How good is the default thermal paste used by manufactures on laptops? how often i should change it on a new laptop?

how good is the default thermal paste used by manufactures on laptops? how often i should change it on a new laptop?

no meme replies pls. like "you should change it every day".

Why would you ever change it? It doesn't go bad and stop working. It's just metal suspended in goop.

It's not very good. you should replace your thermal paste every six months, if you don't you're a mad man and you're likely to have data corruption in the near future.

>It's not very good. you should replace your thermal paste every five months, if you don't you're a mad man and you're likely to have data corruption in the near future.

It's not very good. you should replace your thermal paste every three months, if you don't you're a mad man and you're likely to have data corruption in the near future.

It's no very good...

fuck it, change it when you get the your hardware as manufactures' ones is shitty, but just once should be good enough

It's not very good. you should replace your thermal paste every month, if you don't you're a mad man and you're likely to have data corruption in the near future.

Manufacturers do not use paste. The use phase-change pads. Autists here think it's bad because it's 'dried out and crumbly'. yeah, that's because it's a phase-change polymer, not paste. It's just as good, they use it because although it's much more expensive it makes assembly easier.

>phase-change pads

that's exactly what they are. it's a strip of plastic carrying the metal (instead of an oily liquid) that melts the first time it gets hot.
it's different from the TIM pads you see on mosfets and such.

It's good. Changing it every 2 years is a good practice, but it's not really that important as you can usually use your PC/laptop normally for 5 years before the paste starts degrading. Just change it when you notice high CPU temperatures.

Is it something anyone can do? Does it require special tools besides a small screwdriver to open up the laptop case? I've had this laptop for about 6 years and it does indeed get hot when I do anything resource-intensive on it, both the GPU and CPU.

Never heard of anyone re-applying more paste to a laptop

Provide a datasheet for these "phase-change pads".

never, stupid

Nobody ships fucking Indigo Xtreme in a laptop. It's all the same paste and gap fillers you see in desktop PCs.

good enough that your mobo will fry after a year or two and you'll have to buy another one like a good goy

Read the spec sheet for the material dam it! Those pads and grease have max temps before they break down. Is your processor exceeding those specs? (prob not)

It's good enough. If you want a processor to stay at 4GHz 24/7 while running prime95 then you need a desktop and a large heatsink like a hyper 212.

No matter how good paste you apply on a laptop the heatsink will always be the thing that holds it back. Most are only designed to cool processors to 2GHz or lower at 100% load.

see pic related for a visual.

Stfu. Thermal pads diffuse heat.

I haven't changed thermal pad or paste in my 5 years old dell even a single time and it's still working fine even under pressure.

Nice datasheet. Fucking retards

Once a year or every 6 months. Depending on how much stress you put the CPU under.

i build my own PC and just use Crest Toothpaste, 4 out or 5 dentists recommend it