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You are the best goy ever.
Oh, gee, if only there was a way to know beforehand what ports you need and plan your hardware purchases accordingly!
He obviously did when he got the correct dongles.
apple has done this a lot of times in the past. they're saying that the shit you're doing is not the way they envision people should be working in the future. they're figuring that the laptop will work just fine in a future where you stop using ethernet, stop plugging in so many devices by USB (and either connecting them with bluetooth or over the network), use thunderbolt for displays without adapters, etc...
the meantime is a mess. that's a given. literally what else could you possibly expect to be the case? either the peripherals will be mismatched for the technology, or the host device will be.
all that wasted apace
If you can afford the laptop and adapters, you can afford some sort of docking station.
and/or new monitors that don't use DVI. i mean, jesus. DVI. get monitors that use DP and use a straight up cable with different ends. and use daisy chaining so you have access to the USB devices through it.
> Paying through the ass for premium hardware
> Using DVI
> Not using a single cable going to your a thunderbolt display that powers your laptop and acts as as the usb type a hub
Kys kill yourself faggot
>2 year old monitor's hdmi ports are slowly dying (screen gets all fucky if the desk moves)
>have to use an HDMI to DVI cable because I'm too poor to buy a new monitor
>paying through the ass for a throttling overheating toddler toy
kys yourself
While I think no headphones jack is insane on a cellphone I have to say I agree with the type C future on laptops. I'd only really want to add a card reader to the current ports of the pro.
lol okay
Look I'm no macfag but if you need to plug that much shit in you shouldn't be working on a laptop like that.
i don't know that a card reader would've been more useful than something like an NFC reader, unless that's what you meant.
>t. mactoddler
What's nfc useful for? Outside of paying for things with a tap but why would you where you can just use your finger print?
We are reaching levels of anti-consumerism that shouldn't be possible...
Looks like a monster growing tentacles
this is some Akira shit right here
lots of stuff could benefit, like tapping to pair devices, or a simpler version of the tech behind apple watch's unlock feature. cards that use NFC or similar would also be able to communicate with the laptop that way.
NFC seems like the more inclusive tech, although admittedly older cards wouldn't benefit. but again, apple pushes their agenda for tech they think others should adopt pretty aggressively
>no actual devices shown
>let's just plug as much shit in as possible even though it makes no sense to ever do that
>omg look how awful this looks in this situation no one will ever actually have to use
>t. mactoddler
>that sticker on the left
Is that a skateboarding testicle?
it's a heart you ignoramus
it's funny how we discover we need glasses, isn't it?
i can finally see the use of it. so when get home u would only need to plug one dongle to use everything
why is this the only good anime?
How is it different from plugging all those cables directly into the laptop?
Because you have to pay for each one of those dongles and you have to buy new ones once they inevitably break
they're USB adapters. you talk about this like buying a replacement isn't cheap, or like you won't be able to buy usb-Cmicro-USB cables or whatever.
Kill yourself yourself ?
if they thought that they wouldn't have put more than one USB-C port on the whole thing, much like the regular macbook. they know physical connections are here to stay, they just wanted a negligibly thinner device and to sell dongles.
you think apple makes a docking station for this baby?
>docking station
the "s" in kys is "self"?
so it's "kill yourSelf"?
i thought it was short for "kill yourself, sir"
so like kill yourself, sir yourself
>if they thought that they wouldn't have put more than one USB-C port on the whole thing
like the retina Macbook. they've articulated that notion. and the entry level MBP now has 2 ports. 1 for conventional charging and ostensibly 1 to charge a peripheral or drive a display or something.
>they know physical connections are here to stay
of course. things require power. some things need wires for the foreseeable future, like displays. and if you want to drive a pair of 4k monitors, you need at least 2 dedicated ports (not just something daisy chained). more if you want 5k.
apple doesn't seem to see a future entirely without external displays. i'm willing to bet that if they do see a future like that someday or if they see a future standard that lets you extend your computer desktop wirelessly, you'll see a laptop that moves away from wired ports even more than currently
i want to be clear that i'm not even saying i agree with this vision or the pace they're going with, but pretending not to understand what they're pushing here (or reducing it to some deliberately idiotic interpretation) doesn't make you look any better or apple any worse. it just makes you look like you're a simpleton.
like no intelligent person would bitch about the surface studio being a bad gaming computer. it's so clearly not a principle gaming computer, and that's clear if you just look at it. some people (like brianna wu) somehow don't get it, but that's either their glaring shortcoming or their own decision to act in a way that discredits them. don't be like her.
also that last aside was more generally to people that are shitting on the MBP for specious reasons.
lol tit
>how is needing to carry expensive proprietary peripherals that you can loose any different than taking cheaper better spece'd option that don't require it?
Why does the headphone jack loop back around into a dongle that's attached to the laptop?
>expensive proprietary peripherals
what? do you know what a peripheral is? it's not the adapter/dongle. it's the device the host machine connects to (that is, the device).
and the whole point that we've been going over ad nauseam has been that it'll be a USB adapter now instead of something niggardly and expensive like thunderbolt 1/2 was. i can understand your complaint about having to carry around loose shit that you can lose (and just FYI those are the correct uses; you don't typically loose things unless you're talking about the dogs of war), but don't come bitching and whining about the expensiveness of it all.
two different sized cables famalam
this is literally an observational goof that only babies make. even dogs would have spotted the difference in the thickness of the cables.
It's for that NC-17 rating
but then why are there 4 plugs going into the laptop?
Let me correct that for you:
> I can finally see the use of it. So when you get home, in theory, you would only need to plug in one dongle, that doesn't come with the machine, to use everything.
> (OP)
t. back to /reddit/
user, I have some bad news for you.
It would be better if Apple didn't pursue their vision in a half assed manner, like HP before them, and with Microsoft's continumm still a glorified WinRT, it's too soon to have a standalone laptop with all of it's ports and connections made wireless.
TL;DR: Apple is not selling their godawful shit with the interest of laptop innovation, they are doing it to line their fat pockets at the expense of the mactoddlers who will purchase a shitload of dongles to show off their KEKISM.
How will mactoddlers ever recover?
>1 for conventional charging and ostensibly 1 to charge a peripheral or drive a display or something.
USB C allows data transfer and charging at the same time. Most multiport adapters have an additional USB C input for charging.
the size of that trackpad is just ridiculous