Picked up an old Windows 98 machine from work
Trips decide what to do with it (unless it involves physically destroying it)
Picked up an old Windows 98 machine from work
Trips decide what to do with it (unless it involves physically destroying it)
fuck i cant Sup Forums today
>that img size
You still can't.
Maybe you should remove all the old hardware and build a sleeper.
Run a game server MUD and rogue-likes with a BBS/message board and IRC server.
All very light on low memory/cpu and network.
A sleeper?
Install gentoo
Create a shitposting bot that copypastes fragments of random queries made on a search engine, for the forum or imageboard you like.
Fuck it
physically destroy it
Put into pooper, post pics.
Play old classic games on it.
Other than that throw it off a cliff.
Looks old/underpowered for today but is actually a beast.
It's a term used for cars mainly.
Open ftp server.
Old on the outside, new on the inside
Pic related was my 2005 IBM Thinkcenter
Rocking an i5 4460s, r9 280x and 16gb of ram
install reactOS on an ssd in that machine
Also smoke some weed after
hello druaga how are you today
Spray paint some NASCAR flames on it and install blue led fans. Then resell it on craigslist
this is genious
Turn it upside down.
dedicated BonziBuddy machine
didn't know druaga1 posted to /g
Hi, I'm subscribed to your channel.
install temple os
Unbolt it from the ceiling
Install TempleOS
stream diablo 1 or quake 2 on twitch @640x480
Install hannah montana linux on it and use it as your main pc.
Use it as a NAS or something. Throw GNU/Linux on it. Have some fun. There's a lot you can do just from a TTY, so no matter how weak it is, you should be able to have some fun with it.
This get
jizz inside of it.
Spotted the 12 year old.
use it as a NAS LOOOLLL
I got the feeling he was a normie and that was a normie-friendly suggestion, that's all really.
I would probably hook it up in my living room and have mutt, mpd+ncmpcpp, irssi, etc. running on it. Of course, if it's old enough it might be weaker than a raspberry pi and more power hungry, so maybe it's not worth doing much with.
Poo in it
Sleeper PC
Shove it up your ass
Install gentoo on it
sell it to an ironic hipster in our retro circlejerk threads or on ebay. must include 3 paragraphs of some made up job you supposedly used it with 20 years ago and how you're better than everyone else even though you're unemployed now.
Send it to the pacific ocean ^^
The Trips have spoken
I'll see what I can do
May take a few days/weeks to get it in a sellable condition
>he thinks it has to work to sell it to retro shits
so you want him to install anime on it?
Just sell it "as is"
Put your dick in it
I was going to say, simply plug it into the Internet.
No router, just straight in from the modem, then wait.
OP must deliver
btw, if you're serious about selling it, your best chance is going to be as a gaming platform. you can get this perfectly for free through virtualbox and passthrough drivers but hardware shits insist it won't be the same, because it isn't shitty and bad. You need to advertise these and touch on both of them.
>virtualbox sucks! Play it on real hardware to get the TRUE experience! 100% "muh feel" compatible. Best results when you pair this with your piece of shit CRT that I know you have.
hardest part of this is going to be its weight but hipsters will pay. get a quote by weight to know what you're in for. cheapest is going to be usps. you could also transfer everything inside to a plastic case if you had one lying around and it was all at/x standard
ooʇuǝƃ llɐʇsui
Dedicated bonziBUDDY machine seconded
Put it on the floor.
recreate this exact screen
don't cheat (like making this picture background)
Install Solus GNU + Linux on it.