How good is the default thermal paste used by manufactures on laptops? how often i should change it on a new laptop?

how good is the default thermal paste used by manufactures on laptops? how often i should change it on a new laptop?

no meme replies pls. like "you should change it every day".

Why would you ever change it? It doesn't go bad and stop working. It's just metal suspended in goop.

It's not very good. you should replace your thermal paste every six months, if you don't you're a mad man and you're likely to have data corruption in the near future.

>It's not very good. you should replace your thermal paste every five months, if you don't you're a mad man and you're likely to have data corruption in the near future.

It's not very good. you should replace your thermal paste every three months, if you don't you're a mad man and you're likely to have data corruption in the near future.

It's no very good...

fuck it, change it when you get the your hardware as manufactures' ones is shitty, but just once should be good enough

It's not very good. you should replace your thermal paste every month, if you don't you're a mad man and you're likely to have data corruption in the near future.

Manufacturers do not use paste. The use phase-change pads. Autists here think it's bad because it's 'dried out and crumbly'. yeah, that's because it's a phase-change polymer, not paste. It's just as good, they use it because although it's much more expensive it makes assembly easier.

>phase-change pads

that's exactly what they are. it's a strip of plastic carrying the metal (instead of an oily liquid) that melts the first time it gets hot.
it's different from the TIM pads you see on mosfets and such.