Better font rendering

>Better font rendering
>More control over the system
>More customization options
>More security against malware
>Free of cost, lifetime upgrades
>Choice of designing your own system from scratch

What is keeping Linux from becoming mainstream desktop OS? People are using ChromeOS and MacOS without Windows exclusive games, so this should be no different.

>Composition sucks
>Bad battery life
>Multi monitor support sucks (well in Ubuntu it kinda works)
>No 3rd party software support (Photoshop, Video editing software etc...)

Normies don't know how to install operating systems. It's a fucking simple process, but even then they think it's too much effort.

Instead, they'll settle for what's already on their machines, and sadly that's Windows. Or macOS, for the rich people who only care about brand.

1. Baby duck
2. video games (things are getting better here)
3. pre-installed windows people use because they don't care

That's pretty much about it. We had this thread over and over in the past few years.

The one thing that's holding Linux (and OSS in general) back is that they don't do comercial advertising. A few years ago google put ads for chrome on TV and across the internet, you see Apple and MS ads everyday if you don't use an adblocker or if you watch TV.

I've never seen an ad for Ubuntu or Fedora, but if they started advertising as much as Apple did, I think they would gain a lot more users, and because Linux is free and can be installed anywhere it has the potential to eclipse apple.

You do know that ChromeOS is based on Gentoo, goy?

what DE is that? How did you get it like that?

>macOS, for the rich people
Why does every nigger have one, then?
Because even the poor can afford a payment plan, idiot.

>Composition sucks
Explain further

>Bad battery life
sudo apt install tlp tlp-rdw
sudo tlp start

>Multi monitor support sucks (well in Ubuntu it kinda works)
16.04, not seen any issues so far

>No 3rd party software support (Photoshop, Video editing software etc...)
Photoshop runs natively on Linux now. Other Adobe software will be arriving in future.

It's 3>1>2 actually.

I do, so is Android but the have commercial botnets from Google inside them. I rather use Linux on its own.

>>Composition sucks
Wayland will hopefully fix this.
Also it works ok with modern systems.
>>Bad battery life
I have always had better battery life with linux thatn with windows on my machines.
I have tweaked my linux installs for battery though, haven't done much of that for windows.
>>Multi monitor support sucks (well in Ubuntu it kinda works)
It works perfectly fine for me. I'm using xmonad though, so if you are talking about the window management over multi-screen milage may differ.
>>No 3rd party software support (Photoshop, Video editing software etc...)
Sadly that's true. Also "if it's free, it can't be good" mentality, especially for software.

My point:
> No official support, unless corporate customer


People don't use it because something that takes ~1h on Linux can be done in less than a minute on Windows & MacOS.

How is Solus compered to Arch with Gnome?

>Better font rendering
Not really
>More control over the system
>More culmination options
Same as above?
>More security against malware
>Free of cost, lifetime upgrades
Same if you pirate software consistently
>Choice of designing your own system from scratch
If your system is already perfectly suitable for your tasks at hand, you may not need to design your own

Why is there an appeal to always push the linux/GNU + Linux meme onto perfectly content users of other platforms?
We're not going to wake up and realise that we were wrong all along, If we need it, we will adapt and learn

It's like you're Shilling for freeware

>>Better font rendering

I had the same argument before I started using package managers. Now I am so used to terminal and repos, downloading .exe files and managing registry cleanups is a hassle.

Windows cleartype is shit. I have bad eyes with floaters that become visible due to Windows rendering of desktop and fonts even with flux. On Linux I feet at ease working for long periods of time.

>long periods of time

>>Better font rendering
enjoy your distorted fonts

>Why is there an appeal to always push the linux/GNU + Linux meme onto perfectly content users of other platforms?
We're not going to wake up and realise that we were wrong all along, If we need it, we will adapt and learn

No one is forcing you to change your platform. It was just a query about lack of market share.

Windows 10 does not even allow me to change my fonts or customize UI like older versions. I am forever stuck with Segoi UI 10pt for everything. There was a custom theme on DeviantArt but it no longer works after anniversary update.

