Yeah i hate weebshit on a technology board too
He was pointing out all those generals, low IQ moron.
> not filtering every single one of these
> except dpt
Please consider banning:
/bst/ - these are irrelevant to the board and can be posted at reddit
/pcbg/ - These ones can be posted in /sqt/
/spg/ - these ones can be posted in /csg/
>banned from all boards
a bit excessive tb.h
People who promote generals live and breath weebshit. Every fucking crybaby complaining about their shitty desktop thread finally getting axed can't seem to make a single post about it without lolis or screenshots of mpv playing anime.
I'm thinking it's a sign.
/bst/ has to get purged and sent to /ptg/ needs to go to
we need a generals board.
Also watches are not technology.
Thinkpad General
Private Tracker General
Chinkshit General
Battlestation Thread
PC Building General
no he deserved it
If were going to ban the generals it has to be all or none
ban them all, eh?
Let's just build a wall
We just need a /gg/ that is slow as fuck and we're done
Capital idea, old bean
>Sup Forums and /jp/ are my homeboards
>Sup Forums
>39 hidden threads
>34 hidden threads
One day my filter will hide the entire catalog.
give up, mods don't give a shit about generals
You fell for the 16GiB of RAM meme, didn't you? It's okay, you can let it all out, let the memes flow through your succulent butthole.
you're entirely right. the mods care more about banning >tfw you fell for the 16GiB of RAM meme posts than the actual quality of threads on Sup Forums
>board full of sub-reddits
it's over Sup Forums is literally pleddit 2.0
Optimize your images.
>tfw fell for the fell for the 16 GiB of RAM meme meme
Optimize your brain, retard.
I stopped going to Sup Forums two years ago and /jp/ a year ago.
I only have Sup Forums left but it's so bad.
why the hell would I do that?
>generals are suddenly bad because Sup Forums has been more fussy than usual
The only acceptable one is /sqt/ so that we avoid getting flooded by retarded questions, rest can go.
>generals aren't bad
Hence why I filter anything containing "general."
>spg belongs in csg
I do think that bst belongs in trash though.
>2.11 MB
>this assblasted weebnigger
Check this out
Why not
Generals are cancer in my honest opinion family.
Actually killing Sup Forums.
>this assflustered reddit queer
nice try.
go be a failure somewhere else.
>hai guise check this out XDDDD
heh check this optimization feature out
Sup Forums - Generals