How's ProtonMail as an email service?

How's ProtonMail as an email service?

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it's great for redirecting your mail through israel

How's my dick for your mothers service?

The lack of IMAP limits is usefulness.

literally a quick google/bing search of "protonmail israel"


What email service isn't?

It's pretty good. But as its still new its also fairly basic.

What alternatives are there? Is Tutanota a trustworthy email service provider?

No different than any other mail service: shit.
email is faulty and insecure by design, there is no way to change that.
If you need confidentiality use something else.

there's no good alternative. just run your own.

>more than 2 years old

2/10.. your mother's is bigger

I was more interested in the creation of alias accounts for website registration, etc.

>f you need confidentiality use something else.

Such as?

Not really suitable for a business email. Do they have other domains?


So that would be superior to ProtonMail? Keep in mind I don't really use email for communication, just web registration.

>business email.

That's rarely economical if you take into account your hourly wage.

When he has to pay his own electricity bills, he'll understand.

it's honestly really cheap to have a heroku or AWS instance that requires like the most minimal spec requirements available. you just have to be vaguely technically competent, which i'm realizing is too much to ask of people on Sup Forums who are probably posting from their phones.

>business email
It's a cost of business. Write it off.

The question should rather be: do I need to write to retards?

1. If the answer is yes the only solution is to use email, at which point you are fucked anyway because even if you can secure your mail server the retards you write to probably have their account hosted by google or the like.
In this first case I would probably get some email plan from an hosting for cheap and call it a day.
Hosting your own mail server is a pain in the ass and you don't want waste time messing with dovecot instead of doing your job and making money.

2. If the answer is no and you need something to keep in touch with non retarded people host a XMPP server on a machine you personally own (read as: the machine is at your place, not some datacenter) and use a client that support strong encryption (OTR, axolotl ratchet).

2.1. If the answer is no and you need to speak with someone who you don't trust use a public XMPP server and connect to it through Tor, that's as much secure as you can get.

In some places weak security, bit they are fine. The problem is tjat they think they know what they are doing, but in reality...

>2. If the answer is no and you need something to keep in touch with non retarded people host a XMPP server
your answer to letting people get in touch with you is to make them connect to an xmpp server?

and nobody has told you to stop being a drama queen and get over yourself? because after i stopped laughing and realized you were 100% serious, i would tell you that i can, but won't fire up an xmpp client instance just to send you a message.

If you just want to Email via Browser or Mobile App, you're good to Go. PGP is coming Soon, also probably Client Support some time in the future.

Why are you so upset user?
People can send me an email, add my JID to their favorite XMPP client or sms/call me on my phone.
You are just like all the faggots that write me SMS or call me and I don't even care to pick up the phone.

You know there are companies that do it for you. Plus an exchange server if you want

This is just a meme. An Israeli company handles their DDoS protection, but they cannot read your email.

Fat neckbears get triggered at any mention of jews, but don't have a problem with their government spendIng billions of tax dollars on military aid to Israel. If you pay taxes in the US, you give money to Israel and you're a cuck.

good goyim!


Nicely memed. You sure proved him wrong.