This is Korora, I need all distros to report for duty!
All distros report for duty!
Is that a buttplug?
If you wish to shove rocks up your ass, then it sure can be!
Antergos and Korora are cousins.
MemeOS checking in
inb4 KevinOS
I'm bumping with Sabayon. It is a underated distro.
Fedora checking in
When I load the ASCII for Solus I get this? What the fuck? Is this the old Solus logo or something?
this was the solus logo before Kevin came
Plasma Arch reporting for duty.
os x bsd distro reporting
Peppermint OS, standing by.
Sup Forumsentoo reporting in
>xbps is the native system package manager, written from scratch with a 2-clause BSD license.
Arch master race reporting in
Explain the problem to me.
poorly disguised desktop thread
debian and fedora 25 and blurring your name reporting in
ITT pics of the same shit IRREGARDLESS of distribution.
debian stretch reporting in
this is literally a desktop thread but disguised nice job nigga(s)
As long as there is no warring...
Yeah, same shit... Sure...
Q4OS reporting!
Who /UNIX/ here?
looks like KDE (in other words, same old shit you could install in any distro)`
Wizards assemble !
Advanced users of GNU/Linux, remember to try Source Mage GNU/Linux. True source-based distribution that can heal broken installs. And (in contrast with Gentoo and Arch) is:
Free from obfuscated and pre-configured code.
Fully committed to GPL, and uses only free software (as in freedom) in their main package.
Even the documentation is licensed as FDL.
Without 3rd party patches, sensible defaults or masked packages.
Doesn't need obfuscated python libraries, only bash.
Uses clean dependencies as they came from upstream developers, which by the same provides instant updates.
Can also use flags.
Do you like Arch Linux's AUR? Do you like Gentoo's portgage? Do you like BSD ports? You haven't seen anything like SMGL's "sorcery". Making new "spells" to install source code not found in the "grimoire" (repository) is as easy as editing files
Come and join
This sounds like the ultimate neckbeard distro
Please stop putting fantasies in head.
Say that again big boy.
>clear looks
um okay
looks like KDE (in other words, same old shit you could install in any distro)`
BTW I use Linus too, but don't know we'd want screenshots of each distribution to assemble.
how have you got colour emojis?
still booting up
Sorry I'm late Guys!
Unity was giving me a hard time.
>muh GPL
You automatically hide that bottom task bar I hope
Hey user, how is your CPU performing these days? I'm getting the same tomorrow.
Who cares bro? Just enjoy the thread or get the fuck out.
My main OS is Debian jessie. Works pretty fine. I don't play games thou.
Startup finished in 19.036s (kernel) + 19.191s (userspace) = 38.227s
>the4chin plus tripfag user has an alienware
>and uses windows
>and spams his worthless opinions
Do you just wake up every day thinking up new ways to be a meme?
Yes, Why?
Nice distro
768 is already not a lot of vertical space
It's really funny because I've used operating systems out the ass which is why I know it's all the same shit.
Pic related to thread, doubt anyone posted this OS yet
Antergos reporting in.
Brought comrade Ubuntu Server with me.
that wallpaper and os looks comfy. I think i'll try it out.
Gobo in the motherfucking house!
I like the cow and colorful text
But not the BSD.
That panel looks like it is from 2007.
>red hat standing by
It's not a cow, it's a gnu.
Literally why
It's a very comfortable resolution.
Maximum power level passing through.
debian stretch reporting
Debian. One of the few sane distros.
>SJWs will ruin Debian in your lifetime
How to make Gnome look presentable and not take up precious screen real estate with its designed-for-retarded-children padding?
>i7-3770K @ 3.9 GHz
Knows whats up.
i would literally suck your cock rn
Deepin linux w/ XFCE passing through.
I would have used the DDE, but i need a lightweight DE when virtualizing.
I also use korora
Enjoying your placebo, audiophool?
>somehow audiophile
What are you talking about?
Also somehow there is no terminal in the screenshot, let me fix that
SJWs will probably ruin everything in my lifetime.
Still, atm Debian is the way to go.
Noto Color Emoji as terminal font
>deepin is pleasant to eye, pleasant to ears
There's also that WebM of audiophile man listening to a pair of headphones comically with a filename that says "any os except deepin"
Gentoo masterrace reporting in
Oh well, that explains everything.
I don't actually use deepin for audio stuff, i installed it because it's retarded-tier simple to install and use, so it works.
the only bad thing that i can come up with is boot-up times. should have fell for the solus meme instead.
almost-archfag coming through
And that's actually a good thing
step it up senpai
is this shit not banned anymore?
The best distro
Why do you use KDE it looks like shit and eats RAM
Elementary OS reporting.
On the go this weekend!
Windows master race
Ubuntu desu.
Mint here, I have no screenshot tho because >phoneposter
KDE neon, FreeBSD and Windows Server 2016 reporting in
I REALLY like Mint but every time I use it after a small while like a week after having a compiled kernel and having a very comfy setup sometime after the Display manager it just is a black screen, then I have to exit to terminal and startx and then it is broken and really ugly, I really love Mint though, Mint XFCE is best
xubuntu here