.
Can you post that shrimp wallpaper, pls?
Are you Norwegian by any chance?
This sound will never be topped.
Asus gpu tool
Server 1(old dell):
Plex, syncthing, samba, nfs and pi-hole
Server 2(rpi3):
Transmission, openvpn, mount nfs from server 1.
Living room PC:
Steam, mount samba from server 1(includes nfs on 2).
Steam, Syncthing
Windows gaming PC:
Steam, mount samba share.
Oneplus 3:
Syncthing, kwlp, adaway, greenify, amplify, and whatever little room I give Google for their bullshit.
all these
qbit and Launchy
Intel botnet followed by Microsoft botnet
Plex server
Lots of cum
When I literally just power it on, I get a TTY. Not actually sure what runs in the background. Maybe some networking services and such. After logging in, stuff like mpd that I told to start with systemd and everything in ~/.config/openbox/autostart (listed below)
1 ## GNOME PolicyKit and Keyring
2 eval $(gnome-keyring-daemon -s --components=pkcs11,secrets,ssh,gpg) &
4 ## Set root window colour
5 hsetroot -solid "#2E3436" &
7 (\
8 #compton -CGbf --backend glx --vsync opengl-swc --vsync-aggressive && \
9 sleep 1s && nitrogen --restore && \
10 sleep 2s && \
11 tint2 \
12 ) &
14 ## Volume control for systray
15 (sleep 2s && pnmixer) &
17 ## Volume keys daemon
18 xfce4-volumed &
20 ## Enable power management
21 xfce4-power-manager &
23 ## Start Thunar Daemon
24 thunar --daemon &
26 ## Start xscreensaver
27 xscreensaver -no-splash &
29 ## Start Clipboard manager
30 (sleep 3s && clipit) &
32 ## Set keyboard settings - 250 ms delay and 25 cps (characters per second) r epeat rate.
33 ## Adjust the values according to your preferances.
34 xset r rate 250 25 &
36 ## Turn on/off system beep
37 xset b off &
39 ## Run the conky
40 conky -q &
42 # Autostart the Dropbox deamon
43 ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd &
45 ## Personal programs
46 xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources &
47 transmission-gtk -m &
48 steam-native -silent %U &
49 setxkbmap -option caps:super
50 dropbox &
51 dunst &
52 termite -e 'ncmpcpp' &
53 termite &
54 termite &
55 firefox-nightly &
56 evince &
pasted from vim so there are line numbers
you are fucking retarded
Redshift, jack2,mpd, urxvtd.
explorer.exe and nothing else. Exactly the way I like it. If I need something too boot I'll start it on my own. Anything else is unnecessary and bloat.