One Drive kills itself on linux???

hey Sup Forumsuys and Sup Forumsals in school faggot here,
My professor has us to use One drive as apart of a medium to send and share data between students and teachers for group projects etc.

I had fedora on my laptop and try to login on one drive. It start out good but after 20 seonds it starts to freeze up my browser and cause it to be extremely slow.

Have anyone dealt with this type of situation before?

Other urls found in this thread:

also i tried it with firefox , the native browser and i even tried different distros like arch and ubuntu also solus(fuck off kevin) and got the same results too.

is microsoft doing this on purpose because when i log in it says that "one drive isn't currently supported" pop up

Ask here.

Why are you posting pictures of macbooks...
And one drive works for me on debian (opera and firefox)

You can install Linux on a Mac. Linus Torvalds did.

have you tried chrome too? maybe its just me

>on a mac

why are you doing this?

> buying a macbook
> high price because of the os installed
> installes a linux system
> ???

ehh didn't really had a use for it to run osx but i have a lot of use to run it on linux

The real question is why is he calling him self apt-get update when he is using dnf?

pretty off-topic but it didn't cost that much got it for cheap 200

didn't feel like taking it off

You can do everything in macOS that you can do on linux. macs are made to be used with macOS. I'm not even a macfag as I'm a poorfag student.

>ubuntu web browser

macOS is pretty limited to a specific subset of what you can do but on linux it gives me more freedom on the specific subset of what i want to do

Looks like you've installed the Linux meme.

Upgrading to OSX will sort it out.

>linux meme
ok buddy

Neat, wouldn't mind picking up an older Macbook and installing Linux on it, the Linux support for Apple hardware is actually pretty fantastic. Was installing Linux straightforward? I don't mind what distro you used, getting the installer to boot is probably all it'd take for me

> upgrading

only ubuntu and mint was straightforward for me , for other distros you have to find the wifi card driver because its proprietary and ubuntu distros has the additional drivers software which helps activate the card.

why not run linux on a vm
>macOS when you need normie things
>linux when you want it.
also do does that MBP have a disk drive or no? if so replace the disc dive with a second hard drive and dual boot.

it does and thats what im going to do soon.
but in linux can do normies and well as the things i want.
pretty good social media os so

What can you do in Linux that you can't do in osx

>but in linux can do normies and well as the things i want.

>running Linux on a Macbook
what the fuck dude
half of the point of a Mac is macOS

wireshark, metasploit, Armitage.

ehh i like how macs look but i don't like the os so why can i just change the os instead?



I don't really see the problem with install linux on a mac

Uh... Last time I checked you can run wireshark and metasploit on osx.



ik ik shit program but i have to use it for my class so..

Just dualboot kali with rEFInd and osx, it works perfect on my 2011. Just get the fan scripts off github.

Run whatever OS you like in VMs and share a folder if you work outside the VM. Have Windows VM for Windows shit.

Windows is free to download and activating 10 isn't necessary to use it. Many Anons use Windows VMs for specific software while daily driving anotherr host OS.