>What is cyberpunk? Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction in a future setting, noted for its focus on "high tech and low life". It features advanced science, such as information technology and cybernetics, coupled with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order.
Nobody likes these threads because all you post is weeb images in a technology board
Luis Ramirez
We had a really good one a couple of weeks ago, maybe the thrill is gone.
>mfw B.B King is dead
Anybody else tried Freenet? It's nice in theory, and certainly better than ZeroNet, but fuck me it's at least one third CP. Such a waste.
Anybody know any good IRC channels? I know of the ones in the OP, just wondering if there are some other places to chill and shoot the drekk.
Christian Foster
Bump, chummers
Easton Gomez
Just watched Blade Runner for the 10th time. You need to read the book if you haven't already, it's so much better
Gabriel Bennett
The current reality in post-cyberpunk or the dark romanticism of near future in classic cyberpunk. Which one do you favor more Sup Forums? They are indeed quite far apart, my inner response about each is different to a point I can't even think of them as sharing a relation.
What's your take on this. I see often they are mixed in the threads but no distinction between the two is ever brought up. Probably out of ignorance. I know people complain about classic cyberpunk because often it's just empty image posting, no substance. Post cyberpunk has more material for thought it may seem.
Charles Garcia
I only know what you describe as "classic cyberpunk" can you describe the first one in more detail?
Elijah Torres
Post cyberpunk is trying to find strands cyberpunk in reality. It's more grounded. You can think of it as corporate or transnational hacking, sophisticated viruses (STUXNET), rapidly emerging megacities, body hacking or implants, advanced prosthetics. These topics can considered in post cyberpunk because they are part of the reality.
Matthew Garcia
CYBERPUNK --------------------------------
>BBSes >phreaking >module music >demoscene >talking about "muh internet freedom" >text files >FTP servers >IRC >the deep web >Exchanging PGP keys >programming in ASSEMBLY >hacking the Gibson >entering the Matrix
If you want to see something pretty neat, look up Ge.. actually let me find it. Can't find a video, but here is a picture. George Clarkes Amazing Spaces on Channel4 in UK. They are designing a rotating home in a cube 3^3meters. (with cylindrical container for it) The bathroom is at the back for obvious simplicity reasons. Has mood lighting for each space too.
Made a basic picture to explain how it looks currently. When's this future?
Jason Foster
It's pasta from a year ago, salty fuck. Entertain me with current data.
Isaac Hill
Wops, deleted a section that explained how some bits worked.
The black bit is a table / TV / Mirror. The bed is in the cavity under said table.
The kitchen space, the appliances and storage are connected on to gimbals to keep them in proper orientation. Magnetic storage for cutlery. A fridge is not present, but you could probably just put one in the back wall to be honest. A fridge and cutlery is something I think you would want access to regardless of zone. Such as a drink, or cutlery if you ordered food out and don;t want to rotate the damn house to get a fork. Sometimes you just want to chill on the couch when you eat. Of course, considering there is a chiller in the seating area, you could easily put a drawer in there for cutlery as well. (in addition to other entertainment, books, games and consoles, etc.)
The floor for Bed mode (C) has storage for clothes. They are vacuum packed for ultimate space-saving efficiency. They haven't put much on that floor yet. I assume they will use that for the bulk of clothes and miscellaneous storage.
Can't wait to see this finished.
Cooper Perez
>When's this future?
It doesn't make practical sense. What does a rotating room offer over a static one? I would only expect such excess in the high orbit.
The general footprint of this is far smaller than the same floorspace of each floor being separate. These could also be stacked like this picture. Red hallways on one side of building, blue on the other side.
In between each room, pipes could be placed through each cylinders central point.
There are already apartments that exist right now with dimensions smaller than this cube is, but 1.5 "floors" at best. (the .5 being bunk beds)
Ayden Barnes
Elijah Adams
The things in original cyber punk novels and media have been materializing for years. The 2016 election was heavily influenced by information disseminated by less than scrupulous means via hacking. Infrastructure, personal information, banks, and just about anything is vulnerable to clandestine governments and organizations around the world.
We're living in the cyber punk future right now, but people don't know what that means, and people who are into cyber punk won't admit we're living in the cyber punk future because it's not a bleak corner of nowhere.
Oliver Cook
Adam Curtis new documentation: HyperNormalisation also connects the election to VR escapism