>market share
>free software
There are no market commodities for free software/ no investors for the GNU project
Of course there is technical/ developmental use behind linux/ GNU + Linux and donations from the freeware userbase, but the lack of marketing/ consumerist pricing for user-based software simply means that there is't going to be as an impression on the world
People will use the software, but on the broader perspective of what is "most suitable in education/ medicine/ science, the average home/older demographic", simply more people are going to use windows/mac platforms

It's nothing to do with games. Most people don't play games on their computers. It's because, although any one of those things sounds nice, the system as a whole barely fucking works for desktop use.

I used desktop Linux (several different distros) for over a year, out of necessity.

>video flickers, tears, and judders
>if your hardware works then hooray, if it doesn't you're completely fucked with no hope of a workaround because nobody makes third party drivers
>if your printer is listed in the popup installer then hooray, otherwise you have to download command line software from the manufacturer, unpack it, fix the permissions, run as root, and answer the obscure vague prompts in a specific way
>hardly any professional tools are available (Office, Adobe suite, etc)
>have to rely on barely functional hacks like WINE
>installing anything that isn't in the official repo is horrendous
>either you add their repo/install a .deb/.rpm, requiring admin rights to install every trivial app
>or you download a static binary and if you're very lucky it might work after manually configuring permissions
>or you download and configure and compile the fucking C++ source code
>most distros don't have an upgrader, for those that do it breaks all the time
>it's practically accepted that you have to skip all except LTS releases of ubuntu (for example) because upgrading is so painful

I could go on and on.

IF your hardware is supported and IF all you do all day is browse with Chrome and drag files around, you will probably be okay and you can enjoy tweaking everything. This explains why it's popular amongst Sup Forumsentoomen, I think.

But for productive usage of non-browser software it is a fucking joke.

I'm just passing through, but the lack of games would be my reason for not making the switch. I assume this is roughly the same reason it will never turn mainstream, since a large % of desktop users are avid gamers.

Customisation and "choice" are a meme.

They don't appeal to normies who want "it just werks"

I mean fuck, I spent ages attempting to rice my Ubuntu then mint then some other shit before realising that unity is fine.

Idgaf now. - I moved on with my life and just use stock. It just werks.

Fuck fragmentation and shit.

Release a brand like os called "Linux"
With a button that goes "press here to start"

Done. Fucking loonix autists.

>Fuck fragmentation and shit.
>Release a brand like os called "Linux"
>With a button that goes "press here to start"
That's pretty much the Ubuntu philosophy and it's still a fucking mess for all except optimal hardware and use cases.

>Large % of desktop users are avid gamers

Lol get your head out of your ass, and go your side once in a while.

The vast majority of people couldn't tell command and conquer from world of StarCraft

Which distro is this?

Then why do they use OSX and ChromeOS? They have no games either. Yet many people use them as their main on Ultrabooks.

Ubuntu 16.04

is this the new desktop general?

>depends on font
>if you can into root/config
>as above
>less hot singles in your area
>grey hair, sores on penis
>prolapsed anus

who am i quoting wtf

to be fair its literally only because windows ships with everything and dell ubuntus ship with unity rather than a choice despite the 100 euro lower price tag so laziness combined with consumer choice

>What is keeping Linux from becoming mainstream desktop OS?

I failed to fresh install Windows 7 with WSUS. It keeps stuck at listing updates for 12 hours.

Windows 10 it downloads social media apps and games without my consent. Telemetry cannot be blocked as each cumulative update resets user settings. I saw no real advantage for me as I don't play gaymes on regular basis.

Finally threw in the towel and went with a beginner distro.

1. BETTER DRIVERS and support
2. Professional software, Photoshop, CAD, Video editing SW, MS Office (not libre)
3. More users & market share
4. Latest Games
5. Pre-installation
6. Ruin habits

>The blue outline around "Home" doesn't match up heightwise with the white part of the file explorer

This triggers my autism.

Other themes like Numix and Paper fix it but increase the box sizes for places which triggers my autism.

what theme/icons

>What is keeping Linux from becoming mainstream desktop OS.

Only two things.

1. The public is uninformed
2. No one is selling it (and vicariously advertising it)

No one ever hears about it. No one ever sees it. No one is ever the wiser.

Apple and Microsoft have center stage, it's just that no one else has the cash to stand up there with them and it also happens to be the only stage anyone is standing at.

linuxes userbase is what turns the most people away, its autistic and annoying (just look at gs lonix circlejerks)


Awesome! Desktop thread.

