Because dwm is customized through editing its source code, it’s pointless to make binary packages of it...

>Because dwm is customized through editing its source code, it’s pointless to make binary packages of it. This keeps its userbase small and elitist. No novices asking stupid questions.

Why aren't you using the best window manager, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't want to compile a window manager every time I want to make a slight adjustment

I'm employed

SPOILER ALLERT, is so fast to compile that you cat automate this operation everytime you tipe xinit and it gets pretty much like every other wm :)

I don't have autism

so its gonna compile every time you boot your computer?

It's called i3 not dwm

i3 is better desu

>I wasted a good portion of my life editing config files for a Window Manager instead of doing anything productive
>My system runs 2 ms faster than yours because of my "optimization"
>I have so much unused ram and so little packages, nevermind the fact my system is completely useless

Who am I quoting?

Yes and once you are happy with your config you can remove the proces that compile everytime dwm to have a fester X11 start

A gentoo ricer.


to be more precise its gonna compile everytime you start X11 not at boot time, you can kill X11 and than restart it without tunring off your pc

I dunno guise, don't think I'm autistic enough to use dwm or indeed any bare window manager.

What are the benefits? Real talk, now.

Low resource usage for old PCs.

That's it.

the third time I'd have to edit the source and recompile the whole wm to change one little setting, I'd probably just implement config files or install a real wm

It is not going to to anything more or less that you need, basically your perfect wm and if it lack of a feature you can write a patch for it thanks to the easly hackable C code, is not a wm for everyone of course...

>userbase determines the quality of software
That's fucking retarded man
Also, your environment looks shit

>language c
what a waste of resources.

You can modify it so it reads its config variables from plaintext file every launch. Should be easy to do so.

awesomewm is basically improved dwm.

Then you can install something like to make managing it easier and add other functionality like different layouts, notifications, etc.

Haha, you fools! You've been had! I am actually an awesomewm shill in disguise.

>edit config.h
>makepkg -rsf
>sudo pacman -U dwm-something.tar.xz
wow so hard

>Why aren't you using the best window manager, Sup Forums?
because it's not awesomewm.

I'm >
That is gay as fuck. Awesome doesn't need any of that shit, it's nearly perfect by default.

What is wrong with you ricers?

They're good on SBCs as well because you don't have to use one of the limited USB slots with a mouse.

I don't use it. I'm just saying it's out there as an option if someone doesn't want to mess with lua. Although it's an easy scripting language.

I just use i3 stock without borders fight me fags

>Why aren't you using the best window manager, Sup Forums?
It doesn't handle mutlihead setups very well.
I prefer spectrwm

Wew elite :^)


such opinionated bastards

It appeared before MemeJS.


> Muh hacker machine.

>not hacking the gibson

Are you employed? Then it's any of these:
Mutter, Kwin or Xfwm

dwm was a pleasure to use, was my first window manager when I started using Linux. ++Good

DWM user here

I like subtle


hardly ever see any subtle users on here :)