I'm looking for a thinkpad, which I'll use on studies. I'm interested the most in x220, x230 and t420. Which one you think is the best choice and why? I heard the keyboard in x230 is worse than in x220, is it true?
I'm looking for a thinkpad, which I'll use on studies. I'm interested the most in x220, x230 and t420...
I wouldn't say it's worse in x230. I own x200, x201 and x230 and honestly, both styles are on the same level in my book.
>not buying an Alienware
What are you even doing on Sup Forums
whichever one is a Dell Latitude
I say T420. Best keyboard of the bunch and the screen is the perfect size.
>Hey, user, when was your laptop made? 1999?
>Why don't you just get macbook like any normal person?
>implying I care about normies
It is the exact same keyboard as the x220
So, they are both same comfy, right?
And, is not having cd-rom big problem these days?
>Which one you think is the best choice and why?
T420 because 3 drives, CPU isn't soldered and higher resolution.
>I heard the keyboard in x230 is worse than in x220, is it true?
Yes, the layout is dogshit
T420, or X230 if you don't really care that much about the old layout and 1366x768 is enough and want a small laptop
Because instead of spending 1500 dollars on a macbook I can just buy a 150 dollar thinkpad and blow the rest on pizza and cocaine
And what about about t430? It has usb 3.0 and cd-rom, but I'm still not sure about this keyboard
why aren't you asking this in /tpg/?
Get a Dell XPS or a rMBP
that is shit info tbhfam
more than half of those points don't apply to any of the models the OP listed
Also suggesting the new XPS or rMBP to someone looking to buy a laptop in the region of $160 - $200 is completly idiotic, Imagine someone looking to buy a used ford for $500 and telling him he'd be better off with a new bugatti.
tl;dr fuck off
How bad is the x200 screen?
I'd suggest a T430, slightly newer CPU/ integrated graphics and USB 3.0. But make sure to get 1600*900, had a Fujitsu S710 with 1366*768 and that made using multiple windows quite hard.
I've got an x220 Tablet and I love it! Combined with a Solid State Drive and a stripped-down OS, it works magic! I'm loving it!
x220t is great indeed but has lots of hardware problems.
I use my T420 for work and play and I've never been so in love with a piece of technology.
Same here, T420 a best.
How so?
This board isn't /r9k/. I would just calmy explain to them the reason why I chose a Thinkpad over a Mac and they'll think it's interesting and go on with their lives not caring about my tech choices.
>100 fps
Yeah sure m8
Ever heard of external gpus?
not really
Are you only using it for notes/shit posting/videos? x100e is significantly cheaper and does all of those things well (if you're using linux)
yes but you had to put inside ti make them work
I'll program on it in C++, Java, and maby something else. I'm going to use linux with i3wm on it
I have a T440p I was given for work. Trackpad is shit but hey, it runs overwatch marginally well.
I also have an X220t as my personal laptop but I haven't used it in awhile. I installed W10 but it seems like the laptop is constantly freezing. 8GB ram and Core i5.
t60 here
still works fine
I'm a bit skeptical of the Thinkpad meme. They seem a bit bulky and have poor battery life.