This is the right answer. The problem with FOSS is that almost none of software is advertised and you only hear about it directly from others or if you're already active it the FOSS community.

perfect example for autism

>Better font rendering
Can you provide info on this? since FreeType 2.7 infinality and friends are pretty much deprecated.

You forgot the third thing:

3. It's shit and nobody wants it.

I did side by side comparison using two laptops, Linux had better and less pixelated fonts than Windows 10 in both UI and Firefox.

You can test it yourself. Compiz is better than whatever compositor Windows uses.

and youll be better off unless theres an obscure printer or phone involved therell be a little troubleshooting but when it fails theres active forums rather than going to windows forums being told to do the hokey pokey at 88mph before reformating
you can google hit the first three links and have the problem solved in 10 mins

good on ya mate

>>Multi monitor support sucks (well in Ubuntu it kinda works)
if you don't mint using XFCE or configuring xorg.conf either manually or using some tool it works quite well actually

I have a HP printer which was detected and configured when I plugged it in. Did not have to install any drivers. That was new.

My Android phone connects with Ubuntu and opens my SD card for copying data.

Nothing unusual so far.

I'm starting to like you. I used to hate you, but you're beginning to grow on me. Too bad you're a dude.


what DE is this?

Only 2% of the world population has an IQ of 130 or above and all of them are already using Linux.


>worse font rendering than os x
>more customization options and all of them are shit
>free of cost like os x

>try to print something quick from printer
>both the printer and the desktop are aware of each other
>connection errors all around
>throw out the linux drive
Was fun while it lasted though~

The vast majority of people who would use a computer enough to care about trivial things like what OS it uses and what its specs are would be...

Oh that's right-- Gamers.

You autists are pretty much the only ones who make the "gaymer" argument when it comes to whether or not Linux is a good choice. Not everybody wants to feel like hackerman, spending time typing in the console all day. They have even less desire to waste their gaming time deciphering a language they really have no use for if they're not working in a programming related field. You're a minority compared to gamers. Face it, freetard.

Console is in the background now since Ubuntu and Mint became mainstream. You would be surprised how many normies use it, but you don't hear about it as there is no telemetry botnet gathering data on their activities.

Considering Unity has a literal babby tier interface and similar feel as OSX, normies can use it more easily than Windows 10.

really makes you think.

And these are considered "nerds" which also has a negative effect so I guess the situation won't change any time soon

>What is keeping Linux from becoming mainstream desktop OS?
it's shit

people don't care/don't know/ about customization or control over the system

My mother and father, both in their 60s, use Linux now. My mother because I got sick of cleaning viruses and stuff off her Windows OS and she hasn't had a problem in the two years since. My father switched by choice after Windows 10 installed itself on one of his machines.

Chrome OS is also getting really popular and Remix seems to be just about ready for mass adoption, so I think Linux is doing just fine, though perhaps not in the way that Sup Forums envisions it should be.

>Better font rendering
Not something most people notice.
>More control over the system
Which only gives regular users the potential to fuck everything up.
>More customization options
Turns out people rarely change defaults.
>More security against malware
Nothing can protect people from themselves.
>Free of cost, lifetime upgrades
Piracy is a thing.
>Choice of designing your own system from scratch
Only turbonerds do that.

None of the things you listed give Linux distros mainstream appeal.

Because noone wants to rock around with configuration files. That's it.

"It just werks" isn't a good philosophy: when you need to fix or improve, you never know what to do, aka configuration files.

Just do a complete massive control panel where I can choose shit without looking up a syntax on the Internet. Nobody wants that shit

not OP but one thing makes me think. you generally need special hardware for MacOS/ChromeOS (hackintosh doesnt count). casuals still choose to use windows on their laptops, even if they dont have any special software requirements. those people generally dont know how to pirate, from my experience. still they dont install the limux.

