I'm a fully grown man but I've never had a smart phone. I don't really want to waste much money on one. What do you guys think of this deal? Also from Hong Kong how much bloat is there likely to be on this thing?
First smart phone
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Get the Xperia XZ
Fuck, scratch that.
I'm typing from a 5X.
Nice cameras
Nice battery life
Fast fingerprint scan
Up to date
Fast and no lag
Yellow screen (warm)
Speaker is OK. Jack has weak amp
Dust magnet
Risk of dying any time due to boot loop
Dont fall for teh Android botnet meme
>yellow screen
can't you somehow regulate it in software?
Not by default
Also mine came with a cracking sound in the back cover above the charging port when pressed.
>not owning a redmeme note pro 3
he said "smart" phone
fuck off with your shitty "every app in a sandbox" fisher price toy
Iphone is best you can get and without android which is dookie
Not OP but I came to this thread because I've been looking at getting a 5x for when my 5 died. Recently its been spamming random inputs on the left side of the screen and I cant use most of the keys on the left side of the keyboard. It's also getting stuck in boot loops. not because of any software issue, but the power button has worn out and gets stuck often. because its attached to the logicboard theres no easy way to replace it.
Will the 5x have the button issue too? If so, do you know if its at least attached by a ribbon cable? I don't mean to be one of those guys who begs for tech support, but I cant find a clear answer online. Its the only thing holding me back from buying the 5x right now.
Dunno man but I never saw someone complaining about 5X power button issues.
Just a few about bootloop after Nougat update.
(Fifth Post Best Post)
Great. Planned obsolescence. I'm guessing rooting wont do anything for it either. Makes me wonder if my case is just a software issue aswell... Thanks for the info, Might hold onto my dosh and see if I can still resolve my issues. I was hoping I'd never have to get rid of my Nexus 5. But these things don't last forever I suppose
Redmi 3S
Only 120 Eurodollars. Can't wrong with it.
Cool thanks mate. Based on your experience would you purchase again or go something different?
I bought one for my mum.
It's working perfectly fine and smooth
Go get it, tiger!
Yep I would.
I bet it's even cheaper on your country so go for it.
One last thing, it's even better live than the pictures shows.
>Go get it, tiger!
yeah iphones are shit dude he should get the xingxongchingchong senpai 5 instead
>Risk of dying any time due to boot loop
yeah my phone is great except for the fact that there's a chance it will just stop working for no reason
5x has terrible battery life. Ive had mine for 9ish months and it used to be good but it's just tanked, barely get 2-3 hours sot now.
I stream music on my commute and I have to charge midday. On nights out If the phones not at 100% before I leave the house there is the genuine fear it'll die before I get home.
I live in Australia, the world's most expensive tech market
Go for the Elephone S7
If you are looking for flagships, try the Axon 7/Mate 9
moto x pure is a solid phone
get an iphone se dude some lists on ebay are selling them for 280 bucks
Who here has the Nexus 6P? How's your battery life? For me, it's great when it's on standby/idle, but once I start using it the battery drains right before my eyes. Many times it drains by 2%. Is this normal or is it a bug on Android 7.1.1?
So do I but you haven't been to Argentina or Brazil son. Next level taxes. I'd say LG G4 as another option, now that LG have conceded the bootloop problem is a widespread issue and will cover it under warranty. Make sure you buy it alfrom an authorised local seller or they'll jew you on the warranty.
Pros of the G4 over the 5X: removable battery, micro SD slot and arguably better camera.
Negatives of the G4: No bootloader unlock unless European model, high probability of bootloop (mine is 15 months old and no issue though)
Pros of the 5X: Easy bootloader unlock and root, finger print reader
Negatives of the 5X: non removable battery, screen yellowing, no micro sd support
Sounds like you have tonnes or crap apps, my nexus 5x lasts 2 whole days
Are iPhones really that good or is it just shills and memes?
I'd like to suggest the Motorola G4 Play. It's one of the best valued unlocked smartphones.
Amazon link: a.co
Gon oneplus, i had the flagship iPhone for 3y (4s when Steve was Alive and ios was not flat design) and the Nexus 6 for 2y.
I had a wonderful experience with iOS, but i'm going back to that closed environment, but Jesus fucking christ Google really disappointed me. This piece of shit is the worst fucking phone i've ever used, i miss my fucking N70
It broke after a year (bootloop), it suddendly restarts/turn off, under 50% of battery the system shuts down 2 Cores and the phone become barely usable, the lag is astonishing
Also the screen is impressed and i can see that it is brighter where there are the onscreen Button
I hate this thing more than everything i hated in my life, and i'm going to buy oneplus 4 as soon as it gets out
Google no more
NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
Same as you, great on standby but absolutely atrocious screen on time, my fault for buying a 1440p alumemeium phone.
I miss my nexus 5, literally the greatest phone ever created, but I fucked something up the LG G3 battery mod and the phone shuts down incessantly below 50% battery.
>no micro SD card slot
>I live in Australia, the world's most expensive tech market
When Brazil exists.