How do I get an IT job with no degree, Sup Forums?
How do I get an IT job with no degree, Sup Forums?
How well do you suck dick?
git good?
pretty good
I'd suck a dick for a solid entry level it job
Put some bullshit on a resume that you know you can talk about for hours. Go apply for some Tier 1 desktop support position. Prove your skills overtime and move up in the company
If you government has some programs for it, apply.
I did it since my gvt had a program for young adults without high-school diplomas and got a job as IT repair for a branch of the government.
I'm in the same position, OP. I've been trying to land a job in IT for months and delivering people's shopping in the meantime
Tempted to start adding half-truths to my CV.
By using Hyper-V or WMware to mess around with AD, GPOs and other server related things. Teach yourself networking by reading books related to CCNA or Net+. Get a few certs like MCSA, Net+/CCNA, Sec+. If you see employers asking for certain skills or doing something or using a specific software just load up WMware and do it/use it.
In the end, IT is not for the lazy since there's always tons of shit to learn and tons of shit changing.
> Hyper-V or WMware
>> Not KVM and LXC
> AD, GPOs
>> Not OpenLDAP
It's like you want to pay money for nothing.
well get a degree
The military
>29, 30 in 2 weeks
>worked 4 months in my life at a call center 6 years ago
>degree in environmental management
>2nd degree in software development
>know Java,C#,JavaScript, bunch of other shit
>have portfolio of stuff
>cant get hired anywhere for love nor money
Fuck it. NEET life isnt too bad anyway. Maybe ill try freelancing, putting out wordpress sites cant be too difficult.
Its cuz you old nigga. Looks like you decided on IT at the last second and scrambled to make it happen before you become ancient, and its obvious to HR
Which government? USA? It's all privatized contract work here blowing billions.
I agree with you, getting a job in IT is tricky without CERTs like Sec+ or a networking cert. Self taught is one of the ways that you can learn enough to pass a certification exam and gain some marketable skills in the process. CERTs are the best way to getting an IT job in my experience.
Find a SMB to get your foot in the door. Get a few years experience and move on. Experience is everything in this industry.
Sorry, France.
don't be stupid (or even mediocre preferably), then learn something that's relatively in demand.
protip: try to make sure it's something that you're at least sort of interested in, since it's hard to not end up pigeonholed into your specialty.
I started in C++ and now am stuck in finance (specifically HFT) for better or worse.
No one pays for VMware just run a keygen on a shoebox
Go to a reputable tech school or a school with info sec program. Recruiters come to your school if it's not entirely shit.
> Be Pajeet
> Get IT job
Does age matter?
You dont
Yes, Young people are more likely to be able to grasp new and evolving concepts. You need that when technology is moving at a breakneck pace.
Apprenticeship. Got mine straight out of school, they taught me everything amd paid for all training whilst paying me. Pretty sweet to get £22k at 18 and have work responsibilities
Leave US That's suck
Do it. Most companies lie to get ahead. Why shouldn't you?
Get a certification and start working a shit entry level job, work your way up.
Call center. Go from there.
>I want to practice with tools that fucking nobody uses! That'll get me hired!
Hyper-V is basically free, 99.999999% of workplace environments are all windows and even those that aren't still use AD.
Would you faggots quit fucking doing it? All you do is screw yourselves out of a job by lying and make it harder for people with actual qualifications to get interviews.
An employer is much more happy to hire somebody that honestly speaks when they don't know and will train them than some dipshit who talked out of his ass.
>An employer is much more happy to hire somebody that honestly speaks
t.unemployed guy
lel, this. I built one computer in my life and walked into a pc recycling place looking for a job, they asked me if I can fix computers, I said yea. I've never even messed with apple products in my life before, within a week there I was refurbishing around 15 laptops a day. Apples too.