My baytrail tablet on Win8 lasted longer than my other android tablets. Best phone on battery in the last couple years I've had is the OPO on the Sultan rom. CM usually destroys battery life in my experience but not in that case due to tweaks/kernel OOTB.

at least this is a tame screenshot

>>Bad battery life
better than windows with TLP, no joke. It's just magic

This. Both of my parents use Ubuntu and they both complain because every now and then they need to access a site that needs Java or some other plugin (blame the site, not my parents - the IRS in my country is Java-based) and Java doesn't fucking work. Sometimes my cousins want to get to their computer to play some browser game and Unity is for Windows and Mac only? lol. Workaround is installed pipeline that doesn't work either.
They want to connect their smartphones and it doesn't recognize a simple MTF and I had to do some research and copy paste some commands into the terminal to create a new unit drive for each smartphone.

Anyway, the font rendering is really great but if you have a 1080p screen you won't have any problems with Windows 10 + MacType.
I installed the 14.04 builds and had no problem updating both of their machines to 16.04.

Linux is good for a Facebook machine. In my case I need the Adobe suite and dual booting is not worth the effort when I can everything I need on Windows. Besides, I use a Windows Phone so the symbiosis is great.

>looks worse than Windows XP
>no easy installation tools
>horrible scaling on diferent resolutiob, it werks only on FHD properly
>updates break system
>cannot find anything using kde start menu, it is autistic
>if something breaks you mus learn hacking to fix it
>no soft

Wait for retards to tell; "works on my machine" oh wait...

I use Linux as my main OS on my T420, Windows on my desktop.


this is the new desktop thread

Fucking bullshit to manage in large scale


>Installed Solus on VM
>Found out it has no Chinese IME
Sometimes the crucial fundamental features are just not there.

Every nigger has an iPhone, not a Macbook Pro.

>Bad battery life
nice b8 m8

Nothing at this point.
I finally installed it on a lark and it blew me away.

How the fuck is it free? Or alternatively how can Windows or Mac charge anything?

it's shit m8, you just picked a convenient font

>It works perfectly fine for me. I'm using xmonad though, so if you are talking about the window management over multi-screen milage may differ.
Normies don't want to download 3rd party programs to use multiple monitors. They just want an operating system that just werks.

Just install Solus on everyones computers. It's not that hard.

Kevin... please

>>Better font rendering
Better than Windows 7, but not much better than the latest operating systems.
>>More control over the system
At what cost? Normies don't want to dip into the terminal just to install a program.
>>More customization options
Aesthetics has no effect on productivity, also excessive customization slows down the OS.
>>More security against malware
Only because market share is low, if GNU/Linux was more popular, then there'd be just as much viruses.
>>Free of cost, lifetime upgrades
So is Windows 10 and MacOS.
>>Choice of designing your own system
from scratch
Clearly only autists find this important.



I saw an ad for SUSE earlier today when I turned off adblock for a few minutes. Probably because I have so much Linux-related stuff in my search history, but still...

That lock would be stupid if it was on a standard door, but if you had to use that lock to completely stop any robbers then it's not so stupid

when you want to do anything besides brwose the internet and listen to music you have to google how to do everything

stuff randomly breaks

infinite forking

no games

maybe if wine worked perfectly with no need to spend 1 hr googling per thing you want to work linux can take over, but even then most people dont care about any of that: security customization speed is all useless to g4m3rtards who are the only people that capable of switching. old people and facebook users wont bother even if everything were retard proof

if windows was more customizable it would be cool

>No folder preview

Into the trash it goes.

The chain has so much length. You can open the door and pass through. Accurate representation of Linux security.

I wasn't talking about security, more usability.



>multi monitor support sucks
In my experience it works better than in windows. Unity and i3 tested.
>battery life sucks
no, install tlp and you are golden
>composition sucks
No, never had issues or seen them in person.
>no 3rd party software
Not true since most foss projects are technically 3rd party when not endorsed by GNU. Also not an os problem.

The irony is that the Linux gang took this message to heart over the past 10 years and it's seriously there now. It's just a damn good easy to use operating system out of the box.

They listened and now there are about 10 plug-and-play normie proof distros that feel exactly like Windows.

It's kind of sad. They're like that nerdy kid sent on a snipe hunt who honestly looks for the snipe and he brings something back called a snipe and the cool kids still laugh at him and call him a faggot but he just smiles and thinks that next time he will do what they say again and he will be the cool kid one day, too.


>johnathan blow
the only other person less credible for criticizing linux is phil fish.