45°C for a sandisk ssd, too hot ?


Ask them

muh electrons are moving too fast


Definitely, not even my 2011 Seagate HDD has got to that temperature

But don't SSD can handle that temperature?
Also RTFM OP, god damn it

The fact is, on their website they say the op temp is between 0 and 70°C, but on a lot of forums they say its less..

>he fell for the ssd meme

Atleast you have a temperature sensor

my Intel SSD doesn't even show what degrees it's running at

Burn baby burn!
I'm pretty sure it has to be below 50 like HDDs desu

As a materials PhD I can say you are safe. You should check your ambient temperature control though (your rig through flow).

>tfw my phenom 965 has been cruising at 80C for years
I don't know how to kill this thing.

As a rule of thumb for storage media, 50ºC is always the threshold.

Some HDD's specify up to 60C although I get nervous as fuck every time one of mine goes over 50C. Be sure to check with the manufacturer.

Yes, you know more than SanDisk.

Do you have M2 or just a shitty Intel SSD? All the SATA based ones I've gotten all have temp or smart

The Samsung 950 pro gets above 100° C before it even starts throttling so I'm sure the nand and pcb itself is fine
Basically you just have to trust Samsung to make electronics that don't get too hot or explode

Fans cost below 10 dollars buy some more desu

Get summa these lil cuties

I have a 512 GB m.2 SanDisk SSD.
I just touched it, I can feel no heat at all.

>he fell for the ssd meme




troll level
